Parking, roads and footpaths

Find permits, services and guides relating to parking, roads and footpaths

Roads and footpaths


  • Manningham Public Roads Register
    Manningham Public Roads Register
    845.41 KB
  • Road Management Plan
    Road Management Plan
    1.48 MB
View of Tree in Westerfolds

Report an issue with a tree on public land

You can report a tree or tree branch that is obstructing the road, footpath or is in danger of falling or causing damage.

House roof in stormy weather

Apply for works, drainage and stormwater connection permit

You will need a Works and Drainage Permit (WDP) to undertake works that impact Manningham’s assets.

close up of a streetsweeper cleaning gutter

Report a blocked or damaged street drain

We are responsible for an extensive network of underground drains that prevent storm-water run-off from impacting property, footpaths and roads.

photo of new drain construction

Drainage projects design and construction

Find out how we're improving drainage and flood mitigation.

Artist's impression of tree lined road with pedestrians walking on footpath

Footpath maintenance and construction

Find out about new path projects in Manningham including footpaths, shared paths and shared trails.

street sweeper sweeping up leaves on road

Street sweeping

We are responsible for maintaining 608km of local roads within Manningham. Find out more about our street sweeping program.

Latest news in Parking, Roads and Footpaths

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