The Manningham Civic Awards recognise residents who’ve made exceptional contributions to the Manningham community through volunteer, unpaid or paid work.
Citizen of the Year
Manningham's Citizen of the Year award goes to a resident whose outstanding contributions have improved the lives of our local community. Their contributions demonstrate a long-term commitment to community service, community innovation, philanthropy or volunteer work.
2024 Citizen of the Year – Brian Tyedin
Brian tirelessly and constantly searches for ways to support and serve the local community, finding the time and energy to go above and beyond. Brian is a champion of the Rotary movement and has served Rotary and the Manningham community with distinction.
2024 | Brian Tyedin |
2023 | Dennis Clarke |
2022 | Margaret Kelly |
2021 | Ian Goldsmith |
2019 | Hardy Shum |
2018 | Geoff Roberts |
Doreen Stoves AM PSM JP Volunteer of the Year
The Doreen Stoves Volunteer of the Year Award is about recognising a contribution made by a volunteer in the local community. This award honors Doreen Stoves for her inspirational work. Doreen worked for many years at Doncare and dedicated her life to helping others.
This award highlights the contributions made by the quiet achievers, who often work behind the scenes to build a stronger and more caring society. It recognises contributions made in the areas of community service, civic engagement, environment, sport, the arts, education, business or advocacy.

2024 Doreen Stoves AM PSM JP Volunteer of the Year – Luke Bastian
Luke has played a crucial role in the Scouting community for more than two decades. His remarkable contributions to Rotary and the Doncaster Baseball Club have also been significant. Luke is a dedicated member of the Manningham community and exemplifies the qualities of an exceptional citizen.
2024 Doreen Stoves AM PSM JP Volunteer of the Year – Kate Gniel
Kate is an outstanding individual who consistently makes remarkable impact in the community through her volunteering efforts. Over the past five years, Kate has dedicated her time and energy to enhancing and enriching the lives of others. In 2022 Kate became the first ever female president of the Sharks Junior Football Club and has focused efforts on making the mental health of players and families first and foremost.
2024 | Luke Bastian |
2024 | Kate Gniel |
2023 | Frank Johnston |
2023 | Shin Thant (Berry) Eain (Young Volunteer) |
2022 | Varvara Ioannou |
2021 | Patricia Wheeler |
2019 | Kathy Monley |
2018 | Teresa Clarke |
Community Organisation of the Year Award
This award recognises community organisations, clubs or groups who have gone ‘above and beyond’ to improve the lives of the Manningham community. Nominees must be not for profit community organisations who’ve made a tangible difference to diversity, acceptance and tolerance, community spirit and social connectedness in the Manningham community.
Community groups may be nominated for a specific project undertaken in the last 12 months that demonstrates a positive impact made to the Manningham community.
2024 Community Organisation of the Year Award - Rotary Club of Manningham City
The Rotary Club of Manningham City Inc. received its official charter on 1 July 2023, bringing together Rotary clubs and individuals with diverse talents that have contributed to Manningham for over 45 years. The club’s dedication to serving our community spans across all demographics, capabilities and requirements and plays a crucial role in maintaining connections among people.
2024 | Rotary Club of Manningham City |
2024 | Manningham Toy Library - Highly commended |
2023 | LinC Manningham Inc |
2022 | CareNet Program |
2021 | Manningham State Emergency Service |
2019 | Doncaster All Abilities Basketball |
2018 | Women’s Friendship Group |
Sports Volunteer of the Year
This award recognises individuals who demonstrate excellence in the sporting arena and/or displays exemplary leadership in the Manningham sporting community. This award is for people who inspire others, encourage participation and embody the principles of sportsmanship and fair play.
This award recognises those who play sport and anyone who contributes to Manningham’s sporting community off the field. This includes coaches, referees, umpires, organisers, volunteers and officials.
2024 Sports Volunteer of the Year - Anthony Milicia
Anthony dedicates himself to volunteering with Manningham Juventus Football Club as if it were a second job, setting a positive example and motivating others. His actions serve as a source of inspiration for others. Anthony is accessible and an excellent communicator, who consistently makes himself available to others.
