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reopening of local parks in Manningham
Cheers and the sounds of excited playing were heard across Manningham this week as our playgrounds and outdoor gyms...
Liveable Places and Spaces
Drama and comedy masks in front of red curtain
Warrandyte Theatre Company is joining the Ballarat National Theatre to produce a new work to be written by local...
Liveable Places and Spaces
Upgraded park, Lawford Reserve with slide and swings
Our beautiful parks and reserves are among our most treasured parts of Manningham, with almost 20 per cent of the entire...
Liveable Places and Spaces
generic images by stephanie gall
We’re committed to improving play opportunities for the Wonga Park community and we want to hear from you. We want to...
Liveable Places and Spaces
kids drawing while laying on floor
In addition to our art courses currently running online, we’re releasing a series of short how-to video demonstrations...
Liveable Places and Spaces
young girl reading book in library
Bookworms and library lovers who have been waiting patiently throughout lockdown can start to celebrate, as Whitehorse...
Liveable Places and Spaces
Playspace at Dellview
Following the gradual easing of coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions and Victorian Government advice, our parks...
Liveable Places and Spaces
seedlings growing
There’s a quiet planting revolution happening in Manningham and it’s starting in our nursery, located at our depot in...
Liveable Places and Spaces
generic images by stephanie gall
Manningham Art Gallery’s new When in Lockdown art initiative has been firing the imaginations of local artists and...
Liveable Places and Spaces