We are privileged to live surrounded by green open spaces and bushland in Manningham. From walking tracks along the Birrarung (Yarra River) to our many parklands and reserves, natural beauty is all around us. We all have a role to play in ensuring our local wildlife and plants thrive. Together, we can create a nature-positive legacy for future generations.
The Green Wedge
Learn about how we are protecting natural and rural values and what it means for residents living in the Green Wedge area.
Manningham's Backyard Diversity Series
Learn all about Manningham’s unique local wildlife and environment with TV Zoologist Chris Humfrey from Wild Action, ‘The Zoo That Comes to You’.
These pieces are part of a large series of sculptures which are vertical and totemic.
- Time in Autumn - 1993 to 1994
- Time in Spring - 1993 to 1994
- The Pendulum - 1993
- The Clef - 1994 to 1995
Time in Spring and Time in Autumn refer to subtle changes and ‘Happenings’ in nature by their contract as a pair. The Clef has a musical reference and The Pendulum suggests a certain functionalism.
There is no hidden symbolism in these sculptures. They are about particular sentiments alluded to their titles. Being derived from the idea of totems they are particular of these sentiments.
Location of artwork
- Manningham Civic Centre grounds, 699 Doncaster Road, Doncaster, VIC 3108
- View on map
Related downloads
The Sustainable Gardening Australia, Edible Gardening Seminar Series is a complete home gardening program that will teach you how to grow your own delicious fresh, healthy, and nutritious food at home.
Growing your own food can be not only rewarding and enjoyable but can also save you money as well.
Each seminar will cover a different aspect of growing organic food including soil preparation, pest and diseases and selecting what fruits and vegetables are right for your garden.
Edible gardening topics
- Tuesday 11 October: Getting Started with Veggie Gardening
The first step is to want to grow organically, but where do you start? This workshop will set you up to start your veggie gardening journey so you can enjoy the benefits of growing your own fresh, healthy, and nutritious food. - Tuesday 18 October: Healthy Soil for Produce Gardening
Healthy soil is full of life and fundamental to the health of our gardens, providing plants with all the nutrients and water they need to grow. Good soil is essential for growing produce. - Tuesday 8 November: Dealing with Garden Pests without Harsh Chemicals - CANCELLED
Garden pests can be managed using nature and its resources to strengthen the balance within your garden, avoiding unnecessary chemical use. - Tuesday 15 November: Composting and Worm Farming
Using compost, worms, bokashi or chooks to turn kitchen and garden waste into black gold for your garden. - Tuesday 22 November: Preparing for Summer Harvest
Everything you need to know to grow fresh produce at home this summer.
Food and gardening swap
Bring along your home-grown foods, seedlings, and other gardening items to share with someone else. The home-grown food and seed swap takes place 20 minutes prior to the start of the seminar. So don't forget to bring your own treats to share.
This program is part of the wider Spring Outdoors Sustainable Gardening Australia Seminar Series. This series includes seminars and webinars at Nillumbik and Banyule councils.
For a full list of events in this series, download the Spring Outdoors Sustainable Gardening Australia brochure, or visit Spring Outdoors.
Keep up to date with our latest environment and sustainability events by subscribing to our Environment Newsletter.
This online program provides an overview of dementia and how to proceed after a diagnosis. The program runs over seven sessions and covers coping with change, relationships and communication, planning for the future and staying healthy.
You will gain knowledge in:
- dementia and related issues such as planning for the future
- strategies for living positively with dementia including support
- the management, reduction and/or prevention of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia.
Suitable for people living with dementia and their family carers and family members. This program is not suitable for professionals employed in the health or aged care sectors.
Dementia Australia's facilitators have specialist dementia knowledge, skills and experience. This program is delivered interactively - you will be encouraged to share your experiences alongside other participants, giving you an opportunity to develop new support networks.
If you register to attend this program you will be contacted by Dementia Australia staff to ensure that the program will meet your needs and that you meet the eligibility requirements.
Kaleidoscope of Characters comprises nine cabaret acts across a season of 7 performances. Each night will feature a group of performers each presenting their self-devised cabaret.