2024 | Anthony Milicia |
2024 | Michael James - Highly commended |
2023 | Caroline Clarkson |
2022 | Vince Montuoro |
2021 | Roland Frasca |
2019 | Alan Duffus |
2018 | Fiona Huber |
Young Citizen of the Year
This award recognises the outstanding contribution made by a young Manningham resident to improve the lives of our local community. This can be demonstrated through leadership qualities, inspiring others through action or being a positive role model.
2022 | Stephanie Martinez |
2021 | Sulaymaan Hafeez |
2019 | Zoe Petropoulos |
2018 | Jade Chan |
We invite community organisations in Manningham to attend an online Q and A session. Community grant staff will respond to your questions about the Community Grant Program....
Come to this online session with your questions about the Community Development, Arts, Festivals and Events and Healthy Ageing grant categories.
Interested representatives from community organisations are invited to attend this Q&A session. Council officers will be available to respond to questions about Grant Guidelines, eligibility to apply for a grant and the application process.
Registrater now
Chaharshanbe Suri, a significant Iranian festival celebrated just before Norooz, is a cherished cultural event organised by the Australian Iranian Society of Victoria.
Enjoy this vibrant and unforgettable cultural experience, offering a unique blend of traditional festivities and the rich flavors of Persian cuisine. This event is expected to attract a diverse crowd, fostering a sense of community and shared celebration filled with joy, laughter, music and Persian culinary delights.
Held at Ruffey Lake Park, Doncaster. This year the event will be held on The Boulevarde side of the park near McCallum Hill.
Event parking is available off King Street, with a short five minute walk to the event site.
Traffic management
Road closures will be in place on the night for local access only. Local residents will be notified via a letterbox drop.
Chaharshanbeh Suri, a significant Iranian festival celebrated just before Norooz, is a cherished cultural event organised by the
Australian Iranian Society of Victoria.
The fusion of Chaharshanbeh Suri and the Taste of Persia food festival is set to create a vibrant and unforgettable cultural experience, offering a unique blend of traditional festivities and the rich flavors of Persian cuisine. This event is expected to attract a diverse crowd, fostering a sense of community and shared celebration filled with joy, laughter, and the delectable aromas of Persian culinary delights.
Held at Ruffey Lake Park - King Street side.
Home Harvest Manningham is a monthly home gardening seminar series that will teach you how to grow your own delicious fresh food at home.
In this comprehensive program, Sustainable Gardening Australia will cover everything you need to know about preparing your garden (in Spring) for a bumper summer harvest.
Part one will cover planning, preparing, and growing your garden organically.
Topics include:
- what does growing organically mean
- designing your summer organic garden
- soil management and amendment
- organic fertilizers
- integrated pest management
- composting and worm farms.
Food swap from 6.45pm, session starts at 7.00pm.
This event is part of our Inspired Living Series. This series showcases an exciting range of fun and sustainable activities and events for all ages, supporting sustainability at home, in the community and at work.
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UPDATE: Due to the circuit breaker lockdown restrictions, this event has been cancelled. If you have already booked into this session, we will contact you with information on how to reschedule.
As part of Manningham Council's Community Training Program we invite members of community organisations to find out more about Council's Community Grants Program.
This session will provide information on the Community Partnership Grant funding that is available to not-for profit organisations operating in Manningham to achieve longer term community and cultural development outcomes. Funding is for up to $50,000 per year to a total of $200,000 over 4 years.
Interested representatives from established and experienced community organisations including community and children’s services, sports clubs, recreation, leisure, arts and cultural groups are encouraged to attend this information session. There will also be an opportunity to receive early advice regarding your proposed activity from Council officers.
The session will cover:
- Eligibility
- Key dates
- How to apply
- Required information
- Assessment criteria
Bookings: Bookings are essential and limited to 2 people per organisation. All bookings must be made through Eventbrite.
More information: Please contact the Grants Team on 9840 9333 or email You can also download the
We will be running multiple information sessions. If you would like to attend but can't make this session, please view the full list of available dates on our Community Training Program page.
