What can and cannot go into your bins

Find out what you can and cannot put into your kerbside bins by selecting the bin below:

Garbage bin (red lid)

Your garbage bin (red lid) is for general household rubbish.

Yes, we collect:

  • Household rubbish
  • Soft plastic packaging
  • Wrapped nappies and animal droppings
  • Polystyrene (bagged as smaller pieces)
  • Crockery, Pyrex, glassware, window glass (wrapped)

No, we don't collect:

  • Garden waste
  • Recyclables, paper or cardboard
  • Syringes or medical waste
  • Chemicals or hazardous waste
  • Motor oil, fluids, paints or solvents
  • Building material, bricks, steel or wood


Recycle bin (yellow lid)

Your recycle bin (yellow lid) is for general household recyclables. Place items loosely in the bin and not in plastic bags.

Yes, we collect:

  • Clean foil trays, empty aluminium, steel and aerosol cans
  • Empty glass bottles and jars
  • Papers, envelopes, junk mail, brochures, magazines and telephone books
  • Empty milk and juice cartons
  • Empty plastic bottles and containers
  • Cardboard boxes

No, we don't collect:

  • Plastic bags
  • Soft plastic packaging
  • Recyclables in plastic bags
  • Garbage
  • Crockery, Pyrex or glassware
  • Polystyrene
  • Oil, chemicals or hazardous waste
  • Garden waste
  • Nappies
  • Building material, bricks, steel or wood
  • Light globes, window glass or mirrors
  • Clothes, linen or shoes


FOGO bin (green lid)

Your FOGO bin (green lid) is for food and garden waste.

Find out exactly what can and cannot go in your FOGO bin by downloading this handy A to Z FOGO guide.

A to Z FOGO guide
A to Z FOGO guide
110.83 KB

Before felling or trimming trees (large branches) check if you need a permit.

Yes, these items can go in your FOGO bin:

  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Meat and bones
  • Eggs and dairy
  • Seafood
  • Loose tea leaves and coffee grounds
  • Tissues, paper towel and shredded paper
  • Bread, pasta, rice and cereal
  • Food scraps and leftovers
  • Compostable bags Must be lime green and labelled AS 4736
  • Plants and weeds
  • Grass clippings
  • Garden pruning, leaves, flowers
  • Small branches (up to 100mm in diameter)

No, these items can’t go in your FOGO bin:

  • Tea bags
  • Plastic and biodegradable bags
  • Gardening items, plastic pots, garden hoses and tools
  • Animal waste including kitty litter
  • Clam and oyster shells
  • Liquids, fats, greases, and oils
  • Soil, rocks or concrete
  • Vacuum dust
  • Plastic, glass and metal
  • Nappies, hygiene products, baby wipes and makeup wipes
  • Treated or painted timber and building materials
  • Food packaging, rubber bands, cling wrap, foil, polystyrene and fruit and vegetable stickers 


Where does the waste go once collected?

icon bin red
Garbage bin (red lid) - your rubbish is taken to the Cleanaway transfer station in Lysterfield.
icon bin yellow
Recycle bin (yellow lid) - your recyclables are taken to the Visy Recycling Plant in Heidelberg.
icon bin green
FOGO bin (green lid) - your garden waste is taken to Bio Gro in Dandenong South for processing.