Performance Schedule:
Wednesday 15th November:
- Brotherband with their EP "Little Fish" and Support Act: Charlie McCosh
Thursday 16 November:
- Emily Dingle in Self-Fulfilled Prophecy
- Imogen Whittaker in The Last Word
Friday 17 November:
- Lady Whisper in The Art of Seeking Attention
- Emma Blake in Basic Witch
- Pas x Rory in These Gays, They’re Trying to Murder Me
Saturday 18 November:
- Helmet Von Püsh in Püsh Presents “Taste.”
- Jenn Biggs & Jess May in Body of Work
- Pas x Rory in These Gays, They’re Trying to Murder Me
Wednesday 22 November:
- Emma Blake in Basic Witch
- Latecha Khairy in How Did I Get Here?
- Jenn Biggs & Jess May in Body of Work
Thursday 23 November:
- Imogen Whittaker in The Last Word
- Emily Dingle in Self-Fulfilled Prophecy
Friday 24 November:
- Helmet Von Püsh in Püsh Presents “Taste.”
- Latecha Khairy in How Did I Get Here?
- Lady Whisper in The Art of Seeking Attention."
PEP's One Act Wonders is a series of eight short plays.
Each play was carefully selected by our panel and includes only Victorian playwrights. This is a celebration of the local talent that we have in this amazing state.
Each performance includes the following eight plays:
Directed by Jennifer Pacey
The Learning Curve by Jennifer Pacey
Women of the World by Emma Wood
Directed by Sarah Tierney
Tacenda by Cat Tregillis
Let's Get Personal by Louise Hopewell
Directed by Justin Cleaver
Two Minutes and Counting by Jennifer Pacey
The Black Spot by Louise Hopewell
Directed by LB Bradley
Me Time by Jennifer Pacey
Directed by Julia Lambert
Un-TIT-Led by Julia Lambert
Directed by Jennifer Pacey, Julia Lambert, Justin Cleaver, LB Bradley and Sarah Tierney.
Living and Learning @ Ajani has joined the Australia wide chatty café scheme.
We are hosting a table in our café every Tuesday morning 10am to 12pm starting May 24.
We welcome people to come along for a chat while enjoying a hot or cold beverage and a muffin for only $3.50.
Our chatty café volunteer will ensure the conversations are interesting and stimulating.
It is a great way to meet new people in a warm friendly environment.
Learn all about Manningham’s unique local wildlife and environment with TV Zoologist Chris Humfrey from Wild Action, ‘The Zoo That Comes to You’.
Chris has presented a series of 30 short videos across two series that will introduce you to a range of native animals which call Manningham home. The first series introduces the backyard diversity of our resident fauna, the second series addresses the impact of litter on the homes and habitats of the local wildlife.
Series 1: Manningham's Backyard Diversity
You will be amazed by what lives in Manningham and maybe even your backyard. You will learn about our incredible local biodiversity and how we can all play an important role in the protection of our native species and our local fragile environment.
Echidnas can be shy, but are found in many areas of Manningham where there is enough native habitat for them to roam in. The Echidnas home range can be up to 50 hectares. Echidnas like to burrow into the soil, hide under vegetation and shelter in hollow logs, rock crevices and in burrows. They need lots of understory habitat that can provide them with their food including ants and termites.
The Southern Boobook is the smallest owl in Manningham and makes a distinctive 'boo-book' or 'mo-poke' call. As with many of our local species The Southern Boobook's needs tree hollows to nest in. The Southern Boobook feeds on insects, small mammals (such as the House Mouse, Mus musculus) and other small animal species.
The Swamp Wallaby is a shy animal that usually live alone. They can be found in places where there is thick habitat for them to hide in. The Swamp Wallaby feeds on a variety of plants including introduced and native shrubs, grasses and ferns. They are regularly spotted early in the morning along our local creeks and the Yarra River habitat corridors where there is plenty thick scrub for them to hide in during the day.