Related Pages
Join Victoria Devine, ‘She’s on the money’ podcaster, well-known author and former financial advisor to learn strategies to help you take charge
of your financial future.
Victoria is passionate about sharing her ideas on gaining financial freedom whether you’re stuck in debt, managing a mortgage or juggling family and lifestyle.
Those who attend the presentation in person will also have the opportunity to talk to representatives from relevant support organisations at the mini exhibition.
This event is part of the 2024 Health and Wellbeing series and brought to you by Maroondah City Council in partnership with EACH, Your Libraries, City of Boroondara, City of Kingston, City of Monash, Whitehorse City Council and Manningham Council.
Let's Crochet Together offers senior residents of Manningham an enjoyable and practical crochet session, with a special focus on those from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds.
Participants will not only acquire basic crochet skills, but also have the opportunity to build new community connections.
Refreshments will be provided, and each participant will receive a complimentary crochet kit.
Please note: this event will be conducted in Cantonese.
This event is free of charge for older adults aged 65 and above from Manningham. Spots are limited and fill up quickly, registrations essential.
Let's Crochet Together is organised by CASS Care and supported by Manningham Council’s Community Grants Program.
The 2025 Manningham Asian Cultural Festival will feature a fantastic lineup of cultural performances, delicious street food and family friendly activities.
A celebration of culture and community, the event will finish with a fireworks display.
We encourage you to leave your pets at home so they don’t get frightened by the fireworks. If you live in nearby streets, secure your family pets in a safe, comfortable location or consider bringing them into your house during the display.
The festival is brought to you by the Asian Business Association of Whitehorse (ABAW), organisers of the popular Lunar New Year Festival in Box Hill.
Manningham Council is proud to be a major sponsor of the event, which is being held for the first time and expected to attract 10,000 people.
Home Harvest Manningham is a monthly home gardening seminar series that will teach you how to grow your own delicious, fresh food at home....
Join fruit tree expert Christy Clarke from Fruit Tree Folk as he discusses how to effectively select, plant and care for a range of fruit trees for maximum health and abundance.
We will discuss the art of winter versus summer pruning, common pests and diseases, and organic solutions for these.
The seminar begins at 6.30pm, or join us from 6.15pm for our monthly food swap, where you can bring and trade homegrown produce, cuttings, seeds, gardening magazines, jars, ferments and more!
About Home Harvest: Home Harvest is a free, complete home gardening program that runs monthly from February to December. It aims to educate and inspire residents to grow their own organic, nutritious and delicious produce at home. The series hosts seminars, question and answer time, on-site activities and food swaps!
Please see our events section for other upcoming sessions.
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Find information, links, resources and updates on important topics related to sport club operations and participation. ...
Manningham’s Resource Hub has been created to support our sport and recreation clubs both on and off the field. The hub provides key information, links, resources and updates on important topics related to sport club operations and participation.
Find resources on:
Game Plan is a free online platform that allows sporting clubs of all sizes to get insights into their current capability in key areas of club administration, then supports ongoing club development with a suite of tools.
Club Help has been developed as a "one stop shop" for resources for local sporting clubs to support them in running a successful club.
The Good Sports program supports and inspires community sporting clubs to set up a better environment for players, volunteers, supporters and officials, helping tackle tricky topics such as alcohol, drugs, smoking, mental health and safe transport.
Vicsport's aim is to get as many people in Victoria engaging in sport and physical activity as possible. They are the peak body for sport and active recreation in the state and work closely with the Victorian Government to promote the many benefits sport has to offer.
A new free and interactive way to understand and comply with the 11 Victorian Child Safe Standards
Victoria's Child Safe Standards were put in place in 2016 to protect children and young people from harm and abuse.
Providing safe sporting environments for children and young people in Victoria is not optional, it is required by law under the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005.
Celebrating and supporting everyday women to get active in ways that suit them — featuring a range of physical activity events designed to welcome beginners and those curious to try something new.
The Office for Women in Sport and Recreation (OWSR) is the first dedicated office designed to improve gender equality in sport and recreation in Australia. Their goal is to increase the number of women and girls participating in sport and active recreation, from grassroots through to senior
A toolkit to help sporting clubs and active recreation settings to take positive action towards gender equity and achieving fair access and usage of community infrastructure for all genders.
