Find childcare services

We recommend families visit a range of childcare services to choose the most suitable one for your child’s needs.

Here are some questions to ask yourself when choosing a childcare service:

  • How many hours of care do you need? (e.g. whole day, mornings, afternoons, few hours a week, occasionally etc.)
  • Do you want your child cared for in a home environment or in a centre?
  • What kind of qualifications and experiences do staff members have?
  • Does the centre offer a Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) funded pre-school program?
  • What learning and play opportunities do you want your child to have?
  • What kind of routine will your child have?
  • Do you want the centre to provide lunch? Can you look at a sample meal plan?
  • Does the centre provide nappies?
  • What is the carer-to-child ratio?

Contact us for more information on childcare in Manningham.


Childcare centres in Manningham

Visit Manningham Maps to find a local Childcare centre near you or check the list below:

Early Years at MC Square

Early Years offers full time care from birth to 5 years of age. We are the only Manningham Council owned early childhood education and care service.

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Bulleen Kids Early Learning Centre60 Manningham Road,
9850 2791
Creative Play Childcare and Early Learning Centre1 Templestowe Road,
9852 3277
Moresby Avenue Child Care and Early Learning Centre6 Moresby Avenue,
9850 7755
Wonderworld Early Learning Centre106 Templestowe Road,
9850 1777
Kids Academy Bulleen 54 Thompsons Road Bulleen70205356
Nido Early School Bulleen 29 Manningham Road Bulleen 90391922
Dandelion Childcare and Early Learning Centre37 Manningham Road Bulleen90857611
Location Address Phone

Aquarena Aquatic Centre Childcare Centre

139 Williamsons Road,

9848 0000

Aurora Early Education 

104 Church Road,

8820 8400

Doncaster Early Learning Child Care Centre

20 Turana Street,

9840 2857

Early Years at MC Square

Basement Level 1,
687 Doncaster Road,

9840 9255

Imagine Childcare

1 Lauer St, Doncaster

1300 001 154

MyKidz Early Learning Centre

97 High Street,

9857 8204

Wonderland Childcare and Kinder

6 High Street,

9857 8123

Creative Play Early Learning Centre Doncaster 522-524 Doncaster Road Doncaster  98482157
Playhouse Early Education and Care  70 Tram Road Doncaster  90184070
Doncaster East
Location Address Phone

Good Start Early Learning Centre

76-78 Andersons Creek Road,
Doncaster East

9842 1544

A.C.E. Child Care Centre

2 Renshaw Street,
Doncaster East

9840 1488

Deep Creek Childcare Centre

510-518 Blackburn Road,
Doncaster East

9842 1666

Doncaster East Day Care and Kindergarten

84 Blackburn Road,
Doncaster East

9842 3900

Kids Academy Doncaster East 

952-954 Doncaster Road,
Doncaster East

9841 8228

Busy Bees at Doncaster East

160 Andersons Creek Road,
Doncaster East

8658 1064

Minikins Kindergarten and Child Care Centre

13 Leeds Street,
Doncaster East

9842 9777

MyKidz East Doncaster 

81 George Street,
Doncaster East

9841 7974

Pines Learning Childcare Centre

520 Blackburn Road,
Doncaster East

9842 6726

Guardian Childcare and Education Doncaster East

100 Deep Creek Drive,
Doncaster East

9846 1168

Bambini Early Learning Centre 1 Fullwood Parade Doncaster East  96993980
Location Address Phone

Donvale Early Learning Centre

11 Mitcham Road,

9841 7066

Nido Early School Donvale 318-320 Springvale Road Donvale 85939434
Lower Templestowe
Location Address Phone

Templestowe World of Learning

247-249 High Street,
Lower Templestowe

9850 9777

Journey Early Learning Childcare Centre

271 Thompsons Road,
Lower Templestowe

9005 4650

Templestowe Kids Early Learning Centre  11-13 Herlihys Road Templestowe Lower 98520710
Templestowe Montessori Academy Childcare Centre 36-38 Parker Street Templestowe Lower 1300000162
Park Orchards

Park Orchards Community House and Learning Centre

572 Park Road,
Park Orchards

9876 4381

The Learning Sanctuary - Park Orchards

239 Warrandyte Road,
Park Orchards

9876 1885

Alpha Omega Early Education1 Hillcroft Drive,
9846 3592
Cuddly Bear Templestowe Early Learning CentreCorner Swilk and Parker Streets,
9846 4011
Grow Early Education Templestowe1 Niland Rise,
Leading Bees Montessori and Early Learning centre14 Aloha Gardens, Templestowe9008 7277 
0434 555516 
Paisley Park Early Learning Centre 239 Foote Street, Templestowe1800 724 753
First Steps Early Learning Journey 58-60 Smiths Road, Templestowe83722012
Location Address Phone

Warrandyte Child Care and Preschool Centre

2 Masonic Avenue,

9844 1205

Wonga Park
Location Address Phone

Wonga Park Community Cottage Child Care Centre

Unit 1, 9-13 Old Yarra Road,
Wonga Park

9722 1944

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