Apply for a planning permit

To apply online

Read the information below before you apply

Apply now

You may need to apply for a planning permit and application before you start a new development or commence a new land use. A planning permit gives you permission to use and/or develop land in a certain way when there’s a requirement for a permit. After granting a planning permit, you may also need other approvals from building, health, local laws and engineering.


Talk to us before you apply for a planning permit

You can organise a pre-application meeting. This gives planning officers the chance to provide feedback before you submit a formal planning permit application in relation to:

  • draft proposals
  • concepts
  • plans.

You can organise a face-to-face meeting or receive a written response. This is an optional service and there will be a pre-application fee.

We can advise you on:

  • if you need a permit for your proposal
  • information requirements for your application
  • the application process.


How much does it cost?

View our full list of fees

How to submit your application

  1. Obtain a recently copy of Certificate of Title from Landata that’s no more than 3 months old, including a full copy of any restrictive covenants or section 173 agreements.

  2. Obtain a Plan of Survey from a licensed land surveyor.

  3. A covering letter explaining your proposal and any accompanying reports. This can include a planning report clearly identifying details of the proposed business such as operating hours and number of staff.

  4. Provide a copy of any other detailed reports such as arborist or traffic reports and a copy of your paid Metropolitan Planning Levy (If required).

  5. Electronic site and elevation plans prepared by a suitably qualified architect or draftsman drawn to scale. It should also clearly depict

    • any existing and new buildings
    • finished floor levels
    • site levels
    • setbacks from all boundaries
    • wall and overall building heights taken from natural ground level at the building line as well at the boundary line
    • existing vegetation to remove or retain (including tree protection zones and canopy drip lines)
    • car parking and accessway design
    • proposed earthworks/areas of cut and fill along with retaining wall and fence details.
    • In addition there may also be other reports/information requirements as detailed by the Manningham Planning Scheme.

    We strongly advise you speak with a planner to determine your detailed application requirements.

  6. Choose from the options below to start your application:

    New to planning?

    Due to the complex nature of the planning system we recommend you seek professional advice from an expert who can assist you with preparing your application.

    Upload, apply and pay by credit or debit card

    Payment can be made online by credit or debit card when lodging the application

    Upload, apply and pay by invoice

    Receive an invoice to pay by credit card, BPAY or PostBillPay after the application is lodged. This invoice may be forwarded to a third party for payment

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