Encouraging inclusive employment

Employment outcomes for people with disabilities is a priority for all levels of Government. Victorian councils have a key role to play and a significant opportunity to ensure their workforce and community reflects and represents people with a disability. Within Manningham, several key Council strategies — including our Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2021-2025 and Economic Development Strategy 2011-2030 — we aim to address economic participation and create an inclusive community.


Inclusive employment for employers

There are many recognised benefits to employing a person with a disability. Employees with a disability are likely to bring new skills and valuable perspectives to a business. Employees with disability can help businesses understand what their customers with disability need, and this makes them more competitive.


Recruiting a person with a disability

It is important to be aware of making assumptions about a person’s ability to perform a job on the basis of diagnosis or disability – whether it is visible or hidden.

Some employers have little experience in employing people with a disability and are concerned they might ask the wrong questions. An employer can reasonably ask questions about the impact of a person’s disability if it relates to how the person would perform the ‘inherent requirements’ of the job and to work out if workplace adjustments or support might be needed. To identify the inherent requirements of the job, focus on the end result of the work you need done rather than how you usually do it.

Employing people with a disability should not cost any more than employing people without disability. Employers may be eligible for funding to cover the costs of workplace adjustments or other financial assistance. Employers may also be able to access on the job training and support to assist employees with a disability learn the job and/or maintain their job.


Inclusive employment for employees

Having a job is one of the most significant roles in most people's lives. It provides economic security, self-esteem, friends, and ongoing learning and development.

Inclusive employment means working in a typical and socially-valued job alongside other people in the community. It means fair pay for your work. It also means getting the support you need, reasonable adjustments in the workplace and equipment to help you do your work. Jobs come in many different shapes and sizes. The important thing is to find the right match between you and the job, including your interests and strengths, and your plans for the future.

The video below is designed to educate, inform and inspire people with a disability, their families, service providers and the broader community that people with disabilities can lead socially inclusive, meaningful lifestyles as valued contributors to their local communities.

This digital story is a Manningham City Council Metro Access Program Project supported by the Victorian State Government produced by Belonging Matters.