Whether you need official property information to support permit applications or for buying and selling properties - below are links to some of our most common requests:
Whether you need official property information to support permit applications or for buying and selling properties - below are links to some of our most common requests:
View what types of building plans you can request a copy of and find out how to do it.
Find out how to request the types of Regulation 51 statements for buying, selling or preparing a building permit.
You may request a certificate of ownership for multiple needs. You may also use this link to find out who owns your neighbouring property for fencing purposes.
Get written advice about whether or not your proposed building, works or land use needs a permit.
Can't find what you're looking for?
Friends of Manningham Dogs and Cats (FOMDAC) invite you to an introduction to dog socialisation at the FOMDAC clubhouse at Aranga Reserve.
This is a free event but registration is recommended.
We will be hosting a free ‘E-waste Drop Off Day’ where residents can responsibly dispose of a range of materials that cannot be placed into household bins. All items collected on the day will be recycled.
Registrations are essential and can be made via Eventbrite.
When you register, select the time slot you wish to drop off your waste and we’ll take care of the rest.
Only the following items will be accepted:
We do not accept:
We reserve the right to reject any unsuitable items.
Complete the registration by selecting a suitable time slot below to attend and drop off your unwanted items - we'll take care of the rest.
Registrations are only open to Manningham residents and are essential to avoid lengthy delays.
Please note: location will be provided upon registration.
Active Manningham will be running a free Intro to Strength class.
This class offers beginners an overview of strength training basics, equipment usage, and the benefits of this style of training. It emphasizes safe and effective techniques, making it ideal for those new to strength training.
Due to limited spaces registration is essential.
Send your kids along to our school holiday drama workshop with professional actor and artist Sorab.
The workshop is for younger children aged between 8 to 12 years. They will be introduced to the principles of performing and self-expression through fun theatre games and activities.
Workshops take place in our beautiful Doncaster Playhouse.
Bookings are essential as spaces are very limited.
Don't miss this opportunity to catch Sarob before he heads off on tour!
About Sorab:
Born and raised in Melbourne, Sorab Kaikobad has been acting and creating since he was a child.
As a graduate of 16th Street Actors Studio, Sorab had the good fortune of working with various master teachers including Elizabeth Kemp and Chris Edmund. He has also worked under some of Australia’s finest directors, such as Jason Raftopolous, Iain Sinclair and Paul Currie.
Does your dog:
If you said yes to any of the above, your dog may be feeling distressed about being left alone.
Join certified separation anxiety trainer David, as he talks through the basics of alone time training, debunks some common myths, and shares some guidance on when to talk to your vet.
Come and join this free and useful session to learn how to navigate common online forms on your phone.
We cover common Council forms, how to update your Medicare details and Centrelink forms.
Hosted by Living and Learning at Ajani.
Do you need support to help your baby learn to sleep? Come along to one of our free information sessions.
Through the Maternal and Child Health Sleep and Settling initiative, we are providing support for parents experiencing sleep and settling concerns with their young children.
During this online session, consultants will teach you an evidence-informed sleep and settling model of care.
Topics covered will include:
There will be time at the end of the session for you to ask questions about your specific situation.
In addition to the sessions, we are proud to provide an outreach service for interested parents. Speak to our Sleep and Settling Specialist at the end of the session for more information.
This session is designed specifically for parents of older babies aged between 6 and 8 months.
Sessions are also available for newborn babies and toddlers.
Please note: these sessions are only open to Manningham registered clients.
Working in partnership with the Victorian Government, this program is part of the 'More help for new Victorian mum and dads’ initiative.
Do you need support to help your toddler learn to sleep? Come along to one of our free information sessions.
Through the Maternal and Child Health Sleep and Settling initiative, we are providing support for parents experiencing sleep and settling concerns with their young children.
During this online session, consultants will teach you an evidence-informed sleep and settling model of care.
Topics covered will include:
There will be time at the end of the session for you to ask questions about your specific situation.
In addition to the sessions, we are proud to provide an outreach service for interested parents. Speak to our Sleep and Settling Specialist at the end of the session for more information.
This session is designed specifically for parents of toddlers aged between 18 and 24 months.
Sessions are also available for newborns and older babies.
Working in partnership with the Victorian Government, this program is part of the 'More help for new Victorian mum and dads’ initiative.
