View a list of all Councillors and enter your address to find out which Councillor represents you.
You can also download a ward map.
View a list of all Councillors and enter your address to find out which Councillor represents you.
You can also download a ward map.
Following the Council elections in October, we are pleased to announce your new Councillors. The elected Councillors will represent Manningham through to 2028, across our nine wards.
Following the Council elections in October, we are pleased to announce your new Councillors.
The elected Councillors will represent Manningham through to 2028, across our nine wards.
Your Councillors are:
There are six Councillors returning from the previous Council term and three new Councillors.
Returning councillors include Cr Geoff Gough, Cr Andrew Conlon, Cr Laura Mayne, Cr Deirdre Diamante, Cr Anna Chen and Cr Carli Lange. New Councillors are Cr Peter Bain, Cr Isabella Eltaha and Cr Jim Grivas (who also served as a Councillor from 2012 to 2016).
The Councillors have been officially sworn in this week and will come together at the Annual Meeting of Council on Tuesday 19 November.
The Mayor and Deputy Mayor for the year ahead will be elected by your Councillors at the annual meeting.
Cr Carli Lange is a long-term Warrandyte resident and has been a councillor of Manningham since 2020, serving as Mayor in 2023/24.
Cr Lange is passionate about Manningham’s Green Wedge, protecting local parklands and sporting facilities, including cycling, and walking connections. She supports the maintenance of community infrastructure, social connection programs, community organisations and health and wellbeing services for families, young adults, and older residents. She is an advocate for emergency management, community safety, environmental security, financial efficiencies and reducing traffic congestion as well as sustainable and responsible development.
Cr Lange believes in being authentic, proactive, and transparent advocacy in representing the community’s needs and concerns. With her teaching and not-for-profit board background, Cr Lange is passionate and committed in bringing people together for a common goal.
Cr Isabella Eltaha is a long-term Manningham local, dedicated to driving benefits to the community.
Cr Eltaha is passionate about optimising Manningham Council’s financial outcomes for residents, small businesses and local groups. Having worked in corporate finance and strategy for over a decade, she wants to help optimise solutions to benefit the community broadly.
She is also a community advocate, prioritises improving essential infrastructure, wants to improve public transportation and sees the importance of protecting our precious park life and green spaces. Cr Eltaha believes it is important that council offers essential services efficiently and sees value in supporting small local businesses — all to ensure we enhance and love living local.
Raising a family in the area, Cr Eltaha’s whole world revolves around our great community. She is passionate about making community members feel welcome to reach out to her and to ensure Manningham further becomes a place we are blessed to call home, now and into the future.
Find out which committees Cr Isabella Eltaha is appointed to.
Cr Chen has lived in the Waldau Ward for more than 20 years and has been a Manningham Councillor since 2016.
Cr Chen values equity, inclusion and positivity as well as the importance of understanding local issues, listening and working together with our community. She stands for cost-effective operations, sustainable planning outcomes, common sense climate solutions and improving bus services in Manningham. Cr Chen wants to see more civic participation and employment opportunities for our young residents. Cr Chen also wants to see our parks and open spaces are protected and improved. Cr Chen believes in an inclusive, safe and sustainable community for all.
A practising lawyer, Cr Chen is a volunteer solicitor at the Eastern Community Legal Centre and is also volunteering with Manningham Neighbourhood Watch.
Cr Laura Mayne has lived in Manningham all her life is an active member of the community. She has been a councillor since 2020 and served as Deputy Mayor for 2023/24.
Cr Mayne is passionate about making Manningham as inclusive as possible. She endeavours to promote community connection and foster an environment where everyone feels a strong sense of belonging. Cr Mayne values our natural environment and encourages strong climate action and improved parks and open spaces. In addition, she advocates for sustainable transport, quality community infrastructure, and support for our community clubs, organisations, and small businesses.
Cr Mayne is about to complete a Bachelor of Law and Commerce at university and works for a national law firm. She has played multiple sports in the local area and currently plays high level Australian football.
Cr Grivas has lived in Manningham for over 25 years, together with his partner and three kids.
As a previous Councillor in the 2012/16 Council term, Cr Grivas previously served as Mayor in 2013/14.
