We are privileged to live surrounded by green open spaces and bushland in Manningham. From walking tracks along the Birrarung (Yarra River) to our many parklands and reserves, natural beauty is all around us. We all have a role to play in ensuring our local wildlife and plants thrive. Together, we can create a nature-positive legacy for future generations.

The Green Wedge
Learn about how we are protecting natural and rural values and what it means for residents living in the Green Wedge area.

Manningham's Backyard Diversity Series
Learn all about Manningham’s unique local wildlife and environment with TV Zoologist Chris Humfrey from Wild Action, ‘The Zoo That Comes to You’.
Through our commitment to environmental action, we’re determined to maintain the liveability of our area and build our resilience to the impacts of global warming.
Action areas
There are several ways you can take action and make a difference, from electrifying your home to planting trees at your local park. We have also been busy with our ongoing programs of sustainability initiatives.
You can learn about what we’re doing and how to be involved.
Join ecologist/zoologist David De Angelis to learn about your local frog species calling in autumn. Find out how to conduct your own monitoring survey using the Melbourne Water Frog Census app.
There will be a special focus on two local species that mainly call in autumn. The Southern Toadlet and Victorian Smooth Froglet both lay their eggs on land before they get inundated weeks later.
The conservation status of the Southern Toadlet was re-assessed from vulnerable in 2013 (DSE 2013) to endangered in 2021 (Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act Threatened List Victoria (DELWP 2021)).
Want tips on how to be your most stylish self in the most sustainable way? Award-winning eco stylist and educator, Nina Gbor of Eco Styles will share her restyling tips.
Learn how to stylishly (re)use the items in your closet to look and feel amazing with any size and on any budget, while reducing your carbon footprint and textile waste.
Nina will also talk about:
- how to find your personal style
- how to find preloved treasures in op shops and online
About Nina Gbor
As the founder of Eco Styles, Nina Gbor is an award-winning sustainability advocate, ethical fashion speaker, climate activist, writer and educator.
Nina has a master’s degree in International Development and is a former sustainable fashion tutor in short courses at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. She coined the phrase ‘get off the fashion trendmill’ which means individuality and self-knowledge should be the premise for consuming clothing, not fashion trends.
Follow Nina on Insta @eco.styles for inspiration on secondhand and sustainable style hacks.
Maroondah City Council is hosting this event in collaboration with Knox City Council, Whitehorse City Council, Yarra Ranges Council, and Manningham Council.
We are committed to recognising, valuing and protecting the natural environment and ecological processes that life depends on. We support and encourage using Environmentally Sustainable Development (ESD) principles for land use planning and development, design and construction.
The benefits of Environmentally Sustainable Development (ESD)
We encourage you to consider ESD principles in the early stages of your development proposal.
Benefits of ESD include:
- easier compliance with building requirements
- a reduced need for heating, cooling and lighting
- reduced costs over the lifespan of the building
- reduced running costs, improving long-term affordability
- improved amenity and liveability
- more environmentally sustainable urban areas
- integrated water management
- improved urban ecosystem health
- improved energy performance of buildings.
When do the ESD principles apply?
The Manningham Planning Scheme requires medium and large scale developments to meet specific ESD objectives and standards.
What are the ESD application requirements?
Clause 22.12 - Environmentally Sustainable Development defines the requirements for medium and large residential and non-residential developments.
The following tables also outline the ESD application requirements.
The fact sheets and links below provide further information about the application requirements.
Accommodation - mixed-use with a residential component
Type of development | Application requirements | Example tools |
| Sustainable Design Assessment (SDA) | |
| Sustainability Management Plan (SMP) Green Travel Plan (GTP) |
Non-residential buildings
Type of development | Application requirements | Example tools |
| Sustainable Design Assessment (SDA) |
| Sustainability Management Plan (SMP) Green Travel Plan (GTP) |
If you don't know which category your development fits into, please refer to the following resources:
If you are still unsure, please contact us.
Sustainable Design Assessment in the Planning Process (SDAPP)
Planning permit applications for medium or large developments, as defined in Clause 22.12 - Environmentally Sustainable Development, must include information on how the proposal meets the ESD objectives.
You will need to consider each of the 10 Key Sustainable Building Categories when preparing your application. More information about these categories can be found below.
Depending on the scale of your project, you may need to engage an ESD consultant or qualified sustainability professional. They can help you meet the ESD requirements and prepare the necessary documentation.
Sustainable Design Assessment fact sheets
We have a series of fact sheets to assist you in meeting the requirements of Clause 15.01-2L Environmentally sustainable development – Manningham. The fact sheets cover each of the Key Sustainable Building Categories.
They provide an outline of:
- the category
- why it’s important
- strategies to improve the performance of a building (including best practice standards)
- Council requirements.