Sugar gliders are tree-dwelling marsupials gliding possums found across Manningham. They can glide up to 50 metres in one trip with their “wings” made up of thin stretched skin between their forefinger and back ankle, During flight they use their bushy tails as rudders as they soar through the air. The Sugar Glider is most active at night, sleeping by day in nests made of leaves in tree hollows. The biggest threat to Sugar Gliders are cats. It is important to bring your cat inside so they don’t eat our native bird, possums and other native animal species.
Ringtail Possums get their name from their long white prehensile tail. They are not as noisy as Brushtail Possums, and make a soft, high-pitched twittering call. Ringtail Possums are at risk from cats, dogs, foxes, traffic, and also electrocution from powerlines. Possums are also at risk from the removal of habitat due to human development. It is illegal to catch and release possums into areas more than 50 m away from where they were caught as they do not often survive relocation. You can help local wildlife by keeping big trees in your backyard as they provide tree hollows for native animals like possums, birds, bats and gliders to nest in.
Blue-tongues usually live in open country with lots of ground cover such as tussock grass or leaf litter. They shelter at night under large objects on the ground such as rocks and logs. During cold weather they remain inactive, buried deep in their shelter sites, but on sunny days they may emerge to bask. Unfortunately, blue-tongues will eat snails and slugs poisoned by snail baits and can be poisoned themselves. They rapidly become used to human activity, and may live in the same place for many years. Rockeries and cavities under houses are favourite hiding places. Many residents and schools create lizard lounges to provide habitat for bluetongue lizards and skinks. All you need are some rocks, ground cover and a sunny place for lizards to bask in and call home.
The Tawny Frogmouth is nocturnal and is often mistaken as an owl. They are however more closely related to the nightjars. Their beaks are designed to catch insects such as cicadas and beetles and the occasional mouse, rat or frog. Unlike owls, the Tawny Frogmouth is a poor flyer and will sit quietly for its prey to approach. Tawny Frogmouths love mature trees to roost and camouflage in during the day like a stringybark trees where they can be almost invisible. Tawny Frogmouth families stay together giving many local residents generations of the same family in their backyard. Protecting big old trees are a great way to encourage a Tawny Frogmouth to your backyard. The call of a Tawny Frogmouth is very distinctive and is often described as a spooky low pitched ooom ooom sound.
The koala is one of the most recognizable Australian animals. A tree-climbing marsupial, a small remnant population of koalas survived in Manningham as recently as 2015 (the last known recording of a koala in Manningham). It is thought the loss of Koalas in Manningham was mainly due to habitat loss, disease, dog attacks and road accidents. Koalas are fussy eaters and only eat a few types of eucalypt leaves. Manna Gums which are found along Manningham’s waterways are the most favoured. There is now a renewed effort by local Landcare groups and concerned residents to create more koala habitat in hope that they will return to our municipality. If you do see a Koala in Manningham, record the location and contact Manningham Council. Citizen Science is a great way to record information on our local natural environment.
The Laughing Kookaburra is common across Manningham where there are suitable trees. They have one of the most iconic calls in the Australian bush. The kookaburra feed mostly on insects, worms and crustaceans, although small snakes, mammals, frogs and birds may also be eaten. Kookaburras can pair for life and their nest is a naturally occurring tree hollow. Both sexes share the incubation duties and both care for the young. Kookaburras can become quite tame around humans and will readily accept scraps of meat. Similar to live prey, this 'pre-processed' food is still beaten against a perch before swallowing.
The Eastern Grey Kangaroo is an important part of Manningham's natural ecosystems. They promote the regeneration of native plants and reduce the fuel load in forests and grasslands. They are regularly seen in our conservation parks including Currawong, Westerfolds and Mount Lofty parks. They rest amongst shady trees during the day and move out to graze from late afternoon to early morning. Their fur is light grey colour making then perfectly camouflaged in our local woody grasslands. A baby kangaroo or ‘joey’ is raised in the pouch until it becomes independent at about 18 months of age.
