Parks improvement program

Did you know that Manningham is one of the leafiest areas of metropolitan Melbourne with more than 656 hectares of Council-managed parks and reserves?

With more than 60km of shared trails, 300 individual parks and reserves, 163 play spaces, numerous picnic areas and walking paths to manage, our Parks Improvement Program sets out a plan for the future upgrades of all our parks over the next 20 years.

We are guided by our Open Space Strategy, the Eastern Region Sport, Recreation and Trail Strategy, specific park masterplans, community requests and planned facility renewal programs.

Our Parks Improvement Program identifies opportunities for improvements and ensures our parks and reserves are well maintained and upgraded as our population grows.


What is the Parks Improvement Program?

The Parks Improvement Programs sets out a plan for the future renewal and upgrade of all parks in Manningham over the next 20 years.


How was this program developed?

The Parks Improvement Program is based on recommendations from our Open Space Strategy, Eastern Region Sport, Recreation and Trails Strategy, specific masterplans for our parks, feedback and requests from our community and planned facility renewal programs.


What are the objectives of this plan?

This program will ensure our parks and reserves remain relevant and accessible to everyone into the future. It will make sure that facilities are in good condition and adapt to changing needs.


How is the schedule of renewal and upgrade determined?

For most park facilities like playspaces, furniture, paths and garden beds they need to be renewed every 20-25 years to ensure they are in a good and safe condition. Other factors are the level of use, i.e. Regional parks and playspaces get much higher use and wear out more quickly; the population growth in that neighbourhood; and demand for new facilities like fitness equipment, lighting and trails.


Does the program factor in new parks in the future?

Yes a number of new parks or expansion of existing ones has been determined in the Open Space Strategy to cater for gaps in provision, links to other parks or where there is higher density living occurring. These sites will gradually be acquired and developed as they become available.

Current park and playspace upgrades

Share your feedback and ideas for our Manna Gum playspace upgrade.  The proposed improvements will include upgrade and replacement of play equipment, more nature play opportunities, improvements to the access path, new tree and garden bed planting.

We are adding a new outdoor fitness hub to the Koonung Creek Linear Park. New equipment will include trapeze rings, inclined sit up board, push up bar, step up platform, chin up bar, Tai Chi wheels, leg and shoulder press, a seat and possibly solar lighting. 

Due to construction works associated with the North East Link Project, this has been put on hold until a suitable site is confirmed.

As part of our Parks Improvement Program, we're upgrading the playspace at Katrina Gully. Improvements include new play equipment, nature play, outdoor fitness hub, improvements to the shade sail, seating area for rest and recovery, new landscaping and new basketball pad.


We’re expanding Carawatha Reserve to create more open space for local residents and visitors to Doncaster Hill.

We're upgrading the playspace at Doncaster Reserve. The upgrade will include outdoor seating, drinking fountain, combination play unit, swing set, nature play, balance  walk, path improvements, and more.

Maggs reserve

We’re upgrading and extending the playspace at Maggs Reserve. The upgrade will include a play tower with double slide unit and fire pole, with timber shop counter under a triple swing set with pendulum swing, monkey bar and track ride, new picnic setting and park seats, landscaping with rock and log edging for nature play opportunities.


We’re upgrading the playspace at Mossdale Reserve. The upgrade will include a double tower play unit with a double slide and fireman's pole, climbing and scrambling elements, monkey bar and turnover bars, spinning rocker and spring rocker, and triple swing set with basket swing.

We're upgrading the playspace at Hillcroft Reserve in Templestowe, as well as providing a new pedestrian path and rock stairway connecting both ends of Hillcroft Reserve, from Hillcroft Drive to Lawanna Drive.

We are upgrading the facilities at Burgundy Reserve. The upgrade will include improved facilities for informal dog off lead activities as well as a new public toilet, an upgraded playspace, and a shelter.

A green football oval surrounded by native trees, a small shelter in the foreground

We are upgrading the facilities at Warrandyte Reserve northern oval. The upgrade will include improvements to the path network, a new shelter at the northern oval, a new drinking fountain, and improved fencing and drainage.

We're upgrading Dellfield Reserve playspace. The proposal will include upgrade and replacement of play equipment, improvements to the access path, increased natural shade, improved furniture and drinking fountain.  

We’re building a new playspace at Eric Reserve. The proposal includes a new play unit with slides, monkey bars, a covered platform, a new double swing, a new picnic table, new drinking fountain, new seat and new trees for natural shade.

A concrete path leads up to two wooden poles with a gate between them. Above the poles sits a twisted metal sign with the words 'Wombat Bend'. A bushy parkland is in the background.

We're upgrading the playground at Wombat Bend. The proposed upgrade will include minor enhancement of some play items and existing picnic facilities, as well as replacement of some play equipment that is no longer fit for purpose. 


  • Eastern Regional Trails Strategy
    Eastern Regional Trails Strategy
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  • Open Space Strategy Part One
    Open Space Strategy Part One
    3.92 MB
  • Open Space Strategy Part Two
    Open Space Strategy Part Two
    14.08 MB
  • Parks Improvement Program 2024 - 2027
    Parks Improvement Program 2024 - 2027
    438.02 KB