Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) service is coming to Manningham in 2023

27 Apr 2022
Resilient Environment
Campaign banner for FOGO is coming July 2023

Almost 56 per cent of waste found in your average red lid garbage bin is food waste. 

Removing food waste from your garbage bin will divert up to 20,000 tonnes of food and garden waste per year from landfill and avoid thousands of tonnes of harmful greenhouse gas emissions which significantly contributes to climate change.

breakdown of garbage contents in Manningham's garbage bins

Image: The contents in an average Manningham household red lid garbage bin.
56 per cent food waste, 6.5 per cent garden waste,
7.5 per cent recycling and 30 per cent waste.


Next year in July (2023) we are launching the food organics and garden organics waste service (FOGO). This state-wide initiative will see all Victorian Councils introduce a FOGO service by 2030 as outlined in the State Government's Recycling Victoria Policy. 

FOGO will assist us in achieving our climate targets of net zero emissions by 2028 and net zero community emissions by 2035, by reducing the amount of food and garden waste sent to landfill.

The introduction of FOGO also aligns with our Council Plan goals:

  • to 'protect and enhance our environment and biodiversity'
  • to 'reduce our environmental impact and adapt to climate change'
  • to be 'a financially sustainable council that manages resources effectively and efficiently'


Changes to your waste service starting next year in July (2023)

FOGO will enhance your existing waste service and include the following changes, we will:

  • accept both food waste and garden waste in your existing green lid garden bin.

  • collect your green lid garden bin weekly (instead of fortnightly).

  • collect your red lid garbage bin fortnightly (instead of weekly), on the alternate week to your yellow lid recycling bin. 

  • deliver a new kitchen caddy and a roll of 150 compostable liners (a year's supply) to every household to help you carry out food scraps to your FOGO bin.