Assisted transport for older adults

Manningham Community Transport Service

Manningham Community Transport Service is now operated by EV Community Transport.  

To contact EV Community Transport, phone 9870 7822 (press 3 for Manningham clients) or email

  • Make bookings or changes for regular Manningham trips.
  • Find out about individual supported transport services such as medical, health or social appointments. 
  • Find out about group outings.

For more information please visit the EVCT website

EV Community Bus Schedule
EV Community Bus Schedule
237.59 KB

Eligibility and cost

People aged over 65 years (over 50 years for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people)

To be eligible, you will need to be:

  • a resident of Manningham
  • over 65 years of age
  • be assessed as transport disadvantaged
  • independent with mobility (we can transport some mobility aids and wheelchairs)

How much does it cost?

The cost per round trip for eligible residents is currently $6.70 (for existing regular trips in Manningham). Costs for other services will be provided upon booking.


Need help?

Call us on 9840 9230 or Contact us in a way that you prefer.