Apply for a commercial garbage bin

Apply for a commercial bin online

Read the information below before you order

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Who can order a garbage bin for a business?

If you have a business, shop or other type of commercial property in Manningham and you're the owner, landlord or property manager, you can choose to have either a waste service with us or with a private contractor. With us you can order:

Bin Annual cost
240 litre commercial garbage bin $628.00 per year
240 litre additional commercial garbage bin $784.50 per year


How to apply

You can apply online.

Apply now


Otherwise you can contact us or email


When is the bin collected?

Your red lid commercial garbage bin is emptied weekly. 

Find out what day your bin is collected


How to place your bin out for collection

Place your bin either on nature strip or in a laneway, depending on where your business is located. Find out how to place your bin.


What items can and cannot be put into the bin?

Your red lid commercial garbage bin is for general rubbish.

View the list of items


Where does the waste go once collected?

Find out where your waste goes once collected


Manage your existing bin(s)

To manage your garbage bin, visit order, repair, swap or cancel your bins.