Centipedes are common in Manningham and can be found under logs, in leaf litter or under rocks and bark. Centipedes are nocturnal and hunt their prey at night time. Centipedes are myriapods not insects, as they have more than six legs. Centipedes and other ‘minibeasts’ including spiders, ants, termites, butterflies, bees and other small animals play a vital role in any ecosystem. They are eaten by bigger animals in the food chain, help to pollinate plants and eat dead and decaying matter which recycles the nutrients back into the soil and ecosystem.
Lace Monitors were once common in Manningham, however due to habitat loss they are now very rare. They need tall open Eucalyptus woodlands to live. There are occasional sightings of Lace Monitors in Manningham’s Green Wedge usually between September to December when they are on the move. If you go for a walk through bushland during the cooler months of the year, watch where you step, Lace Monitors spend much of this time hiding under logs or rocks, or inside hollow tree stumps. If you do see a Lace Monitor please take a photo, record the location and contact Manningham Council. Citizen Science is a great way to record information on our local natural environment.
Gang-gang Cockatoos visit backyards and parks in Manningham and feed on eucalyptus and wattles. Male Gang-gang Cockatoos are easily distinguished by their wispy red crest, which looks like a feather duster. Plant locally native plants that Gang-gang Cockatoos can eat from, such as sheoaks (casuarinas), eucalyptus, and wattles. Be careful of low perched or low flying Gang-gangs when driving in areas with many trees, especially near hawthorn shrubs. Don’t forget to participate in the Citizen Science program: Aussie Backyard Bird Count in October.
Barn Owls are found right across Manningham and are silent hunters of the night eating mice, rats and snakes. Their heart-shaped face and asymmetrical ears help the owl to use even the slightest sound to pinpoint their prey even in complete darkness. Barn owls need old growth trees to nest in. These trees provide large hollows with the nest sometimes up to 10m inside the tree. Don't use rat poisons that cause secondary killings. Owls are natural predators of rodents but if an owl eats a rat that has ingested this poison, it can die too. Remember Manningham’s raptor birds (birds of prey) need old growth trees to breed in and hunt for prey.
Series 2: Litter Impacts
In this Litter Impacts series, Chris will present 15 short videos that will introduce you to a range of native animals which call Manningham home and how we can protect their home by reducing our litter and appropriately disposing of our waste.
Manningham is home to an array of incredible and unique native animals. Our litter and waste has a big impact on our wildlife; as it flows into waterways and out into the bay, it can drastically change the water quality or even be mistaken for food.
Grey Headed Flying Foxes are the largest bat in Australia, but they’re also a vulnerable species here in our parks and backyards in Manningham. They spread seeds from our trees across Melbourne making sure new trees keep growing. Unfortunately they get caught in our fruit nets, so make sure that once your fruit has finished on your trees you take down your nets to ensure they don’t get tangled.
Earthworms are terrific for our backyards and our environment. They move through out soil helping to aerate it and at the same time eat the organic matter turning it into fertilizer for our gardens. Make sure you don’t put harmful chemicals in our soil as it can kill the worms and stop them from keeping our soil healthy.
Copperhead Snakes can be found basking in the sun in Manningham. They’re highly venomous and should never be touched or picked up, it’s also illegal to kill or harm snakes. They’re very important for our environment, as they eat mice and rats. Unfortunately they cannot move backwards, so if they get trapped in a discarded aluminium can or PVC pipe they can get stuck there and die.
Wood Ducks love our parks and farmland here in Manningham. They eat grass and poo out the seeds to keep the grass growing. Sometimes they mistake cigarette butts for food and the butts can swell in their tummies making the ducks very ill. It’s important that we don’t feed ducks bread as they need to find native food for themselves.
The Eastern Long Necked Turtle is common in our creeks and rivers in Manningham. They eat snails, dead fish and yabbies, keeping our rivers and creeks clean. Litter is a huge threat to turtles as it can get caught around their limbs and necks, choking them. Fishing line and illegal opera house nets can also kill our turtles, platypus and rakali (water rats) when they get caught in the nets and can’t escape.
