A rail line to Doncaster
The Victorian Government's proposed underground rail link will connect suburbs from Cheltenham to Werribee.
The Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) includes a Doncaster Station. However construction may be over ten years away.
The Victorian Government's proposed underground rail link will connect suburbs from Cheltenham to Werribee.
The Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) includes a Doncaster Station. However construction may be over ten years away.
We are advocating for the Doncaster Station footprint to be set aside as part of Stage 1, to allow for planning of the Doncaster Hill precinct. For an express bus service that mirrors the Suburban Rail Loop Alignment. Providing a public transport connection to key education, healthcare and employment precincts.
Over 125,000 people in our community will benefit from a Doncaster Station. Currently our only public transport option is an over-crowded bus network that is often delayed by traffic congestion.
With Doncaster Hill’s population and traffic continuing to grow, we are urging the Victorian Government to include a Doncaster Station in stage two of the SRL and secure a location for the train station now.
Car ownership per household is considerably high and daily public transport use for employment purposes is below the metropolitan average.
Our bus system is buckling under pressure to provide enough services and meet capacity for our growing city.
We are strongly advocating to the Victorian Government to include Doncaster Station in Stage two of the SRL.
We are working with stakeholders and the SRL Authority to secure a site location for the future train station.
We will continue to work with the Suburban Rail Loop Authority and the Department of Transport to advocate for improved public transport services to Manningham.
We want
Are you intrigued by electric vehicles (EVs) but not yet clear about whether owning one will be a practical choice, of benefit to your household and help you to take action against climate change?
This information session will cover all aspects of EV ownership and help you understand:
All Manningham residents who attend on the night will go into the draw to win a Virtual Home Energy Assessment worth $225!
This phone assessment will be tailored to your household, helping you to plan for a cost-effective and comfortable transition away from gas. We may contact the winner to check on progress in both reducing bills and making the home more energy efficient.
To attend this event, you must have an internet enabled PC or device and be able to download Zoom. Don’t have Zoom? Download it for free. You’ll be provided with the Zoom meeting link when you book.
This free information session is brought to you by Manningham and the Australian Energy Foundation. If you're unable to make the session, you can still learn more about how to keep your home cool while saving energy on the Australian Energy Foundation website.
This event is for Manningham residents only.
Created by our community, the aspirational Community Vision 2040 guides our plans for Manningham. ...
Every Council is guided by a long term Community Vision and four year Council Plan.
Developed with the local community, they guide the actions we will take to deliver better outcomes for the community.
Manningham is a peaceful, inclusive and safe community. We celebrate life with its diverse culture, wildlife and natural environment. We are resilient and value sustainable and healthy living, a sense of belonging, and respect for one another.
— Manningham Community Panel
The Community Vision 2040 was developed for the community, by the community.
Developed at the beginning of our Council's four year term in 2021, the community discussed priorities of today, as well as those raised by the community in the Generation 2030 Community Plan in 2012.
We now consider the Community Vision and our Council Plan 2021-2025 in all our future planning and how funding is spent.
Find out more about our performance and track our progress.
The Council Plan is our promise to you in pursuit of our community’s vision for the future and to achieve the very best for Manningham.
We pride ourselves on delivering outcomes for the Manningham community. We regularly monitor and report on our performance across the year.
As part of the Inspired Living Series, Hannah Maloney and Adam Grubb will discuss permaculture and waterwise gardens at the Manningham Function Centre.
Hannah Moloney
Hannah Moloney is best known for her work in permaculture and as a presenter on ABC’s Gardening Australia. Her first book The Good Life: How To Grow A Better World explores ways to counter the climate emergency individually and collectively. Hannah will discuss founding Good Life Permaculture in Tasmania, Home Harvest an annual edible garden tour and why she is known as the 'compost queen'.
Adam Grubb
Adam Grubb runs Very Edible Gardens, who have been designing and creating edible home and community gardens in Melbourne for the last 15 years. He's also co-authored several books, including The Art of Frugal Hedonism and The Weed Forager's Handbook. He got into edible gardening (and co-founded the Permablitz movement of volunteer backyard makeovers) in the mid 2000's in the heart of the millenium drought. Adam will take some lessons learnt then and since to share ways that we can create lush and productive oases with a minimum of water use including wicking beds, passive water capture with micro earthworks, tanks, greywater and more.