DSR's vision is to create a Victoria where all people with disability can choose and access any sport or active recreation activity they want to engage with.
Australia’s only dedicated referral and connection service for people with a disability to sports and recreational opportunities in Victoria. AAA Play work with the enquirer to identify what activity they wish to be involved in, what their disabilities are, and where they are located.
A national not-for-profit sporting inclusion program specifically designed to assist sporting organisations at all levels with the inclusion of employees, athletes, volunteers and spectators with diverse genders and sexualities.
Championing inclusivity in sports. Sports Clubs can learn how to ensure inclusivity for every member, while Individuals can find opportunities to participate and connect.
In partnership with Proud 2 Play, Vicsport has created the Rainbow Roadmap to assist sport organisations in achieving rainbow ready status.
In partnership with Access Health and Community, City of Boroondara, Manningham Council, Whitehorse City Council and Leisure Networks we deliver the Inclusive Clubs project. The project includes an online webinar and two free 2-hour workshops with the completion of an inclusion assessment and action
Strategic Planning
Action planning
Creating a team
Unlocking the power of strategic planning
The Who, What, When and how of consultation
Turning Club goals into success
Financial Management 101
Financial sustainability
Show us the money
Governance 101
Tailored Governance
Safeguarding at Grassroots
Your Club's Framework (Legalities)
Volunteer Management
Being your best
Leadership on and off the field
Turf management 101
Are you looking for?
All maintenance requests that are deemed a Council responsibility are to be reported via Council’s online request tool.
View the availability of Manningham’s sports grounds on our public calendar.
Council’s Recreation Capital Works Funding Program provides funding towards sporting facility infrastructure developments.
Need help? Contact us.
Join this free and informative webinar on the concept and practice of affirmative consent to learn about recent changes to Victorian law regarding consent within sexual relationships.
The webinar will be presented by a panel of local experts, including Chanel Contos, Executive Director of Teach Us Consent.
Teach Us Consent is an organisation that provides holistic consent education and advocacy for structural reform to prevent normalised sexual violence.
Registration is essential to attend.
This event is part of the 2024 Health and Wellbeing Series, brought to you by collaborating Eastern Metropolitan Region Councils.
Chanel Contos appearing courtesy of Saxton Speakers Bureau.
Connect with other like minded retirees and enjoy fun, friendship and social events....
Connect with other like minded retirees and enjoy fun, friendship and social events. Come and join in the many club organised meetings, activities, outings and trips.
Templestowe Central Probus Club meets every second Wednesday of the month, except in January. The club meets at the Manningham Leisure Centre, near the indoor basketball courts.
For more information about our club, please call 0414 234 361 and leave a message for our membership secretary. You can also visit our website or email us at
UPDATE: Due to the circuit breaker lockdown restrictions, this event has been cancelled. If you have already booked into this session, we will contact you with information on how to reschedule.
As part of Manningham Council's Community Training Program, we invite members of community organisations including community and children’s services, sports clubs, recreation, leisure, arts and cultural groups to attend this free session.
Learn how to write proposals to get a better chance of having your application selected.
The session will cover the following topics:
- Understanding the key application requirements and how your project will align with these
- How to define the project and the benefit it will have for the community
- Formulating your project plan to deliver the project
- Preparing the budget (including supplying quotes)
- Adhering to the grant conditions and responsibilities
Bookings: Bookings are essential and limited to 2 people per organisation. All bookings must be made through Eventbrite.
More information: Please contact the Grants Team for more information or for help with your booking.
We will be running multiple grant writing workshops. If you would like to attend but can't make this session, please view the full list of available dates on our Community Training Program page.
Disability Sports Australia and Manningham Council invite children living with disabilities to our free Variety Abilities Unleashed Kids event.
Proudly supported by Variety Victoria - The Children's Charity and Matchworks, this multi-sport come and try day marks the initial steps in the active journey of children living with disabilities.
Each event enables and empowers participants to discover local active opportunities within a fun, safe, and inclusive environment.