Key Sustainable Building Categories
Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) tools
The ESD tools fact sheet explains what ESD tools are, why you should use them and which tool to use for SDAPP.
The following list provides links to the ESD tools described in the fact sheet above.
- BESS - Built Environment Sustainability Scorecard
- STORM - Stormwater Treatment Objective - Relative Measure
- MUSIC - Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation
- Green Star - Green Building Council of Australia certification
- NatHERS - Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme
- NABERS - National Australian Built Environment Rating Scheme
On-site Stormwater Detention guidelines
The On-site Stormwater Detention (OSD) guidelines help developers and engineering consultants meet the technical requirements for engineering plans.
All stormwater management features must adhere to these guidelines. This includes:
- rainwater tanks
- rain gardens
- on-site stormwater detention systems.
Contact us if you need help.
How can my school get involved?
Schools can sign up for the following programs and events.
Eastern Alliance for Sustainable Learning
Manningham Council is a member of the Eastern Alliance for Sustainable Learning (EASL). EASL provides professional development, learning and networking opportunities for early years, primary and secondary schools. Events run throughout the year, including the Learning for Sustainability Conference held in March.
Register for the annual Learning for Sustainability Conference.
Resource Smart Schools Program
Get involved in the Resource Smart Schools Program run by EASL. The program can help your school embed sustainability into everything you do, including ways to promote biodiversity, minimise waste, save energy and water, and take action on climate change.
Sustainability and Environmental Education Day
In 2025 we are piloting a new program for Manningham primary schools, Sustainability and Environmental Education Day (SEED).
This program will be an incursion, and will cover four themes of biodiversity, composting, waste and Traditional Owner education. The program includes both theory and hands on activities to enable students to gain a practical understanding of sustainability initiatives within their local context. The program is free of charge for schools and lead by Council Officers and in partnership with the Wurundjeri Corporation Education Unit.
Lead to Sustain Conference
Bring your students along for a day of discovery and education at Currawong Bush Park.
The Lead to Sustain Conference offers young people in our community the opportunity to learn how to lead the implementation of sustainable actions for the benefit of our local community. The conference includes activities dedicated to supporting biodiversity and ecology, saving water, reducing waste, recycling and reducing energy consumption.
This conference is designed to follow on from the SEED program and provides a day of celebration for the students and schools that participated in SEED.
For more information, contact the Environment team at environment@manningham.vic.gov.au or on 9840 9333.
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As part of the Inspired Living Series, Jesse Glascott and Elle Paton will discuss sustainable building design and tiny homes at the Manningham Function Centre.
Jesse Glascott, is co-founder of the Sustainable Building Alliance, Director of G-Lux Builders and architect of the iconic Warrandyte Panel House. Jesse will discuss what goes into designing and building net zero sustainable homes.
Elle Paton is co-founder of the Australian Tiny House Association. Tiny homes are prefabricated, transportable dwellings that can provide off-grid, eco-friendly and low cost solutions. Elle will share her story of what its like to live in a tiny house.
Inspired Living Series - keynote speaker events
The Inspired Living Series - keynote speaker events showcases five insightful, not-to-be-missed evenings at the iconic Manningham Function Centre.
The series will introduce you to a diverse line-up of local and international keynote speakers offering unique insights on how we can all shift to a greener future.
Topics range from permaculture to sustainable fashion. Each speaker will inspire and motivate simple, positive lifestyle choices, connection to nature and growing a thriving community in the midst dynamic change.
Come along to our 2025 Inspired Living Series presentation on the exciting world of sustainable food!
Jo Barrett
Jo is one of Australia’s most innovative chefs, specialising in sustainable and low waste cooking. Having released her cookbook 'Sustain: Groundbreaking Recipes And Skills That Could Save The Planet', she went on to be named 'Chef of the Year' at the Good Food Guide 2024 awards.
Jo is a long time collaborator with sustainability legend Joost Bakker, taking part in the groundbreaking eco-living experiment futurefoodsystem, a self-sustaining, zero waste, highly productive house at Federation Square.
Jo also works with Wildpie, using invasive game species in pies, and is collaborating with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) to develop creative, edible ways to use the 456 million loaves of bread wasted in Australia every year.
Jo will discuss her journey to sustainable food and inspire audience members to embrace new ways of eating.
Inspired Living Series – keynote speaker events
Our 2025 Inspired Living Series showcases five insightful, not-to-be-missed evenings. The series will introduce you to a diverse lineup of local keynote speakers who will offer unique insights on embracing sustainability.
Topics range from sustainable food to low waste lifestyles. Each speaker will share their journey – inspiring our audience to embrace positive choices, nurture a connection to nature, and foster community for a stronger, more resilient future.
