Manningham Civic Award winners

The Manningham Civic Awards recognise residents who’ve made exceptional contributions to the Manningham community through volunteer, unpaid or paid work.

Citizen of the Year

Manningham's Citizen of the Year award goes to a resident whose outstanding contributions have improved the lives of our local community. Their contributions demonstrate a long-term commitment to community service, community innovation, philanthropy or volunteer work.

Brian Tyedin and Mayor Cr Carli Lange stand smiling in front of an orange background, Brian is holding his Civic Award.

2024 Citizen of the Year – Brian Tyedin

Brian tirelessly and constantly searches for ways to support and serve the local community, finding the time and energy to go above and beyond. Brian is a champion of the Rotary movement and has served Rotary and the Manningham community with distinction.

Citizen of the Year Honour Roll
2024Brian Tyedin
2023Dennis Clarke
2022Margaret Kelly
2021Ian Goldsmith
2019Hardy Shum
2018Geoff Roberts

Doreen Stoves AM PSM JP Volunteer of the Year

The Doreen Stoves Volunteer of the Year Award is about recognising a contribution made by a volunteer in the local community. This award honors Doreen Stoves for her inspirational work. Doreen worked for many years at Doncare and dedicated her life to helping others.

This award highlights the contributions made by the quiet achievers, who often work behind the scenes to build a stronger and more caring society. It recognises contributions made in the areas of community service, civic engagement, environment, sport, the arts, education, business or advocacy.

Luke Bastian, Kate Gniel and Mayor Cr Carli Lange stand smiling in front of an orange background, Kate and Luke are holding their Civic Awards.

2024 Doreen Stoves AM PSM JP Volunteer of the Year – Luke Bastian

Luke has played a crucial role in the Scouting community for more than two decades. His remarkable contributions to Rotary and the Doncaster Baseball Club have also been significant. Luke is a dedicated member of the Manningham community and exemplifies the qualities of an exceptional citizen.

2024 Doreen Stoves AM PSM JP Volunteer of the Year – Kate Gniel

Kate is an outstanding individual who consistently makes remarkable impact in the community through her volunteering efforts. Over the past five years, Kate has dedicated her time and energy to enhancing and enriching the lives of others. In 2022 Kate became the first ever female president of the Sharks Junior Football Club and has focused efforts on making the mental health of players and families first and foremost.

Doreen Stoves Volunteer of the Year Honour Roll
2024Luke Bastian
2024Kate Gniel
2023Frank Johnston
2023Shin Thant (Berry) Eain (Young Volunteer) 
2022Varvara Ioannou
2021Patricia Wheeler
2019Kathy Monley
2018Teresa Clarke

Community Organisation of the Year Award

This award recognises community organisations, clubs or groups who have gone ‘above and beyond’ to improve the lives of the Manningham community. Nominees must be not for profit community organisations who’ve made a tangible difference to diversity, acceptance and tolerance, community spirit and social connectedness in the Manningham community.

Community groups may be nominated for a specific project undertaken in the last 12 months that demonstrates a positive impact made to the Manningham community.

Rotary Club representative and Mayor Cr Carli Lange stand smiling in front of an orange background.

2024 Community Organisation of the Year Award - Rotary Club of Manningham City

The Rotary Club of Manningham City Inc. received its official charter on 1 July 2023, bringing together Rotary clubs and individuals with diverse talents that have contributed to Manningham for over 45 years. The club’s dedication to serving our community spans across all demographics, capabilities and requirements and plays a crucial role in maintaining connections among people.

Community Organisation of the Year Award Honour Roll
2024Rotary Club of Manningham City
2024Manningham Toy Library - Highly commended
2023LinC Manningham Inc
2022CareNet Program
2021Manningham State Emergency Service
2019Doncaster All Abilities Basketball
2018Women’s Friendship Group

Sports Volunteer of the Year

This award recognises individuals who demonstrate excellence in the sporting arena and/or displays exemplary leadership in the Manningham sporting community. This award is for people who inspire others, encourage participation and embody the principles of sportsmanship and fair play. 

This award recognises those who play sport and anyone who contributes to Manningham’s sporting community off the field.  This includes coaches, referees, umpires, organisers, volunteers and officials. 

Anthony Milicia and Mayor Cr Carli Lange stand smiling in front of an orange background, Anthony is holding his Civic Award.

2024 Sports Volunteer of the Year - Anthony Milicia

Anthony dedicates himself to volunteering with Manningham Juventus Football Club as if it were a second job, setting a positive example and motivating others. His actions serve as a source of inspiration for others. Anthony is accessible and an excellent communicator, who consistently makes himself available to others.

Sports Volunteer of the Year Honour Roll
2024Anthony Milicia
2024Michael James - Highly commended 
2023Caroline Clarkson
2022Vince Montuoro
2021Roland Frasca
2019Alan Duffus
2018Fiona Huber

Young Citizen of the Year

This award recognises the outstanding contribution made by a young Manningham resident to improve the lives of our local community. This can be demonstrated through leadership qualities, inspiring others through action or being a positive role model. 

Young Citizen of the Year Honour Roll
2022Stephanie Martinez
2021Sulaymaan Hafeez
2019Zoe Petropoulos
2018Jade Chan