Build sustainable properties

We are committed to recognising, valuing and protecting the natural environment and ecological processes that life depends on. We support and encourage using Environmentally Sustainable Development (ESD) principles for land use planning and development, design and construction.  

The benefits of Environmentally Sustainable Development (ESD)

We encourage you to consider ESD principles in the early stages of your development proposal.

Benefits of ESD include:

  • easier compliance with building requirements
  • a reduced need for heating, cooling and lighting 
  • reduced costs over the lifespan of the building 
  • reduced running costs, improving long-term affordability 
  • improved amenity and liveability 
  • more environmentally sustainable urban areas 
  • integrated water management 
  • improved urban ecosystem health 
  • improved energy performance of buildings.


When do the ESD principles apply? 

The Manningham Planning Scheme requires medium and large scale developments to meet specific ESD objectives and standards.


What are the ESD application requirements?

Clause 22.12 - Environmentally Sustainable Development defines the requirements for medium and large residential and non-residential developments.  

The following tables also outline the ESD application requirements.

The fact sheets and links below provide further information about the application requirements.

Accommodation - mixed-use with a residential component

Type of development Application requirements Example tools 
  • Three to nine dwellings 
  • Development of a building for accommodation other than dwellings with a gross floor area of 500m2 to 1000m2 
  • Alterations and additions creating 500m2 or more of additional gross floor area (excluding outbuildings)
Sustainable Design Assessment (SDA) 



  • 10 or more dwellings
  • Development of a building for accommodation other than dwellings with a gross floor area of more than 1000m2 

Sustainability Management Plan (SMP) 

Green Travel Plan (GTP) 


Green Star 




Non-residential buildings 

Type of development Application requirements Example tools 
  • Development of a non-residential building with a gross floor area of 500m2 to 1000m2
  • Alterations and additions of 500m2 to 1000m2.  
Sustainable Design Assessment (SDA)





  • Development of a non-residential building with a gross floor area of more than 1000m2 
  • Alterations and additions of more than 1000m2

Sustainability Management Plan (SMP) 

Green Travel Plan (GTP) 

Green Star 





If you don't know which category your development fits into, please refer to the following resources:

If you are still unsure, please contact us.

Sustainable Design Assessment in the Planning Process (SDAPP) 

Planning permit applications for medium or large developments, as defined in Clause 22.12 - Environmentally Sustainable Development, must include information on how the proposal meets the ESD objectives.

You will need to consider each of the 10 Key Sustainable Building Categories when preparing your application. More information about these categories can be found below.

Depending on the scale of your project, you may need to engage an ESD consultant or qualified sustainability professional. They can help you meet the ESD requirements and prepare the necessary documentation.

Sustainable Design Assessment fact sheets

We have a series of fact sheets to assist you in meeting the requirements of Clause 15.01-2L Environmentally sustainable development – Manningham. The fact sheets cover each of the Key Sustainable Building Categories.

They provide an outline of:

  • the category
  • why it’s important
  • strategies to improve the performance of a building (including best practice standards)
  • Council requirements.

Key Sustainable Building Categories 


Building fabric, energy efficiency and renewable energy.


Carbon emissions associated with materials and construction processes through the lifecycle of a building.


Buildings design that makes sustainable and active transport easy.


Water efficiency, rainwater harvesting and water sensitive urban design.


Vegetation and landscaping for human health and biodiversity.


Healthy and comfortable indoor spaces for people.


Rethinking 'waste' in design, construction and building operation.


Creative and new solutions for a better built environment.


Best practice standards for all categories in one place.

Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) tools 

The ESD tools fact sheet explains what ESD tools are, why you should use them and which tool to use for SDAPP. 

SDAPP - Environmentally sustainable design tools
SDAPP - Environmentally sustainable design tools
671.99 KB

The following list provides links to the ESD tools described in the fact sheet above.

  • BESS - Built Environment Sustainability Scorecard
  • STORM - Stormwater Treatment Objective - Relative Measure
  • MUSIC - Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation
  • Green Star - Green Building Council of Australia certification
  • NatHERS - Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme
  • NABERS - National Australian Built Environment Rating Scheme


On-site Stormwater Detention guidelines 

The On-site Stormwater Detention (OSD) guidelines help developers and engineering consultants meet the technical requirements for engineering plans.  

All stormwater management features must adhere to these guidelines. This includes:

  • rainwater tanks
  • rain gardens
  • on-site stormwater detention systems.
On-site Stormwater Detention (OSD) guidelines
On-site Stormwater Detention (OSD) guidelines
2.23 MB


Contact us if you need help.