Below we have collated some of our popular applications.
On this page
Below we have collated some of our popular applications.
Want to reduce the amount of waste you produce, but don’t know where to start?
Join Nanna Anna to discover how small, simple changes in your everyday life can significantly reduce the amount of waste you produce.
Living a lower waste lifestyle is something that many Australians are keen to do, as it becomes increasingly obvious that our daily choices directly affect the environment. But when faced with the abundance of information available, it can be overwhelming to know where, and how, to begin.
This free face-to-face presentation is designed to help you explore ways to live a more low-waste lifestyle. It will cover practical examples of how to identify waste elements in your household; low-waste alternatives to everyday items and consumables; and different approaches to implementing low-waste strategies and habits in the future.
Registration is required and spots are limited.
View the links below to report an incident or make a request.
Frequently used:
If your request is urgent call us on 9840 9333
Complaints help us improve our policies, practices and the way we deliver our services.
Your feedback provides us a valuable opportunity to review our policies, practices and the way we deliver our services, and to make changes where necessary.
An infringement, also known as either a fine or a penalty notice, is issued when a law or regulation is broken to help protect the rights, amenity and well-being of the Manningham community.
Find a list of options available to you if you have received a penalty notice.
View information on Manningham’s Community Local Law (2023), a local law made under Part 5 of the Local Government Act (1989 ) and section 42 of the Domestic Animals Act 1994, that further describes infringements and fines.
We issue infringements that relate to:
Have a FOGO question? We’ve got the answer.
Not quite sure how the new FOGO service works?
Drop in to one of our casual online Q and A sessions where our friendly staff will be available to answer any of your queries.
If you have a waste service with us, we can repair or replace broken or missing bins.
Bin repair or replacement is free of charge.
You can request online using the 'Request now' button.
Otherwise you can contact us or email waste@manningham.vic.gov.au.
When you start a waste service with us you can choose which size bins you want to suit your needs. If your needs change then you can swap your bin sizes.
Check if you have authorisation to swap bin sizes:
you're the landlord or property manager
Yes, as owner or manager of the property you can make the request.
you're renting
No, you'll need to contact your landlord or property manager to make the request.
you run a commercial business
Yes, as long as you are the landlord or property manager of the commercial property you can make the request.
There is a once off administration and delivery fee of $71.00 for swapping bin sizes plus an adjustment to your annual waste service charge. View cost of bins.
Upsize or downsize online using the 'Swap now' button.
Otherwise you can contact us or email waste@manningham.vic.gov.au.
不太清楚新的 FOGO 服务如何运作?
Have a FOGO question? We’ve got the answer.
Not quite sure how the new FOGO service works?
Drop in to one of our casual online Q and A sessions where our friendly staff will be available to answer any of your queries.
Please note: this session will be run in English, Cantonese and Mandarin.
If you have a residential bin collection service with us, you can choose to have up to two bundled branches or hard rubbish collections (or a combination of each) per calendar year. You can book:
The bundled branches collections are dedicated for branches that cannot fit into your garden bin.
Find out how to dispose of your unwanted items or contact us.
View items (listed above)
Book before 5.00pm each Wednesday to have items collected the following week (except during the Christmas and New Year period).
Place your items no earlier than the Sunday before the week of your collection.
To cancel your bundled branches booking, contact us by 5.00pm on the Friday before the week of collection.
Come along to this webinar to hear from the founder of Plastic Free July, Rebecca Prince-Ruiz.
Rebecca will talk about how this inspiring movement grew from just a handful of people, to 140 million people worldwide.
Learn how you can be part of this community change as Rebecca shares solutions and stories from people making small steps to reduce plastic waste. Together we can make a real difference in Victoria in 2023, beyond the plastic bans.
If you have a residential bin collection service with us, you can choose to have up to two hard rubbish or bundled branches collections (or a combination of each) per calendar year.
You can book:
Hard rubbish collections are for unwanted household items. All items must:
be lighter than 50kg (must be able to be lifted by two people)
be no longer than 1.5m in length, and
fit the description below.
Find out how to dispose of your unwanted items or contact us.
View items (listed above)
Book before 5.00pm each Wednesday to have your items collected between Monday and Friday the following week (except during the Christmas and New Year period).
We'll inform you of the collection date after your booking is confirmed.
Place your items no earlier than the Sunday before the week of your collection.
You can book online using the 'Book now' button.
Otherwise you can contact us or email waste@manningham.vic.gov.au.
To cancel your hard rubbish booking, contact us by 5.00pm on the Friday before the week of collection.
Find out what you can and cannot put into your kerbside bins by selecting the bin below:
Your garbage bin (red lid) is for general household rubbish.
Find out how to dispose of your unwanted items or contact us.
Your recycle bin (yellow lid) is for general household recyclables. Place items loosely in the bin and not in plastic bags.
Find out how to dispose of your unwanted items or contact us.
Your FOGO bin (green lid) is for food and garden waste.
Find out exactly what can and cannot go in your FOGO bin by downloading this handy A to Z FOGO guide.
Before felling or trimming trees (large branches) check if you need a permit.
Can’t find your item?
Find out how to dispose of your unwanted items or contact us.
Garbage bin (red lid) - your rubbish is taken to the Cleanaway transfer station in Lysterfield. | |
Recycle bin (yellow lid) - your recyclables are taken to the Visy Recycling Plant in Heidelberg. | |
FOGO bin (green lid) - your garden waste is taken to Bio Gro in Dandenong South for processing. |
Interpreter services are available in multiple languages.
