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Manningham Demographics

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census data from 2021 is now available for use by our community, local service providers, community groups and anyone else interested in effectively planning for the future.

For a snapshot of the latest statistics and demographic population data, use the .id toolkit, including:

  • Community Profile: Population facts and characteristics with comparisons over time and with other areas.
  • Population Forecast: Outlines the factors driving population change in the community and how the population, age structure and household types will change each year.
  • Social Atlas: Maps that show how particular population groups are distributed across the municipality.

The Manningham Community Profile provides demographic analysis for Manningham and its suburbs based on results from the 2021, 2016, 2011, 2006, 2001, 1996  and 1991 Censuses of Population and Housing.

The Manningham population and household forecasts highlight the factors driving population change in the community and how the population, age structure, and household types will change each year between 2021 and 2036. 

These forecasts were updated in December 2022 by .id, the population experts, on behalf of Manningham Council. 


State of the City Report

We have prepared a State of the City Report document that provides an overview of key data about the Manningham community. 

This information can be used by community clubs, groups and individuals to support grant applications. It can also be used when designing programs and services, advocacy activities or developing strategies and policies for the Manningham community.

Manningham State of the City Report - February 2025
Manningham State of the City Report - February 2025
3.48 MB


Demographic information for Manningham

  • The 2021 Estimated Resident Population of Manningham is 125,827, an increase of 3,257 from 2016 (122,902).
  • Like much of Melbourne, the Manningham population is ageing, with 28.5 per cent of Manningham residents aged 60 and over.
  • The median age of Manningham residents is 43 years old
  • 46.3 per cent of our community speak a language other than English at home.
  • Manningham has a total land area of 114 square kilometres, including substantial green open spaces.
  • The municipality is mostly defined by natural boundaries: the Yarra to the north and west, Koonung Creek to the south.
  • The Mullum Mullum Creek divides Manningham into two distinct areas with the land to the west being urban in character and primarily rural/residential land to the east.
  • Our transport network includes 27 local bus routes, and more than 1700 kilometres of roads, paths, bike lanes and walking lanes maintained by Council.
  • Manningham has one of the largest networks of open space in metropolitan Melbourne. It covers approximately 17 per cent of the municipality, and includes more than 300 parks, gardens and reserves.
  • We are home to 22 per cent of Victoria's known plants, including 11 species of State significance and four species of National significance.
  • We provide a sanctuary to 56 threatened animal species.