The Inspired Living Series - keynote speaker events showcases five insightful, not-to-be-missed evenings at the iconic Manningham Function Centre.
The series will introduce you to a diverse line-up of local and international keynote speakers offering unique insights on how we can all shift to a greener future.
Topics range from permaculture to sustainable fashion. Each speaker will inspire and motivate simple, positive lifestyle choices, connection to nature and growing a thriving community in the midst dynamic change.
Manningham Volunteer Resource Service (Eastern Volunteers) will be hosting the 2nd Annual Manningham Volunteer Expo.
The Expo will feature organisations from various sectors, including: aged care, disability, new migrant services, gardening and conservation, animal welfare, hospitality, emergency and other community services.
Register online or walk in on the day.
Manningham Council’s Gambling Policy is due for an update with the latest evidence, data and community input. We are inviting community members to participate in one of two workshops to discuss gambling harm in Manningham.
During these workshops, we want to hear about your understanding of gambling harm in the community and where you think Council should prioritise its response. Your feedback will help us to develop evidence-based strategies to address gambling harm in Manningham.
Topics covered will include:
We are interested in hearing from people who have been impacted by gambling harm, either directly or indirectly.
For more information, please visit Manningham Gambling Policy on Your Say.
Please note: this session will be held in-person and catering will be provided.
Join us for the biggest bioblitz event across the southern hemisphere! ...
What amazing biodiversity is in your area? We'd love to know!
By the end of October, the natural world is on full throttle. Flowers are blooming, insects are emerging, birds are singing, and reptiles are coming out of their winter hibernation. It makes sense for the Southern Hemisphere to observe life at this time of year.
The purpose of the Great Southern Bioblitz is to highlight the immense biodiversity spread across the Southern Hemisphere in the flourishing springtime. Also, to engage the public in science and nature learning, using the citizen science platform iNaturalist.
To participate in the event you will need to download the iNaturalist app on your device.
What amazing biodiversity is in your area? We'd love to know! ...
What amazing biodiversity is in your area? We'd love to know!
By the end of October, the natural world is on full throttle. Flowers are blooming, insects are emerging, birds are singing, and reptiles are coming out of their winter hibernation. It makes sense for the Southern Hemisphere to observe life at this time of year.
The purpose of the Great Southern Bioblitz is to highlight the immense biodiversity spread across the Southern Hemisphere in the flourishing springtime. Also, to engage the public in science and nature learning, using the citizen science platform iNaturalist.
To participate in the event you will need to download the iNaturalist app on your device.
Become a scientist this spring and help our scientific community record valuable information about Platypi in Manningham.
PlatypusSPOT is a citizen science platform that gathers information from the community on platypus occurrence. Locals know their area and we want to tap into your knowledge. PlatypusSPOT brings together all that valuable information in one publicly accessible website.
Platypus are difficult to study in the wild and we know very little about how platypus populations are faring. Platypus and their habitat are vulnerable to a variety of natural and man-made threats that are increasing with climate change and population growth. Understanding the distribution and occurrence of platypus is essential to develop effective conservation strategies with waterway managers.
To participate in this event, download the PlatypusSPOT app on your device.
Manningham Council’s Gambling Policy is due for an update with the latest evidence, data and community input. We are inviting community members to participate in one of two workshops to discuss gambling harm in Manningham.
During these workshops, we want to hear about your understanding of gambling harm in the community and where you think Council should prioritise its response. Your feedback will help us to develop evidence-based strategies to address gambling harm in Manningham.
Topics covered will include:
We are interested in hearing from people who have been impacted by gambling harm, either directly or indirectly.
For more information, please visit Manningham Gambling Policy on Your Say.
Please note: this session will be held online. A Zoom link will be sent to you prior to the session.