This Buff Breasted Rail is a secretive bird in Manningham, but keep your eyes peeled at Ruffey Lake Park, you might just see them walking around through the reeds. They’re omnivorous, which means that they eat plants and other animals, sometimes they also mistake our litter for food as well. Make sure you pick up litter that you find on the ground, report overflowing bins and litter dumped in our parks, you might just save our local wildlife.
Cattle Egrets are known as a cosmopolitan bird, as they’re found all around the world. They love flooded agricultural land and wetlands in Manningham; it’s the perfect place for them to find their food. They’re also directly affected by stormwater pollution and litter, like polystyrene cups that can remain in our environment for up to 600 years. Unfortunately they see polystyrene or cigarette butts as potential food.
It might sound like you have a bluegrass band in your backyard at night, but that’s the call of the Banjo Frog. They burrow into our soil with their digging feet and eat all the bugs. Their skin is susceptible to pollution, as that’s how they breathe and drink water. Instead of putting your chemicals down the drain, make sure you dispose of your oils, detergents, paints and other chemicals at a chemical drop off point.
Brown Tree Frogs love hanging out in Manningham. They eat bugs, like pesky mosquitos and flies in our gardens. If you have frogs croaking in your garden, it means you have a healthy place for them to live. Frogs absorb moisture and breathe through their skins, so they’re highly susceptible to pollution in the water. Be careful with what goes down your drains and we can protect our important little frogs.
The Yabbies, or Fresh Water Crayfish, love our waterways in Manningham. They grab onto their food with their big claws and propel themselves through the water with their big finned tail. They clean up all of the organic matter in our rivers, creeks and wetlands and keep our waterways healthy. Yabbies are very sensitive to pollution in our rivers and creeks, so be careful with what you wash down the sink and into the stormwater drain. You can dispose your harmful chemicals at a Detox Your Home drop off.
The Short Finned Eel is common in our waterways here in Manningham. They’re long, slippery fish that live in our creeks and rivers and they hunt yabbies, insects, worms and fish. When they’re ready to breed, they swim all the way down the Yarra River, out of Port Phillip Bay and breed in the Pacific Ocean! The babies then make their way back to Melbourne and live in our rivers again. It’s up to us to keep our rivers and creeks free of litter to make sure our Eels survive.
Little Penguins are the smallest penguin in the world and they’re found in Port Phillip Bay here in Melbourne. They live on our beaches and eat the fish around our bay. Unfortunately when they lay their eggs on our beaches, they can be easily caught by foxes and cats, so make sure you keep your cat in at night. They also fall victim to plastic waste in our waterways, it can get caught around their necks and choke them, or they could mistake the plastic for food. Please be responsible and dispose of your waste properly.
Foraging at the bottom of our beautiful Port Phillip Bay is the Banjo Ray. As our waste flows down the Yarra River and into Port Phillip Bay, it comes into the home of our ocean wildlife. Banjo Rays can be harmed by eating the litter that arrives in the bay, so make sure you put your litter into the correct bin and report any litter dumped around Manningham.
Pot Bellied Sea Horses live in Port Phillip Bay, right at the end of the Yarra River. The Sea Horses eat crustaceans in the bay but they can mistake microplastics for food as well. Microplastics are tiny pieces of plastic which look like food to our aquatic life they eat it and it often stays in their stomachs and often stays there. Unfortunately this means that when we eat some fish we could be eating microplastics too! Make sure you dispose of your plastic waste into the correct bin.
Join Chris through Wild Action
Visit ZooHQ. The 11 acre wildlife facility in the Macedon Ranges in Victoria.
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In this workshop, primary school-aged children are invited to join the staff from Awareaway to create fish from re-purposed plastic waste. The fish will then be displayed as part of the 'School of Plastic Fish' exhibition at the Box Hill Community Art Centre.
Participation in the workshops is free but places are limited.
The exhibition runs from 23 May until 29 May 2022 at the Box Hill Community Art Centre.
'School of Plastic Fish' is an exhibition responding to the alarming study that predicts by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans.