Registration for this event is essential.
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As part of the Inspired Living Series and National Recycling Week, Nina Gbor and fellow panel members will discuss sustainable fashion in a circular economy at the Manningham Function Centre.
Nina Gbor:
Nina is a sustainable fashion educator, international speaker, sustainability consultant, and Founder of Eco Styles. Nina is also the Director of the Circular Economy and Waste Program at The Australia Institute and has been featured on the ABC's War on Waste. Nina will talk about her journey into sustainable fashion and discuss the collaborative effort needed to address sustainability challenges in the fashion industry.
Courtney Holm:
Courtney is a circular fashion systems designer, thought leader and entrepreneur. She founded experimental circular fashion label A.BCH in 2017 and built it into a world leading example of what circular fashion could aspire to. In early 2024, she made a strategic decision to step away from making new clothes in order to focus on industry wide solutions. Courtney is the founder and CEO of Circular Sourcing - a climate tech platform turning surplus textile waste into resource. Courtney's expertise is in circular design for clothing, material flows and circular systems design. The heart of her practice is industry transformation for sustainable and equitable futures.
Jenna Flood:
Jenna is a slow fashion advocate whose main focus is helping people understand the issues that surround fast fashion. She advocates for sustainable alternatives such as pre-loved, vintage and clothing made with sustainable practices. Jenna believes in slowing down our clothing consumption by curating capsule wardrobes and buying for long term investments instead of purchasing on a whim or following short trends. She hopes that in the future, more people invest in the sharing economy by renting or borrowing garments instead of owning them.
Inspired Living Series - keynote speaker events
The Inspired Living Series - keynote speaker events showcases five insightful, not-to-be-missed evenings at the iconic Manningham Function Centre.
The series will introduce you to a diverse line-up of local and international keynote speakers offering unique insights on how we can all shift to a greener future.
Topics range from permaculture to sustainable fashion. Each speaker will inspire and motivate simple, positive lifestyle choices, connection to nature and growing a thriving community in the midst dynamic change.
Our strategies and action plans detail how we deliver outcomes for the community and Manningham. Planning is developed in consultation with the community in line with our community engagement policy.
Manningham’s 2040 Community Vision
Manningham is a peaceful, inclusive and safe community. We celebrate life with its diverse culture, wildlife and natural environment. We are resilient and value sustainable and healthy living, a sense of belonging, and respect for one another.
Action plans
Find out how solar power and solar batteries will improve your home, save you money and generate a clean future for the environment.
This webinar will include:
- how solar power and battery systems work
- buying good quality solar and battery products
- what to look for in a solar and battery quote
- how to find a good installer
- how government rebates help.
Our presenter, Ian Moxon, is a seasoned sustainability consultant with over 15 years of experience in this field. He’ll share his extensive knowledge and valuable industry insights into the benefits of installing solar power and solar batteries at your home.
This event is part of our Inspired Living Series. This series showcases an exciting range of fun and sustainable activities and events for all ages, supporting sustainability at home, in the community and at work.
Bookings are essential.
Native Bees and butterflies are great pollinators and beautiful additions to any garden. There are many things you can do to attract them to your garden.
This workshop will introduce you to the wonderful world of native bees and butterflies. It will cover the role of insects in nature as pollinators and discuss practical ways you can attract them to your garden. You’ll be helping the environment while enjoying the splash of colour, movement and beauty native bees and butterflies bring to a garden.
Presenter: Charlotte Harrison from Sustainable Gardening Australia.
Supper is at 6.45pm, the seminar begins at 7.00pm sharp.
Registration is essential.
This is the third session of a four-part series on Gardening for Biodiversity. The following and final session will cover how to attract small birds into your garden. The series of workshops is run by Sustainable Gardening Australia and provides tips and tricks to garden for wildlife and support biodiversity in your local area.
Other events in this series
Home Harvest Manningham is a monthly home gardening seminar series that will teach you how to grow your own delicious fresh food at home.
Want to be able to garden without spending a fortune? Maria Ciavarella from My Green Garden will show you how to utilise things you already have to garden and save money.
During this seminar you will discover innovative ways to create a sustainable garden without breaking the bank. Maria will share tips and tricks to help you save money while still achieving a beautiful and eco-friendly garden.
This session will cover how to:
- repurpose everyday items
- recycle organic waste
- make the most of your garden space.
Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, this event is perfect for anyone looking to embrace sustainable practices and save money in the process.
As a special treat, all attendees will participate in a tomato seeding activity with a heritage or heirloom seed variety from the Bulleen Art and Garden range.
The community food, seed and garden swap takes place at 6.45pm, 15 minutes before each session.
Registration is recommended but not required.
