Register your food business

Starting a food business?

Visit the Department of Health website for information on starting a food business.


In Victoria, you need to register these activities with your local council:

  • any home or commercial business selling food or drink
  • any place where food is prepared, sold, or provided as part of a service.

We check that your business meets the Food Act 1984 and Food Safety Standards so the food you sell is safe to eat.


What is a food business?

Any home or commercial business that includes these services is considered a food business:

  • cafes
  • restaurants
  • home business kitchens
  • mobile food vehicles
  • catering
  • food stalls
  • grocers
  • supermarkets
  • child care centres
  • aged care facilities
  • any businesses that offers or distributes food for sale


What risk rating is my business activity?

Your food safety risk is set by your food handling activities at the premises.

Classes 1, 2, 3 and 3A must register, Class 4 must notify your local council.

For more information on your risk rating visit the Department of Health website.


How much does it cost?

View full list of fees


Food Safety Requirements for Food Businesses

In December 2023 new requirements were introduced for Class 2 food
service and retail businesses that aim to improve food safety.

  • Food safety requirement for business - English
    Food safety requirement for business - English
    1.22 MB
  • Food safety requirement for business - Chinese
    Food safety requirement for business - Chinese
    1.31 MB
  • Food safety requirement for business - Persian
    Food safety requirement for business - Persian
    1.28 MB
  • Food safety requirement for business - Dari
    Food safety requirement for business - Dari
    1.27 MB
  • Food safety requirement for business - Vietnamese
    Food safety requirement for business - Vietnamese
    1.23 MB
  • Food safety requirement for business - Punjabi
    Food safety requirement for business - Punjabi
    1.22 MB
  • Food safety requirement for business - Khmer
    Food safety requirement for business - Khmer
    1.26 MB
  • Food safety requirement for business - Hindi
    Food safety requirement for business - Hindi
    1.83 MB

How to register - Class 1, 2, 3 and 3A

  1. Discuss your ideas with our Statutory Planning team

    If you are starting a food business, discuss your ideas with our Statutory planning team who can help you with the requirements outlined in the Manningham Planning Scheme.

  2. Download fact sheets

    Commercial food business information:

    Commercial Food Business Fact Sheet
    Commercial Food Business Fact Sheet
    299.42 KB

    Home based food business information:

    Home Based Food Business Fact Sheet
    Home Based Food Business Fact Sheet
    631.09 KB
  3. Complete the supporting documentation

    Download and complete the supporting documentation to upload with your online application. 

    Supporting documentation for registering a food premise
    Supporting documentation for registering a food premise
    245.17 KB
    Planning needs for home based businesses
    Planning needs for home based businesses
    111.99 KB
  4. Apply now

    Select 'Apply now' to start the pre-approval process.

    Apply now

How to notify - Class 4

  1. Complete the notification form

    If you are a Class 4 business retailing pre-packaged, low-risk foods, or occasional low-risk activities, complete this form.

    Notification form for Class 4 food premises
    Notification form for Class 4 food premises
    281.13 KB
  2. Submit completed form

    Send your completed form to

What happens next?

  1. We contact you and send you an invoice.

  2. You will need a Food Safety Supervisor Training certificate if you are a Class 1 or 2.

  3. We will visit your business to make sure it meets the requirements.

  4. We will offer ongoing advice and education.
    If you change your business activity, contact us as this may change your risk rating.

How to Register - Temporary and Mobile Food Premises

  1. FoodTrader

    Create an account and register on FoodTrader to operate at festivals, events, and mobile food premises.

    Once you lodge your registration application online, your principal council will contact you directly regarding any requirements and fees.

    Mobile food business set-up requirements
    Mobile food business set-up requirements
    220.35 KB
    Temporary food premises set-up requirements
    Temporary food premises set-up requirements
    1.05 MB
  2. Statement of Trade

    When your registration has been approved, you will need to lodge a Statement of Trade (SOT) to notify the Council area where the event or festival is held.

  3. FoodTrader User Guide

    Visit the FoodTrader User Guide for more information on how to use FoodTrader.

Purchasing an existing business?

  1. Book a pre-sale inspection

    Before you buy a food business, we recommend you request a pre-sale inspection to check that it meets standards and regulations.  You can use this to negotiate outstanding items before settlement.

    You will still need to register before you take over and operate the food business. 

    Request a food pre-sale inspection form
    Request a food pre-sale inspection form
    234.36 KB
  2. Apply now

    Select 'Apply now' to start the pre-approval process.

    Apply now

How to cancel your registration?

  1. Email your request to

  2. You will need to include the following details:

    • the proprietor's name
    • the proprietor's address
    • date of closure.
  3. If you can get a partial refund, submit the refund request form with your closure advice email. 

    Business Registration - Refund Request
    Business Registration - Refund Request
    244.94 KB

​​​​​​Can you get a refund?

You can get a refund if you request to cancel your registration.

The amount refunded depends on your closure date.

  • before 1 April - we refund 50 per cent of the paid registration fee
  • before 1 July - we refund 25 per cent of the paid registration fee
  • after 1 July - no refund given.