Cr Grivas has a background in finance through both the corporate and government sectors, and is also a director of his local family businesses.
Cr Grivas is passionate about good governance, with integrity and transparency to allow the Council to provide support services for all our diverse families and older residents, our local businesses, sports clubs and volunteer organisations. He advocates for improved local traffic management, footpaths, roads and streetscapes as well as park maintenance.
Cr Peter Bain has been a resident of Donvale and surrounds with his young family since 2002.
Peter has spent over twenty years in executive and governance roles spanning the corporate and not for profit sectors. He has worked in various fields including health, education, international aid, aged care, disability, and housing. He holds a Bachelor of Economics from Monash University. He has been actively involved in a number of community groups and endeavours.
He is passionate about helping those who are disadvantaged and vulnerable within the community.
Cr Geoff Gough is passionate about Manningham, having grown up and then raised his own family in the area. He is one of Manningham’s longest serving councillors, having been a councillor continuously since 1997, and has served as Mayor for four terms.
Cr Gough sees the improvement of our footpaths, roads, streetscapes and parks as a priority and is committed to ensuring Manningham’s community infrastructure is well maintained.
He believes in prioritising community support, including local business support, transparency in decisions, sound financial management and accountability to our community. Cr Gough advocates that council needs to listen, consult and act with responsibility and integrity.
Cr Deirdre Diamante has lived in Manningham for more than 40 years and recognises the importance of sustainable economic and environmental decision making that enhances the long term liveability of Manningham.
Cr Diamante believes in growing opportunities for local businesses and efficient spending of our rates on services and infrastructure that better connects the local community, suburbs and streets. She is an advocate for equal opportunity and diversity, for programs that support our elderly residents and for greater state and federal government funding support for Manningham’s charities.
Cr Diamante has three school-aged children, is a business owner, a school council representative, Board Director of the Manningham Bendigo Bank Community Branch.
Find out which committees Cr Deirdre Diamante is appointed to.
Enrolments for the 2024 local council elections are now closed.
Voting in council elections is by post
You’ll receive a ballot pack that contains ballot papers by mail. The packs will have instructions and information about the candidates. Don’t worry if you don’t receive a ballot pack at the same time as someone you live with. They’re posted in random order to enrolled voters.
Return your ballot paper by mail.
What to do if you’ve changed your address
If you’ve changed address after the close of the roll or can’t collect your ballot pack, you can request a redirect to your new address. To request a redirect, make sure it’s done before nominations have closed. You can make a request for an early postal vote after nominations have closed if you have a good reason.
In what order do the names of the candidates appear?
A single, random draw determines in which order names will appear on a ballot. The election manager conducts the draw at the election officer after the close of nominations. The election manager will tell the candidates the time of the draw.
The Victorian Electoral Commission provides voting information in languages other than English and in Easy English. Choose one of the links below.
You can apply, check and update your enrolment details online at Victorian Electoral Commission or pick up an enrolment form at any post office or AEC office.
Enrolments for the 2024 local council elections are now closed.
In a council election there are two types of voters:
Read the following information to find out which group you fit into.
Manningham resident on the state electoral roll
If you live in Manningham and are enrolled to vote in State elections, you will be automatically enrolled to vote in Council elections.
Manningham resident not on the state electoral roll
If you are not yet on the State electoral roll, you will need to enrol with the Victorian Electoral Commission. This applies to Manningham residents who are Australian citizens aged 18 or older on 26 October 2024.
Manningham resident on the state electoral roll at a previous address
If you are living in Manningham but are on the state electoral roll for a previous address outside Manningham, you will need to enrol directly with the Victorian Electoral Commission. This applies if you have lived at your current residential address for at least one month and have not updated your enrolment details, including any changes to your postal address.
For further information, or to update your enrolment details, visit Check my Victorian enrolment details.
Voting in council elections is compulsory if you’re on the state electoral roll.
You may be eligible to vote in Manningham’s elections even if you aren’t automatically enrolled. The Local Government Act 2020 includes a number of voting entitlements that may apply, provided you are not automatically enrolled as outlined above.
You may be eligible to apply directly to Council to be included on the voters’ roll if you are aged 18 years or over on 26 October 2024 and fit into one of the following groups.