This event is part of our Inspired Living Series. This series showcases an exciting range of fun and sustainable activities and events for all ages, supporting sustainability at home, in the community and at work.
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Home Harvest Manningham is a monthly home gardening seminar series that will teach you how to grow your own delicious fresh food at home.
Karen Sutherland from Edible Eden Design will talk about the best way to maintain and prune your fruit trees during winter for long lasting thriving fruit trees.
Food swap from 6.45pm, session starts at 7.00pm.
Registration is recommended but not required.
This event is part of our Inspired Living Series. This series showcases an exciting range of fun and sustainable activities and events for all ages, supporting sustainability at home, in the community and at work.
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Have a FOGO question? We’ve got the answer.
Not quite sure how the new FOGO service works?
Drop in to one of our casual online Q and A sessions where our friendly staff will be available to answer any of your queries.
Learn how to identify our local eucalypt trees and find out how understanding where they grow can help you to read the landscape.
If all the trees and bush look a bit the same to you, this short walk and talk could change the way you see the world!
Join experienced local naturalist and ecologist Alan Noy to guide you through the process.
For over 150 years, Longridge farm was grazed by cattle. Now, under Parks Victoria management, it is recovering with plant regeneration and the return of wildlife.
The ridge offers spectacular views to the north, and the rapids are some of the prettiest on the Yarra.
- Distance: 5km
- Time: 3 hours
- Rating: Difficult
Wear sturdy shoes and weather appropriate clothing. Bring a water bottle and a snack
Meeting point advised on registration.
Home Harvest Manningham is a monthly home gardening seminar series that will teach you how to grow your own delicious fresh food at home.
Manningham has more than four seasons. Duncan Cocking from Leaf, Root and Fruit will deep dive into succession planning for local conditions.
Duncan will discuss the patterns that he sees in nature and how easily you can begin observing them too. Use these observations to inspire your gardening activities by working with nature rather than against it. Learn how to refine your succession planting and ripen that elusive Christmas tomato. Create your own action plan for your vegetable patch.
Topics covered include:
- the seasons of Melbourne/Manningham
- being an observant gardener
- Phenology
- timing of planting and succession planting
- growing Christmas tomatoes, creating an action plan.
Food swap from 6.45pm, session starts at 7.00pm.
Registration is recommended but not required.
This event is part of our Inspired Living Series. This series showcases an exciting range of fun and sustainable activities and events for all ages, supporting sustainability at home, in the community and at work.
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Home Harvest Manningham is a monthly home gardening seminar series that will teach you how to grow your own delicious fresh food at home.
Karen Sutherland has a lifelong passion for growing her own food. In this seminar Karen will share with you her expertise in incorporating a bush tucker garden at your place.
This session will cover:
- the best bush food plants for gardens in Manningham
- which plants to pot vs those to plant in the ground
- basic growing information
- the basics of harvesting bush 'tucker'
- simple uses for both fresh and dried plants.
Start your passion for native edibles such as lemon and cinnamon myrtle, native thyme and sage, peppers, mints, fruits and berries.
Food swap from 6.45pm, session starts at 7.00pm.
Registration is recommended but not required.
This event is part of our Inspired Living Series. This series showcases an exciting range of fun and sustainable activities and events for all ages, supporting sustainability at home, in the community and at work.
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Come along to our 2025 Inspired Living Series panel to participate in a meaningful discussion on eco-anxiety and hope.
Bronwyn Gresham - Compassionate Nature
Bronwyn is a psychologist, climate aware practitioner and eco-anxiety speaker. Her purpose is in progressing our personal and collective emotional and social wellbeing as we live in climate change. This includes how climate change impacts people and communities directly (through extreme weather events and biodiversity loss) and indirectly (such as feeling uncertain, dread or anxiety about the future, or grief for extinctions and ecosystem loss). Yet, radical acceptance – that is, accepting what is happening and seeing this with our eyes and hearts open – is a prerequisite for compassionate, responsive and effective action.
Lee Constable
Lee Constable is a science and sustainability presenter and edu-tainer. She is best known for hosting Network 10 kids’ science TV show Scope. Her TV appearances also include Studio 10, ABC News Breakfast and War on Waste (Season Three). Lee is the author of How to Save the Whole Stinkin’ Planet: A Garbological Adventure and How to Save the Whole Blinkin' Planet: A Renewable Energy Adventure.
Inspired Living Series – keynote speaker events
Our 2025 Inspired Living Series showcases five insightful, not-to-be-missed evenings. The series will introduce you to a diverse lineup of local keynote speakers who will offer unique insights on embracing sustainability.
Topics range from sustainable food to low waste lifestyles. Each speaker will share their journey – inspiring our audience to embrace positive choices, nurture a connection to nature, and foster community for a stronger, more resilient future.
Registration for this event is required.
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