Manningham Community Local Law provides rules around lighting fires and open-air burning.
This applies to anyone who wants to light a fire in the open air or incinerator for fuel reduction and fires lit for warmth or cooking.
These laws help make sure that burning is done safely and has no impact on neighbours or the environment.
Lighting a fire for warmth or cooking food
You can light a fire for warmth or to cook food without a permit as long as you follow the requirements of the Community Local Law.
What you need to know before lighting a fire
Before you light a fire, find out what you can and can't do.
This applies if you are lighting a fire for any reason in Manningham.
Do not light a fire:
- on a road, Council, Crown land or in a public place
- on vacant land
- when a smog alert has been declared by Environment Protection Authority of Victoria
- when a day of total fire ban has been declared by the Country Fire Authority
- when a fire danger period has been declared under the Country Fire Authority Act 1958.
Make sure:
- the fire is always supervised by an adult
- you have equipment and can put the fire out if required or directed
- material burning is dead and dry, and the wind is not exceeding 20 km/h
- there is a 3 metre clearing around the fire for safety
- smoke from the fire is not hazardous to health, excessive, offensive or a nuisance
- do not burn anything which is offensive, noxious, or toxic.
Do I need a permit to burn off on my property?
Open air burning (burning off) can be conducted on properties as long as you follow the follow the conditions of the Local Law.
If your land is less than 2,501 square metres: Open air burning is not permitted. You can only light a fire for the purposes of warmth and food preparation.
If your land is 2,501 square metres and larger: You can conduct open air burning without a permit, provided certain conditions are met.
Open air burning means: a fire lit in the open air or within an incinerator for the purpose of burning vegetation for fuel control or reduction purposes.
Additional requirements for open air burning
Before you conduct open air burning you must understand your requirements under the Community Local Law.
Burning must be done safely and have no impact on your neighbours or the environment.
Look at alternative options like booking a bundled branches collection.
Is your land located west of Mullum Mullum Creek?
Open air burning can only be conducted during the months of May, October and November for land located west of Mullum Mullum creek.
Do not burn:
- if your land is less than 2,501 square metres
- on vacant land
- on Sunday
- within 10 metres of a neighbouring property
- between sunset and sunrise
- if you can not comply with the general burning provisions in clause 33 of the Community Local Law
When burning off make sure:
- your land is 2,501 square metres and larger
- the material to be burnt is not larger than 200mm in diameter
- only a single pile is ignited at any time
- only one pile of material is lit at any time
- the ignited pile is not larger than two cubic metres in size
- register to burn with Triple Zero Victoria prior to ignition.
Interpreter service
Communicate with us through the Interpreter service if you do not speak or understand English.