The Bulleen Industrial Precinct is the only one if its kind in Manningham, with many businesses serving our community for over 40 years. Of the 110 businesses in the precinct, more than 80 will have land acquired and 1200 jobs may go as a result of the NEL. It is unclear what proportion, if any of this land will be available for industrial or other uses, once the project is complete.
We are concerned about the significant economic and social impacts with the loss of businesses, diminished employment and potential need for local employees to relocate to find alternative work. We are advocating for the best outcome for businesses and employees and call on the Victorian Government to ensure there is no net loss to the business community or employment opportunities within Manningham.
We want the Victorian Government to ensure impacted businesses are treated respectfully and fairly. The process of any land acquisition and compensation must be treated as a priority, to give businesses the certainty they need now, so they can plan for the future.

Higgins Panel Beating
Steve and John Higgins from Higgins Panel Beating have built generations of family around their business in the Bulleen Industrial Precinct. Now Higgins Panel Beating is set to be wiped out by the North East Link project.
To move would be starting business all over again, we survive here because of our reputation.
Dad started our business in 1961 and we’ve been here since 1977. I started working here when I was 16 and have grown up around the shop. These days I run things and have 5 family members and 5 employees who are also like family working for us. This is a real family business.
I don’t know what we’re going to do if we’re forced to close down because of the North East Link. If we move somewhere else we’ll have no business and everything this family has committed our lives to will be gone.

Wonder Pies
Raymond Capaldi’s Wonder Pies factory looks towards closure in the face of the North East Link. Just one of the many small businesses in the Bulleen Industrial Precinct impacted by the North East Link.
It’s not just a community of factories, it’s a community of people. Everybody in here are beautiful and nice people. Then you’ve got 500 jobs being lost here, but what about the ripple effect of all the small businesses around? You know I mean, it is massive when you look at it, you know? It is pretty massive. We just don’t have any help

Wallard Automotive
With over 20 years of partnership at Wallard Automotive, Brett Wallace and Rob Heward will be forced to close shop with the incoming construction of the North East Link.
About a year and a half ago the government knocked on the door and told us we’re going.
But they didn't suggest where. We’ve been told to go to Preston or Heidelberg but we can’t go there, our clients aren’t there and there are already a heap of businesses like ours. Here we have a long term lease which means our rent is affordable and we’ve got 11 years left. Last month we looked at a factory slightly bigger than ours and it is double the rent. If we lift our rent our prices go up and we lose customers anyway.
How is the government going to support us with this?

Bulleen Art and Garden
Bulleen Art and Garden have played an iconic part within the Bulleen Industrial Precinct for 13 years. With the incoming construction of the North East Link, owners Meredith and Bruce Plain continue their 12 year lease with uncertainty.
Bulleen Art and Garden Centre has made a significant contribution to the Manningham area
We employ horticulturalists who are passionate and committed to our work. Over a period of time we’ve made a significant contribution to the greening of all the local surrounding suburbs.

Bulleen Art and Garden
After 27 years of service at Bulleen Art and Garden, Alistair is asking questions that the North East Link can’t answer. Alistair is just one of many employees in the Bulleen Industrial Precinct who may lose their job to the North East Link.
We have 45 members of staff who are really nervous about losing their jobs.
The uncertainty is a killer. For the last 18 months, it’s been are we going and if so, when? But we haven’t been able to get those answers. If we do get to stay, then it’s the question of do we want to stay and be surrounded by masses of traffic and construction.
I’ve put a lot into this place. Sure I can find another job in a garden space, but nothing can replace the atmosphere and vibe here.

Bulleen Art and Garden
Bulleen Art and Garden's thriving community faces the threat of closure to accommodate the North East Link. Kat has been working at Bulleen Art and Garden for seven years but the community she enriches and the future of her job remains uncertain.
It’s just disappointing, it [option A] doesn’t feel like the best option.
You can’t relocate the community we have. We want people to come back, we’re here to give garden advice for the long term. We’re all here because we’re passionate about plants and the industry. This was my favourite nursery before I worked here and it still is. Losing this place is unimaginable, this place is so unique.”