A call for a peaceful and inclusive community from the Mayor

22 Dec 2023
Healthy Community

Statement from the Mayor, Cr Carli Lange.

As 2023 draws to a close, I want to reach out to those in our community who are experiencing deep pain because of worldwide conflict.

We value and respect the human rights of every member of our community and acknowledge and share the deep hurt many residents are experiencing in the face of world unrest.

People from more than 99 countries live side-by-side in Manningham, and we value a peaceful and inclusive community, as stated in our Community Vision.

We support the wellbeing of all our residents, including people who are currently experiencing challenges due to traumatic events in their homeland, by partnering with local agencies that provide individual and family counselling to support their mental health

I encourage you to reach out to one of these services if you need to talk through the current world conflict or other hardship matters facing our community. 

In the final days of this year, we hold our community in our hearts. We will draw on our values as a welcoming city and inclusive culture to ensure Manningham continues to be a safe place to live.