Participants will be split into smaller groups upon registration. After a welcome at 10.00am, they will rotate across 4 to 6 stations. These activities will consist of modified sport and active recreation with the use of adaptive equipment to suit the participants. The stations will be facilitated by specialised coaches with the support of students and community organisations.
Places are expected to fill quickly, register today!
Come and Try a health, fitness or wellbeing exercise class at Pines Learning!...
Pines Learning invites women 16 plus, who are new to their centre, to attend a 'free come and try' session for one of their many, varied health, fitness or wellbeing exercise classes.
Select from Tai Chi, Barre class, chair yoga, dance classes and much much more!
To register, go to Pines Learning to view what classes are on offer in November, then call 9842 6726 to organise your free class.
Places are limited and bookings are essential.
What to wear: comfortable clothing appropriate for exercise and correct footwear for each of the classes.
What to bring: a towel and water bottle are optional.
Please note: current Pines Learning members are not eligible for a free session.
Manningham Volunteer Resource Service (Eastern Volunteers) will be hosting the 2nd Annual Manningham Volunteer Expo. ...
Manningham Volunteer Resource Service (Eastern Volunteers) will be hosting the 2nd Annual Manningham Volunteer Expo.
The Expo will feature organisations from various sectors, including: aged care, disability, new migrant services, gardening and conservation, animal welfare, hospitality, emergency and other community services.
- If you are interested in volunteering, come along to learn more about:
- Local organisations and what they do for the Manningham community
- The Manningham Volunteer Resource Service and how they can assist you with the volunteer journey
- The various benefits of volunteering
- The different ways you can volunteer
Register online or walk in on the day.
Find out how to compost your food scraps and organic waste. ...
Why recycle food waste?
Food waste can seem dirty, smelly or off-putting, but it is an incredibly valuable resource that is packed with nutrients that plants need to thrive. Recycling food waste at home is not only beneficial for your garden but also fosters a deeper connection to your environment and what you consume.
While your FOGO bin is perfect for keeping your food and garden waste out of landfill, recycling it yourself at home is easy and cost effective as you spend less on commercial fertilisers and soil conditioners.
Start composting with our Compost Community promotion
To assist you to start composting, we offer a range of discounted composting products through Compost Community. Manningham residents can receive 40% off the recommended retail price, including free delivery.
Who can order from Compost Community?
You can order from this program as long as:
- you live in a residential property in our municipality, and
- your household has not already ordered through this promotion.
What products are available?
We are offering 5 types of composting systems through the Compost Community promotion. Here is a list of the available products:
Composting system | RRP (incl. shipping) | Cost (40% off and free delivery) |
Worm farming starter pack | $213.85 | $99.00 |
Compost starter pack | $165.90 | $81.00 |
Bokashi starter pack | $157.00 | $69.00 |
Pet poo composting kit | $152.00 | $62.40 |
Tumbler pack | $274.95 | $130.80 |
Replacement worms pack | $183.85 | $83.10 |
How to purchase products
Visit the Compost Community website.
Choose your composting system and add the item to your cart.
At the checkout, select 'add a coupon code'. The code can be found at the end of the item's name.
Confirm that the discount has been applied and complete the payment order form.
Come and join us to learn about the magic and fun of composting! In this interactive session, Mandarin speakers will be introduced to multiple ways of home organic recycling. ...
Come and join us to learn about the magic and fun of composting!
In this interactive session, Mandarin speakers will be introduced to multiple ways of home organic recycling including:
- hot composting
- worm farming
- bokashi composting.
Live demonstrations and hands-on training will break your stereotypes of composting being smelly, unhygienic and troublesome.
No matter where you live, how much space and time you have, there’s always something you can do right from your kitchen and backyard to recycle your organic waste and turn it into garden gold. In doing so, you will be helping our environment to become better.
Please note: this workshop will be presented in Mandarin.
Gardening workshop...
This garden-based program will teach organic gardening techniques, which are useful for home gardening and careers in permaculture.
Car parking is available onsite and Bus 905 stops at Thompsons Road / Sunhill Road bus stop.