Meeting Date: 10 December 2024
Meeting Time: 7.00pm
Location: Council Chamber, Civic Centre 699 Doncaster Road, Doncaster.
Timecode | Item |
04:10 | 5. PRESENTATIONS |
04:20 | 6. PETITIONS |
09:35 | 10.1 Statutory Planning Application Activity Quarter 1 (July to September 2024) |
14:10 | 11.1 Membership Recommendations and Terms of Reference Updates for the Community Grants Assessment Panel. |
19:35 | 12.1 Draft Manningham Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan 2025-2034 |
25:50 | 13.1 Appointment of Authorised Officers - Planning and Environment Act 1987 |
26:15 | 13.2 Informal Meetings of Councillors |
26:50 | 13.3 Documents for Sealing |
27:20 | 15. URGENT BUSINESS |
It can be fun to plan an overseas holiday where you set your itinerary. Sometimes you don't want to be stuck on a bus and herded like cattle when you travel. You want to be free and tailor your own schedule.
These two 2.5 hour informal sessions will explore how to plan, book and enjoy an overseas vacation when you want to do your own thing.
We will explore how to go about this complicated exercise including:
The session will be guided by an experienced overseas traveller and is not commercially motivated.
The main focus of the sessions will be to answer questions in advance of your proposed planning and travel – especially if you have not travelled internationally or not travelled for many years.
This webinar is for professionals and service providers that work with families and young children. ...
Children experience a range of emotions and challenges that they need help to understand. We can help them improve communication, build positive relationships and strengthen resilience by creating opportunities within families.
The Strengthening Families webinar looks at building the social and emotional wellbeing of family members with a focus on pre-school and primary school aged children.
This session is for professionals and service providers that work with families and young children.
Date: Tuesday 31 August
Time: 10.00am to 11.30am
Venue: online
Bookings are essential.
The link for the webinar will be sent to you on the day of the event.
If you are a parent or carer, please see Strengthening Families webinar - for parents and carers.
These webinars are delivered in partnership with Emerging Minds and Manningham, Monash, Kingston, Knox, Whitehorse and Yarra Ranges councils.
A new exhibition by Matthew Harris and Nicholas Currie. ...
This exhibition is no longer showing in the Manningham Art Gallery.
I Fall to Pieces brings together artworks by two Naarm-based artists, Matthew Harris and Nicholas Currie. The exhibition traverses topics of mental health and healing.
Rich and differing First Nations materials and processes are deployed along with key tenants of Western Abstraction, offering conceptual and immediate encounters with paint and form.
Matthew Harris, of mixed European and Koorie descent, debases dominant hierarchies through socially critical painting and sculpture. Nicholas Currie is an emerging artist, curator, and descendant of the Mununjali clan of Yugambeh people of Brisbane and Beaudesert.
Matthew Harris is represented by FUTURES. Nicholas Currie appears courtesy of FUTURES.
Image credit: Nicholas Currie, Big Purple, 2023, acrylic on linen, 200 x 250 cm. Courtesy of the Artist and FUTURES.
New exhibition now on at Manningham Art Gallery. ...
An exhibition exploring works by several exceptional emerging artists, whose practices examine our natural environment from an aerial perspective, homing in on materials and subjects often overlooked.
These artists push, capture, map and rework the everyday. Through this process, pieces of refinement and polished simplicity form, like Rhys Cousins’ Plank and Brick. Or waste materials transform into rough jewel like sculptures as seen across Anni Hagberg’s works.
A highlight of the exhibition is Wurundjeri Artist Ash Firebrace’s Possum Skin Cloak he produced in collaboration with his sister Michelle Mills.
Interwoven throughout our space, are ceramic pieces from the Manningham Art Collection. A revisiting of works old and new.
Photo: Charlie Kinross
This webinar is for parents and carers to learn practical ways to help build wellbeing in your family. ...
Children experience a range of emotions and challenges that they need help to understand. We can help them improve communication, build positive relationships and strengthen resilience by creating opportunities within families.
The Strengthening Families webinar looks at building the social and emotional wellbeing of family members with a focus on pre-school and primary school aged children.
This session is for parents and carers.