Call our Interpreter service on 9840 9355.
We value our multicultural community and want to make sure you can communicate with us in the way that you prefer. Over 40 per cent of Manningham residents speak a language other than English at home.
Communicate with us through the Translating and Interpreting Service if you do not speak or understand English.
The interpreter service will contact the relevant council area and act as a direct translator between the caller and Council.
All interpreters are accredited with the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) to ensure the highest standards of customer service available to non-English speaking customers.
We use Google Translate to give you the option to read Council information in your language.
To use Google Translate:
Find the translate menu at the bottom of the page.
We've provided extra resources in these languages other than English.
Stay informed about programs, services, council projects, opportunities and important news for our diverse communities.
Ahead of National Recycling Week, join Precious Plastic Melbourne to gain an overview of the different types of plastic in circulation, their recyclability and usage.
Learn about some of the challenges of recycling certain plastic materials, and understand the complexity that exists at a local area level.
This session will help you identify different plastic types with ease and confidence and understand what can be done with them.
Come and join us to learn about the magic and fun of composting!
In this interactive session, Mandarin speakers will be introduced to multiple ways of home organic recycling including:
Live demonstrations and hands-on training will break your stereotypes of composting being smelly, unhygienic and troublesome.
No matter where you live, how much space and time you have, there’s always something you can do right from your kitchen and backyard to recycle your organic waste and turn it into garden gold. In doing so, you will be helping our environment to become better.
Please note: this workshop will be presented in Mandarin.
Litter is one of our major environmental problems. Litter and littering includes:
For more information see EPA Victoria.
For information on asbestos visit Asbestos in Victoria.
Check what type of dumped rubbish or litter you can report and where you can report it. If unsure, contact us.
Dumped rubbish
You can make a report online, in person or over the phone.
If there is any danger to the public or public space, please call us immediately on 9840 9333.
We'll send your report to the relevant team who will attend the location to assess the items and take appropriate action.
If you see someone littering from a vehicle or near the vehicle they are using, you can report to EPA. For more information about reporting litter from vehicles, visit the EPA website.
For information about how to safely manage, remove or report dumped asbestos visit Asbestos Victoria. To report dumped asbestos, use our online form or contact us.
Come along to our 2025 Inspired Living Series panel to participate in a meaningful discussion on eco-anxiety and hope.
Bronwyn Gresham - Compassionate Nature
Bronwyn is a psychologist, climate aware practitioner and eco-anxiety speaker. Her purpose is in progressing our personal and collective emotional and social wellbeing as we live in climate change. This includes how climate change impacts people and communities directly (through extreme weather events and biodiversity loss) and indirectly (such as feeling uncertain, dread or anxiety about the future, or grief for extinctions and ecosystem loss). Yet, radical acceptance – that is, accepting what is happening and seeing this with our eyes and hearts open – is a prerequisite for compassionate, responsive and effective action.
Lee Constable
Lee Constable is a science and sustainability presenter and edu-tainer. She is best known for hosting Network 10 kids’ science TV show Scope. Her TV appearances also include Studio 10, ABC News Breakfast and War on Waste (Season Three). Lee is the author of How to Save the Whole Stinkin’ Planet: A Garbological Adventure and How to Save the Whole Blinkin' Planet: A Renewable Energy Adventure.
Inspired Living Series – keynote speaker events
Our 2025 Inspired Living Series showcases five insightful, not-to-be-missed evenings. The series will introduce you to a diverse lineup of local keynote speakers who will offer unique insights on embracing sustainability.
Topics range from sustainable food to low waste lifestyles. Each speaker will share their journey – inspiring our audience to embrace positive choices, nurture a connection to nature, and foster community for a stronger, more resilient future.
Registration for this event is required.
Keep up to date with our latest environment and sustainability events.
You can report your missed bin or half-emptied bin collection for the following bins:
We may not have collected your bins if they were:
If neither of these reasons apply, report your missed bin collection below.
Report your missed bin collection by 10.00am the day after your scheduled collection day.
You can report online using the 'Report now' button otherwise contact us.
Precious Plastics was started by Dave Hakkens in 2012 as part of his studies to develop machines, techniques, and strategies to tackle plastic waste.
Precious Plastic Monash are a group of students from Monash University and part of the worldwide Precious Plastic community their goal is to tackle and provide solutions to the ever-growing presence of plastic pollution.
Our primary focus areas are education, community, and design. We achieve this goal through our machines, products, and events.
Come and hear about their journey, what they are developing and the technology they are using to further develop this global alternative recycling system.
Home Harvest Manningham is a monthly home gardening seminar series that will teach you how to grow your own delicious fresh food at home.
Want to be able to garden without spending a fortune? Maria Ciavarella from My Green Garden will show you how to utilise things you already have to garden and save money.
During this seminar you will discover innovative ways to create a sustainable garden without breaking the bank. Maria will share tips and tricks to help you save money while still achieving a beautiful and eco-friendly garden.
This session will cover how to:
Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, this event is perfect for anyone looking to embrace sustainable practices and save money in the process.
As a special treat, all attendees will participate in a tomato seeding activity with a heritage or heirloom seed variety from the Bulleen Art and Garden range.
The community food, seed and garden swap takes place at 6.45pm, 15 minutes before each session.
Registration is recommended but not required.
This event is part of our Inspired Living Series. This series showcases an exciting range of fun and sustainable activities and events for all ages, supporting sustainability at home, in the community and at work.
Keep up to date with our latest environment and sustainability events.