The fish depict an eerie yet beautiful ocean-scape where they are displayed, reminding us of a possible future and encouraging us to embrace positive behaviour change to reimagine a better and more sustainable future.
Awareaway is a social and environmental enterprise, co-founded by Sophie Dahm and Alex Child, dedicated to sustainable and creative design by re-purposing and up-cycling plastic waste.
As part of the Inspired Living Series, Jesse Glascott and Elle Paton will discuss sustainable building design and tiny homes at the Manningham Function Centre.
Jesse Glascott, is co-founder of the Sustainable Building Alliance, Director of G-Lux Builders and architect of the iconic Warrandyte Panel House. Jesse will discuss what goes into designing and building net zero sustainable homes.
Elle Paton is co-founder of the Australian Tiny House Association. Tiny homes are prefabricated, transportable dwellings that can provide off-grid, eco-friendly and low cost solutions. Elle will share her story of what its like to live in a tiny house.
Inspired Living Series - keynote speaker events
The Inspired Living Series - keynote speaker events showcases five insightful, not-to-be-missed evenings at the iconic Manningham Function Centre.
The series will introduce you to a diverse line-up of local and international keynote speakers offering unique insights on how we can all shift to a greener future.
Topics range from permaculture to sustainable fashion. Each speaker will inspire and motivate simple, positive lifestyle choices, connection to nature and growing a thriving community in the midst dynamic change.
As part of the Inspired Living Series, Sarah Wilson will present This One Wild and Precious Life at the Manningham Function Centre.
Sarah is a multi-New York Times and Amazon best-selling author, podcaster, international keynote speaker, philanthropist and climate change advisor. Her most recent title, This One Wild and Precious Life, won the 2021 US Gold Nautilus Award.
Sarah is an expert at creating a sense of hope and inspiring communities to thrive, united through connection - recognising that deep down, many of us are feeling that same itch for a new way of living.
This powerful presentation will challenge you to reclaim your wild, precious life and offer a radically hopeful path forward.
Inspired Living Series - keynote speaker events
The Inspired Living Series - keynote speaker events showcases five insightful, not-to-be-missed evenings at the iconic Manningham Function Centre.
The series will introduce you to a diverse line-up of local and international keynote speakers offering unique insights on how we can all shift to a greener future.
Topics range from permaculture to sustainable fashion. Each speaker will inspire and motivate simple, positive lifestyle choices, connection to nature and growing a thriving community in the midst dynamic change.
As part of the Inspired Living Series, join us on Thursday 23 May to find out what is happening to our local weather patterns and biodiversity.
Our presenter line up includes weather and biodiversity experts Nate Byrne, Professor David Karoly and Dr Greg Moore.
Nate Byrne, is the weather presenter on ABC News Breakfast, meteorologist, oceanographer and science communicator. Nate will discuss the latest climate modelling and how it’s predicted to affect Melbourne’s weather.
Professor David Karoly is an internationally recognised climate change expert. David will explore the latest climate science and how we can help reduce the increasing risk of catastrophic climate change.
Dr Greg Moore is a member of the National Trust of Victoria’s Register of Significant Trees member and inaugural president of the International Society of Arboriculture, Australian Chapter. Dr Moore will discuss how Manningham’s changing climate is impacting local biodiversity.
Inspired Living Series - keynote speaker events
The Inspired Living Series - keynote speaker events showcases five insightful, not-to-be-missed evenings at the iconic Manningham Function Centre.
The series will introduce you to a diverse line-up of local and international keynote speakers offering unique insights on how we can all shift to a greener future.
Topics range from permaculture to sustainable fashion. Each speaker will inspire and motivate simple, positive lifestyle choices, connection to nature and growing a thriving community in the midst dynamic change.
As part of the Inspired Living Series, Hannah Maloney and Adam Grubb will discuss permaculture and waterwise gardens at the Manningham Function Centre.