Date: Tuesday 29 August
Time: 7.30pm to 8.30pm
Venue: online
Bookings are essential.
The link for the webinar will be sent to you on the day of the event.
If you are a professional or service provider, please see Strengthening Families webinar - professionals and service providers.
These webinars are delivered in partnership with Emerging Minds and Manningham, Monash, Kingston, Knox, Whitehorse and Yarra Ranges councils.
A Neighbourhood Safer Place is a place of last resort when all other bushfire plans have failed. ...
A Neighbourhood Safer Place (also known as a Bushfire Place of Last Resort or NSP-BPLR) is a place of last resort when all other bushfire plans have failed.
Neighbourhood Safer Places are locations that may provide some protection from direct flame and heat from a fire, but they do not guarantee safety.
Neighbourhood Safer Places are not:
Many NSP-BPLRs are simply a clearing that provides separation distance from the bushfire hazard (e.g. forest).
You can find more information relating to Neighbourhood Safer Places at CFA.vic.gov.au
Manningham’s three NSPs are all outdoor and are located at:
Neighbourhood Safer Places (NSPs) are different from Emergency Relief Centres (ERCs).
In the event of an emergency, Victoria Police may instruct Council to open an ERC situated away from the location of an emergency to provide basic services and support to affected individuals and families.
An NSP does not have the same level of support or provisions or safety as an ERC.
Meeting Date: 28 March 2023
Meeting Time: 7.00pm
Location: Council Chamber, Civic Centre 699 Doncaster Road, Doncaster.
Time Code | Item |
4:45 | 5.1 Manningham Staff Service Awards |
6:20 | 5.2 Victoria Police Honours and Awards Ceremony |
8:05 | 6.1 Request to Cease Plans to Build a Footpath along Unwin Street, Templestowe |
26:05 | 10. CITY PLANNING |
27:10 | 11.1 Sports Facility Development Plan |
36:00 | 11.2 Draft Aquarena Aquatic and Leisure Centre Outdoor Masterplan |
44:04 | 12.1 Draft Strategic Property Acquisition Policy |
55:28 | 13.1 State Government Advocacy Update |
1:06:55 | 13.2 MAV State Council 2023 - Cost of Living Motions |
1:13:08 | 14.1 Appointment of Authorised Officer - Planning and Environment Act 1987 |
1:13:40 | 14.2 Informal Meeting of Councillors |
1:13:10 | 14.3 Documents for Sealing |
1:14:50 | 15. URGENT BUSINESS |
Find out more about the Liveable City Strategy 2040....
The Liveable City Strategy 2040 (LCS) is Manningham’s 20-year plan to improve the liveability of our municipality, from our urban/suburban neighbourhoods to our rural areas.
The LCS will help shape the future of the municipality over the next 20 years and ensure Manningham will continue to evolve as a liveable, resilient, and desirable place to be.
The strategy covers the following key directions:
The LCS focuses on:
Importantly, the LCS provides a plan for every neighbourhood as well as our activity centres.
A key concept in the strategy is ‘Living locally - 20 minute neighbourhoods’ which is a core principle of Metropolitan Melbourne’s Plan Melbourne 2050.
The aim of a '20-minute neighbourhood’ is to create a place where people can meet most of their daily needs within a 20-minute walk from home, with safe cycling and local transport options.
The LCS was created following feedback from Imagine Manningham 2040 (IM2040) – an extensive community engagement project undertaken in 2019 that captured the views of a wide cross-section of Manningham’s diverse and varied community.
We’re developing a Nature Plan to help protect and enhance our environment over the next 15 years.
The Plan will set a strategic direction for the future of our biodiversity and tree canopy assets, while also responding to challenges such as urbanisation, habitat loss and biodiversity decline.
It will also look to enhance Manningham’s bushland areas, landscape scale habitat connections, tree canopy, and provide recommendations to allow our natural environment to thrive and communities to live in a cooler, greener environment.
Make your voice heard
We want to hear your thoughts on:
Share your ideas by:
To get involved, visit yoursay.manningham.vic.gov.au/nature-plan.