Visit us at MY Hub on level one MC Square to relax, game, socialise, or study in a safe space for young people in Manningham.
Manningham Youth Services (delivered by EACH) are on-site to provide support!
Support includes
Come down and check out our new youth hub and meet our team ready to support young people and their families!
Manningham Matters - our community magazine featuring a mix of council and community information and news.
We distribute Manningham Matters as a printed magazine to all households and businesses in Manningham throughout the year. We also produce a monthly eNewsletter, featuring the most up-to-date news and information available.
We’ve added some new features and changes to Manningham Matters this year, thanks to your feedback and suggestions.
Read the latest issue of Manningham eNews and subscribe to receive future issues delivered straight to your inbox, using the form below.
Get in touch with us and share your club or community groups story for our eNews or Manningham Matters.
Manningham Council is committed to meeting its obligations under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.
We are collecting your personal information for the purpose of providing Council and community updates and information via our eNews.
We will not disclose your personal information to any other external third-party without your consent, unless required or authorised by law.
You may request access to information you have provided to Council at any time and request corrections if you believe that information is incorrect.
For more information, you can access our privacy policy.
Our introduction to wheelwork class is a hands on experience where you'll learn the art of making on the pottery wheel.
Our experienced teacher Tracey will guide you through the process of learning the basic skills to begin throwing on the wheel to create pottery.
Your pieces will then be trimmed, fired, glazed, and will be ready to collect a few weeks after the workshop. We offer a safe and fun environment where you can let your creativity blossom.
When: Tuesday 15 April, 2025
Time: 6.00pm to 8.30pm
Do you need support to help your newborn baby learn to sleep? Come along to one of our free information sessions.
Through the Maternal and Child Health Sleep and Settling initiative, we are providing support for parents experiencing sleep and settling concerns with their young children.
During this online session, consultants will teach you an evidence-informed sleep and settling model of care.
Topics covered will include:
There will be time at the end of the session for you to ask questions about your specific situation.
In addition to the sessions, we are proud to provide an outreach service for interested parents. Speak to our Sleep and Settling Specialist at the end of the session for more information.
This session is designed specifically for Manningham parents of newborn babies aged between birth and 3 months.
Sessions are also available for older babies and toddlers.
Working in partnership with the Victorian Government, this program is part of the 'More help for new Victorian mum and dads’ initiative.
Join us for an engaging seminar where we'll delve into the fascinating world of fungi with expert Dr. Alison Pouliot.
The earth’s rapidly changing climate and environmental issues have come into sharp focus through the demise of charismatic megafauna and the ‘biodiversity crisis’. But what about stinkhorns and slime moulds? How do fungi and their kin get our attention when they are not only overshadowed by more ‘popular’ organisms, but are rarely included in our ideas about ‘nature’ or ‘biodiversity’?
The good news is it seems we’re in something of a ‘fungal awakening’ and mushrooms are finally having their moment. Over the last 25 years Alison has divided her time between hemispheres, working both with fungi and their followers. She has been actively involved in fungal conservation and land restoration programs.
In this talk Alison will explore how fungi are perceived across hemispheres in conservation contexts and which fungal flagships best capture the public imagination. She will also share some stories from the writing of her recent book, Underground Lovers – Encounters with Fungi in which she interacted with fungi and their followers across a dozen countries.
There will be an opportunity at the end for participants to show their specimens or purchase books.
Booking essential: Limited to 50 people.
About the Presenter
Alison Pouliot, BA (Philosophy), BSc Hons (Zoology), PhD (Ecology/Mycology).
Alison is an ecologist, environmental photographer and author and has presented over 800 environmental seminars, forays and workshops in Australia and internationally.
Seminar field trip
Attending this event will enable you to attend the Seminar field trip: Meeting with mushrooms.
This exciting field trip introduces participants to the diversity, ecology and curiosities of the Kingdom Fungi, specific to fungi found in the region and its various habitat types.
Participants will learn some of the basic skills used to identify fungi in the field using multiple senses. The relationships between fungi and various plant species and different habitat types will be discussed. Every fungus has intriguing natural and cultural histories and stories, and these will be shared along the way.
Interested participants will be sent a registration link.
Manningham Council’s Gambling Policy is due for an update with the latest evidence, data and community input. We are inviting community members to participate in one of two workshops to discuss gambling harm in Manningham.