Hannah Moloney
Hannah Moloney is best known for her work in permaculture and as a presenter on ABC’s Gardening Australia. Her first book The Good Life: How To Grow A Better World explores ways to counter the climate emergency individually and collectively. Hannah will discuss founding Good Life Permaculture in Tasmania, Home Harvest an annual edible garden tour and why she is known as the 'compost queen'.
Adam Grubb
Adam Grubb runs Very Edible Gardens, who have been designing and creating edible home and community gardens in Melbourne for the last 15 years. He's also co-authored several books, including The Art of Frugal Hedonism and The Weed Forager's Handbook. He got into edible gardening (and co-founded the Permablitz movement of volunteer backyard makeovers) in the mid 2000's in the heart of the millenium drought. Adam will take some lessons learnt then and since to share ways that we can create lush and productive oases with a minimum of water use including wicking beds, passive water capture with micro earthworks, tanks, greywater and more.
Inspired Living Series - keynote speaker events
The Inspired Living Series - keynote speaker events showcases five insightful, not-to-be-missed evenings at the iconic Manningham Function Centre.
The series will introduce you to a diverse line-up of local and international keynote speakers offering unique insights on how we can all shift to a greener future.
Topics range from permaculture to sustainable fashion. Each speaker will inspire and motivate simple, positive lifestyle choices, connection to nature and growing a thriving community in the midst dynamic change.
Fitness program...
A health and fitness program lead by a qualified Fitness Instructor, designed for men over 50.
Combine strength, fitness and balance training whilst making friends and having fun.
Held on Wednesday mornings.
Parking is available onsite and Bus 905 stops at Thompsons and Sunhill Roads bus stop.
As part of the Inspired Living Series and National Recycling Week, Nina Gbor and fellow panel members will discuss sustainable fashion in a circular economy at the Manningham Function Centre.
Nina Gbor:
Nina is a sustainable fashion educator, international speaker, sustainability consultant, and Founder of Eco Styles. Nina is also the Director of the Circular Economy and Waste Program at The Australia Institute and has been featured on the ABC's War on Waste. Nina will talk about her journey into sustainable fashion and discuss the collaborative effort needed to address sustainability challenges in the fashion industry.
Courtney Holm:
Courtney is a circular fashion systems designer, thought leader and entrepreneur. She founded experimental circular fashion label A.BCH in 2017 and built it into a world leading example of what circular fashion could aspire to. In early 2024, she made a strategic decision to step away from making new clothes in order to focus on industry wide solutions. Courtney is the founder and CEO of Circular Sourcing - a climate tech platform turning surplus textile waste into resource. Courtney's expertise is in circular design for clothing, material flows and circular systems design. The heart of her practice is industry transformation for sustainable and equitable futures.
Jenna Flood:
Jenna is a slow fashion advocate whose main focus is helping people understand the issues that surround fast fashion. She advocates for sustainable alternatives such as pre-loved, vintage and clothing made with sustainable practices. Jenna believes in slowing down our clothing consumption by curating capsule wardrobes and buying for long term investments instead of purchasing on a whim or following short trends. She hopes that in the future, more people invest in the sharing economy by renting or borrowing garments instead of owning them.
Inspired Living Series - keynote speaker events
The Inspired Living Series - keynote speaker events showcases five insightful, not-to-be-missed evenings at the iconic Manningham Function Centre.
The series will introduce you to a diverse line-up of local and international keynote speakers offering unique insights on how we can all shift to a greener future.
Topics range from permaculture to sustainable fashion. Each speaker will inspire and motivate simple, positive lifestyle choices, connection to nature and growing a thriving community in the midst dynamic change.
Join us this National Recycling Week at Manningham Council's 2025 Inspired Living Series on how we ca live low waste for a happier life and a healthier world.
Lindsay Miles
Lindsay is an educator, speaker, author and passionate zero waste/plastic-free living advocate who helps others live more meaningful lives with less waste and stuff.
She has been sharing ideas, tips, tricks and strategies on her website Treading My Own Path since 2013. She has published two books ‘Less Stuff’ and ‘The Less Waste No Fuss Kitchen’, detailing simple and practical methods for how to live simply yet richly. Lindsay also presented at the acclimated TEDx Conference, with her empowering talk 'The Non-disposable Life'.