Owner ratepayer
You own and pay rates for a property in Manningham. This includes non-Australian citizens and owners who do not occupy the property.
Occupier ratepayer
You occupy a rateable property in Manningham and you are liable to pay the rates.
You are either a director or secretary of a corporation which pays rates in Manningham. You consent in writing to be appointed and are not already enrolled through appointment by another corporation.
Enrolments for the 2024 local council elections are now closed.
To find out about options available to help you cast your vote at the next federal election, visit the Australian Electoral Commission website.
You can only enrol to vote once per council, regardless of whether you are a resident, ratepayer or corporation representative. You must be 18 years or older on election day to be enrolled.
A property can have any number of State residents enrolled at a single address. A property can also have up to two joint owner ratepayers and up to two joint occupier ratepayers enrolled in respect of each property by council. In practice this means a property could have up to four council electors in addition to any number of State residents.
A corporation may only exercise the right of entitlement once in any municipal district, regardless of how many properties it owns or occupies or jointly owns or occupies in the municipal district. A corporation may only appoint one representative to enrol for this property.
For more information on voting in council elections, visit the Victorian Electoral Commission or one of the following links:
• VEC – How voting works
• Know Your Council – Voting in an Election
If you would like to speak with someone about your Council enrolment, contact us.
Cr Conlon has lived in Currawong Ward with his wife and family of eight children for over 20 years.
A Manningham Councillor since 2016, Cr Conlon previously served as Mayor during 2020/21 and 2017/18.
Cr Conlon is passionate about improving local amenity including parks, playgrounds and streetscapes. He advocates for high standards of roads and Council services. Cr Conlon believes good governance starts with integrity and transparency.
Cr Conlon is a professional engineer and teacher with many years of broad business management experience along with community service on various local school and sports clubs committees.
Meeting Date: 27 October 2015
Meeting Time: 7.00pm
Location: Council Chamber, 699 Doncaster Road, Doncaster
View and download the full Council Agenda below. A clearer version of the Attachments can be viewed separately by clicking on the item below.
Complaints help us improve our policies, practices and the way we deliver our services. ...
Complaints help us improve our policies, practices and the way we deliver our services and to make changes where necessary.
We take all complaints seriously and we will work with you to address your complaint in a fair and transparent way.
If you wish, you can make a complaint anonymously.
Let us know about:
Make a complaint to us in your preferred way. We will do our best to respond to you via your preferred method.
Need help? Contact us.
If this is not possible we will refer your complaint to the relevant service area and aim to provide you an outcome within 10 days.
If we need more time or information we will keep you informed throughout the process.
If you remain anonymous we will still investigate your complaint. However, we will not be able to follow up with you or provide an outcome.
You can request for your complaint to be reviewed if:
Our Complaints Policy outlines our approach to providing a fair and consistent process for managing complaints about an action, decision or service delivered by our staff, councillors, volunteers or contractors who work on our behalf.
Your complaint is reviewed and investigated, if required, by a more senior officer. They will provide you with an outcome within 10 business days.
Request an internal review if you are dissatisfied with:
The request for internal review must be received in writing.
Complaints will be reviewed or investigated by an independent Group Manager, Director or the Chief Executive Officer.
We will advise you about the outcome in writing within 28 days, or reach out if we need more information from you.
If you are not satisfied with how we have resolved your complaint you can request an external agency review.
If you are not satisfied with how we have resolved your complaint, or at any stage throughout the process, your complaint can be reviewed externally.
You can refer your complaint to an outside agency such as the Victorian Ombudsman Service. Ph: 03 9613 6222.
Find out how to provide feedback on any of our services, processes, decisions, services or staff. ...
Your feedback provides us a valuable opportunity to review our policies, practices and the way we deliver our services, and to make changes where necessary.
We offer over 100 services to our community. We welcome feedback on:
Your feedback, whether positive or negative, helps us to monitor and improve our services for the benefit of all of our customers.
You can give us feedback online, in person or over the phone.
After you send us your feedback, we will send you an acknowledgement within two business days.
