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Mentor of the Year, Senior Constable Mathew Malusa and Senior Member of the Year, First Constable Bailey Robertson  with Mayor Cr Deirdre Diamante
Manningham Mayor, Deirdre Diamante, dropped in for morning tea at Doncaster Police Station today, where she presented a...
Healthy Community
Manningham Council will begin work to replace the external aluminium composite panel (ACP) cladding at MC Square in mid...
Liveable Places and Spaces
News featured image
Following eight months of community consultation, Council adopted the Manningham Climate Emergency Action Plan (CEAP) at...
Resilient Environment
MC Square was buzzing the weekend before last when the community turned out to celebrate the building’s 10-year...
Healthy Community
Four girls and one woman smiling together at the Carols wearing Christmas hats
After years of enjoying the local tradition with her family, Manningham’s new Mayor is thrilled to be opening the 39th...
Manningham Council and carsharing service GoGet launch 18-month carshare trial.
Liveable Places and Spaces
Portrait photo of Cr Deirdre Diamante in robes with Deputy Mayor Cr Tomas Lightbody
Cr Diamante was unanimously elected to the position by her peers at last night’s Annual Council Meeting.
Well Governed Council
Backyard chickens, shopping trolleys and chimneys are some of the areas affected by proposed changes to Manningham...
Liveable Places and Spaces
Manningham Council announced the 2022 Civic Award winners at a ceremony on Wednesday night.
Healthy Community