During these workshops, we want to hear about your understanding of gambling harm in the community and where you think Council should prioritise its response. Your feedback will help us to develop evidence-based strategies to address gambling harm in Manningham.
Topics covered will include:
We are interested in hearing from people who have been impacted by gambling harm, either directly or indirectly.
For more information, please visit Manningham Gambling Policy on Your Say.
Please note: this session will be held online. A Zoom link will be sent to you prior to the session.
As part of the Inspired Living Series, Hannah Maloney and Adam Grubb will discuss permaculture and waterwise gardens at the Manningham Function Centre.
Hannah Moloney
Hannah Moloney is best known for her work in permaculture and as a presenter on ABC’s Gardening Australia. Her first book The Good Life: How To Grow A Better World explores ways to counter the climate emergency individually and collectively. Hannah will discuss founding Good Life Permaculture in Tasmania, Home Harvest an annual edible garden tour and why she is known as the 'compost queen'.
Adam Grubb
Adam Grubb runs Very Edible Gardens, who have been designing and creating edible home and community gardens in Melbourne for the last 15 years. He's also co-authored several books, including The Art of Frugal Hedonism and The Weed Forager's Handbook. He got into edible gardening (and co-founded the Permablitz movement of volunteer backyard makeovers) in the mid 2000's in the heart of the millenium drought. Adam will take some lessons learnt then and since to share ways that we can create lush and productive oases with a minimum of water use including wicking beds, passive water capture with micro earthworks, tanks, greywater and more.
The Inspired Living Series - keynote speaker events showcases five insightful, not-to-be-missed evenings at the iconic Manningham Function Centre.
The series will introduce you to a diverse line-up of local and international keynote speakers offering unique insights on how we can all shift to a greener future.
Topics range from permaculture to sustainable fashion. Each speaker will inspire and motivate simple, positive lifestyle choices, connection to nature and growing a thriving community in the midst dynamic change.
Bridget Hillebrand's site-specific work River draws on innovative techniques using handmade washi paper, relief printing and audio.
The works are informed by the changing ecology of the Birrarung (Yarra River), which winds its way through Manningham to Port Phillip Bay.
River (detail). Linocut on washi paper. Image courtesy of the Artist.
Learn how to identify our local eucalypt trees and find out how understanding where they grow can help you to read the landscape.
If all the trees and bush look a bit the same to you, this short walk and talk could change the way you see the world!
Join experienced local naturalist and ecologist Alan Noy to guide you through the process.
The Fire Danger Period is now in effect for Manningham
Before lighting a fire outdoors, understand your responsibilities. The CFA has more information about what you can and can't do during the Fire Danger Period.
We support and encourage the community to prepare for emergencies.
In a life threatening emergency, call 000.
For current emergency information and warnings, and to download the app, visit VicEmergency.
We have included a range of emergency planning tools to help you get started or refresh your plans.
Below are some resources and services to help you prepare for bushfires - especially if you live in a bushfire prone area - and links to keep you updated during an emergency.
Below are some resources to help you prepare for floods and storms - especially if you live in a flood prone area - and also links to report flooded drains or get updates during an emergency.
Below are some resources to help you prevent building fires.
View discussions from the community relating to preparing for an emergency including frequently raised questions.
Shared community statements are not endorsed actions to take in an emergency but serve to help you evaluate your current plan. See what your community had to say.
The Men’s Table creates a unique environment for men to share openly about their lives with other men.
The Entree event is an introduction to The Men’s Table through open sharing over a relaxed and conversational meal.
It is a chance to meet other men, learn about how a Table works and help you decide whether you'd like to part of this local Men’s Table group.
The event will be hosted by two long standing members of other Men's Tables. They will share experiences from their Tables and respond to your questions, concerns and ideas.
The cost of the event includes a meal and a drink.
This event is proudly supported by Manningham's Community Grants Program.
There's never been a better time to get connected and be part of building community. It's healthy to show emotions and share feelings, and it is time we freed men from outdated masculine norms.
The Men’s Table creates a sense of belonging, community, peer support and camaraderie. These things are often lacking for many men, even for those who already have a group of mates.
Belonging to a Men’s Table contributes to mental, emotional and social wellbeing. It provides powerful support to individual member’s journeys through life.