Inspired Living Series - keynote speaker events:
The 2025 Inspired Living Series by Manningham Council, showcases five insightful, not-to-be-missed evenings. The Series will introduce you to a diverse line-up of local keynote speakers offering unique insights on how we can all shift to and embrace sustainability.
Topics range from sustainable food to low waste lifestyles, and each speaker will talk about their journey, and inspire our audience to embrace simple, positive lifestyle choices, connect to nature and foster community for a stronger, more resilient and brighter future.
This in person session includes how solar power and battery systems work, buying good quality solar and battery products, quoting, installation and Council subsidies, rebates and much more.
Its free to attend but bookings are essential.
This event is part of our Inspired Living Series. This series showcases an exciting range of fun and sustainable activities and events for all ages, supporting sustainability at home, in the community and at work.
Come along to Manningham Council's 2025 Inspired Living Series presentation on the exciting world of sustainable food!
Jo Barrett
Jo is one of Australia’s most innovative chefs specialising in sustainable and low waste cooking. Having released her cookbook 'Sustain: Groundbreaking Recipes And Skills That Could Save The Planet', she went on to be named 'Chef of the Year' at the Good Food Guide 2024 awards.
Jo is a long time collaborator with sustainability legend Joost Bakker, taking part in the groundbreaking eco-living experiment futurefoodsystem: a self-sustaining, zero waste, highly productive house at Federation Square.
Jo also works with Wildpie, using invasive game species in pies, and is collaborating with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) to develop creative, edible ways to use the 456 million loaves of bread wasted in Australia every year.
Jo will discuss her journey to sustainable food and inspire audience members to embrace new ways of eating.
Inspired Living Series – keynote speaker events
Our 2025 Inspired Living Series showcases five insightful, not-to-be-missed evenings. The series will introduce you to a diverse lineup of local keynote speakers who will offer unique insights on embracing sustainability.
Topics range from sustainable food to low waste lifestyles. Each speaker will share their journey – inspiring our audience to embrace positive choices, nurture a connection to nature, and foster community for a stronger, more resilient future.
Come along to celebrate the launch of our 2025 Inspired Living Series with a panel of two inspiring local storytellers and eco-adventurers!
Beau Miles
Beau is a father, YouTuber, author of The Backyard Adventurer, wannabe farmer and maker of stuff from other people's junk. Known for oddball storytelling that aims to turn seemingly mundane or silly ideas into things that are enjoyable, challenging and insightful. Beau is known for his ‘Backyard Adventurer’ philosophy of connecting people with their local heritage, history and environment.
Cezary Carmichael (Two Birders Two Bikes One School)
Cezary is a 19-year-old filmmaker and student who recently completed a year-long journey on his bike around Australia to fund the development of a school in Timor-Leste (raising more than $120,000). His upcoming documentary will explore the cultural and ecological significance of birds in Australia and the importance of storytelling and communication in fostering community.
Inspired Living Series – keynote speaker events
Our 2025 Inspired Living Series showcases five insightful, not-to-be-missed evenings. The series will introduce you to a diverse lineup of local keynote speakers who will offer unique insights on embracing sustainability.
Topics range from sustainable food to low waste lifestyles. Each speaker will share their journey – inspiring our audience to embrace positive choices, nurture a connection to nature, and strengthen their community for a stronger, more resilient future.
Come along to find out how you can electrify everything to improve your home environment, and ease the burden on your budget.
This webinar will explore essential transition areas including:
- why an all-electric home
- the benefits of getting off gas
- which items need attention
- how to plan your transition
- what assistance and rebates are available.
Our presenter, Ian Moxon, is a seasoned sustainability consultant with over 15 years of experience in this field. He’ll share his extensive knowledge and valuable industry insights into the benefits of changing to an all-electric home.
This event is part of our Inspired Living Series. This series showcases an exciting range of fun and sustainable activities and events for all ages, supporting sustainability at home, in the community and at work.
Bookings are essential.