Doncaster Hill Community Garden working bee

A chalkboard sign sits amongst a veggie garden with a colourful mural in the background. The sign says 'Doncaster Hill Community Garden. Stay safe. Hope to see you soon"

Event details

Doncaster Hill Community Garden, Hummell Way
VIC 3109


Come and join the fun at the Doncaster Hill Community Garden! 

Every 2 weeks community members gather to lend a hand with planting, sowing seeds, weeding, watering and harvesting fresh produce. 

Comprising of 24 garden beds, fruit trees and herb patches, the produce is grown and harvested communally. There are no fences, locked gates or private plots. While most of the produce gets donated to local food banks, volunteers are able to get involved in fun and interesting activities, learn about gardening and connect with others. 

The garden is open to all and welcomes anyone with an interest in growing food, meeting others and learning new things. 

All gardening tools are provided. Please bring a water bottle, hat and closed toe shoes. 

No registration required.