Find out more about Manningham’s Climate Emergency Response Plan (CERP).
Through increased climate action, we aim to enhance the liveability of Manningham, promote community health and wellbeing, and boost the resilience of our natural and built environments, as well as the economy.
Climate emergency resolution
In October 2021, Manningham Council unanimously adopted climate mitigation targets. These targets are:
- net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2028 for Council operations
- net zero emissions by 2035 for the Manningham community.
The climate emergency resolution and the net zero targets empower us to enhance climate action. Community feedback enabled a shared commitment with Council to respond to climate change with decisive action.
Climate Emergency Response Plan
Climate change is the defining issue of our time. That’s why we're pursuing ambitious but achievable goals of our own as part of our climate emergency response.
Focus areas:
- improved public transport and car share services
- more electric vehicle charging infrastructure
- conversion to energy efficient LED streetlights
- more rooftop solar
- household and building energy saving measures
- diverting food and garden organics (FOGO) waste away from landfill
- incentives to recycle and repurpose materials
- preserving and strengthening local biodiversity and bushland
- continuing community education and awareness raising through workshops, events and activities.
What we’re doing
We’re adopting a diverse approach to tackling climate change and its effects. We know a challenge like this requires action on several fronts.
We developed the Climate Emergency Response Plan, our blueprint to address the impacts from climate change for our community. Each year we will publish a Climate Implementation Plan Update to ensure transparency with our community in actions to meet the set targets.
Our key actions include:
Sustainable transport
We've introduced a pilot car share service at Doncaster Hill. We've transitioned more than 60 per cent of our fleet to low emission vehicles. We're increasing the number of electric vehicles (EVs) in our fleet and we've begun electrifying our plant equipment, including:
- a fully electric heavy vehicle
- electric mowers
- gardening equipment such as blowers and hedgers.
We're expanding our EV charging infrastructure, including 14 chargers for Council vehicles and a network of public EV chargers.
Sustainable energy
Nature and greening our suburbs
- planting 2000 street trees each year
- maintaining streetscapes and reserves
- preserving and strengthening local biodiversity and bushland reserves.
Community education
We run monthly biodiversity walks and produce a monthly What's On e-newsletter. We run webinars and workshops to educate and raise awareness on the circular economy, climate and biodiversity, including:
- Inspired Living Series
- Spring Outdoors
- Electrify your home
- Clothes swap days
- Detox your home.
View the events calendar.