If this is not what you are looking for, you can also:
Meeting Date: 24 November 2015
Meeting Time: 7.00pm
Location: Council Chamber, 699 Doncaster Road, Doncaster
View and download the full Council Agenda below. A clearer version of the Attachments can be viewed separately by clicking on the item below.
The role of Council policies is to clearly state our position on a range of matters affecting the community. These policies assist us in our decision making and provide guidance to Council officers. ...
The role of Council policies is to clearly state our position on a range of matters affecting the community. These policies assist us in our decision making and provide guidance to Council officers.
Our commitment to building a culture of child safety recognises that Manningham Council will prioritise the safety of children in our care and will build child safety into everyday practice.
Find out more about Manningham’s procurement policy. We’re always looking for suppliers who practice fairness and are technologically innovative.
Meeting Date: 28 November 2023
Meeting Time: 7.00pm
Location: Council Chamber, Civic Centre 699 Doncaster Road, Doncaster.
Timecode | Item |
06:00 | 6.1 Petition - Aquarena Aquatic Centre, Lower Templestowe |
07.45 | 11.1 Neighbourhood House Grants 2024 and 2025 |
18.00 | 11.2 Whitehorse Manningham Libraries Annual Report 2022 - 2023 (Page 9) |
25.45 | 12.1 Procurement of Major Road and Civic Contract (Page 100) |
30.25 | 12.2 September 2023 Capital Works Status Report (Page 107) |
38.35 | 13.1 Manningham Quarterly Report, Quarter 1 (July - September) 2023/24 (Page 147) |
50.30 | 14.1 Councillor Committees and Chairperson Appointments for 2024 (Page 169) |
59.10 | 14.2 Appointment of Authorised Officers - Planning and Environment Act 1987 (Page 178) |
01.00.20 | 14.3 Informal Meetings of Councillors (Page 183) |
01.00.54 | 14.4 Documents for Sealing (Page 194) |
01.01.40 | Councillor Reports and Question Time (Page 195) |
Meeting Date: 25 October 2022
Meeting Time: 7.00pm
Location: Council Chamber, Civic Centre 699 Doncaster Road, Doncaster.
Timecode | Item |
03:30 | 5.1 Yarra Strategic Plan |
5.2 Staff Service Awards | |
5.3 Councillor Service Awards | |
9:00 | 6.1 Macedon Square Traders |
10:50 | 6.2 Women's Friendship Group Inc |
22:50 | 10.1 Manningham Reconciliation Action Plan 2023-25 |
29:50 | 10.2 Kevin Heinze Grow Community Gardens 39-41 Wetherby Road, Doncaster - Seeking Council approval of Development Plan (Page 34) |
33:18 | 11.1 Asset Management Annual Report (Page 80) |
41:15 | 12.1 Annual Report 2021/22 (Page 110) |
50:20 | 12.2 Manningham Quarterly Report, Quarter 4 (April - June), 2022 (Page 403) |
57:20 | 13.1 Council Meeting Schedule for 2023 (Page 427) |
57:50 | 13.2 Informal Meeting of Councillors (Page 429) |
58:20 | 13.3 Documents for Sealing (Page 440) |
Meeting Date: 26 November 2024
Meeting Time: 7.00pm
Location: Council Chamber, Civic Centre 699 Doncaster Road, Doncaster.
Timecode | Item |
05:05 | 5.1 Landscaping Victoria's Apprentice of the year - Horticulture: Caitlin Sanderson |
06:20 | 5.2 Retirement of Margaret Kelly, Warrandyte Historical Society |
08:40 | 6. PETITIONS |
17:40 | 10. CITY PLANNING (Page 8) |
17:50 | 11.1 Whitehorse Manningham Libraries Annual Report 2023-2024 |
23:35 | 12. CITY SERVICES (Page 103) |
23:45 | 13.1 Manningham Quarterly Report, Quarter 1 (July-Sept) 2024/25 |
28:20 | 13.2 Councillor Committees and Chairperson Appointments 2025 |
34:00 | 13.3 Appointment of Authorised Officers |
34:40 | 13.4 Informal Meetings of Councillors |
36.35 | 13.5 Documents for Sealing |
37:05 | 14. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (Page 146) |
37:15 | 15. URGENT BUSINESS (Page 146) |