Last night Manningham Council decided not to proceed with the proposed $3.2 million redevelopment for local shopping centre Macedon Square.
Manningham Mayor Cr Deirdre Diamante said Council will continue to engage with Macedon Square traders to implement a series of minor amenity and safety works as part of the Council's normal asset maintenance program.
"We’ve come to this difficult decision after months of extensive consultation with traders, local residents and the broader community,” Cr Diamante said.
“Due to the complexities of the project and competing interests of key stakeholders, Council feels that we would not be able to deliver a significant upgrade that adequately meets the expectations of the Macedon Square community.”
Council began engaging with traders and the community about a design for the Macedon Square upgrade in early 2020. A previous concept plan informed by trader and community feedback was endorsed by Council in September 2021.
Cr Diamante said Council listened to the community's concerns about this original plan.
“We heard the community’s feedback and were prepared to revisit our approach and the design. We have worked with the community over the past 18 months to engage with them about their vision for Macedon Square,” Cr Diamante said.
“The previous concept plan was taken off the table and we held two community reconnect sessions in late 2022 to listen to community views and find a way forward.”
Cr Diamante said this further consultation continued to highlight the complex nature of the project.
“There are many different issues to consider and key stakeholders with competing views. There are also concerns about the significant nature and scope of the project, including the worry that construction would potentially disrupt traders who have already struggled through COVID lockdowns. These factors have led to our decision not to proceed with the project.”
Cr Diamante thanked traders, residents and other stakeholders who have been part of the consultation and engagement over the time of this project.
“We recognise that some people will be disappointed by this decision as they have supported the project and wanted it to go ahead. We look forward to working with the community in the future.”
Cr Diamante said Council had learned a lot from this process.
“We understand how important the centre is to our community, both for traders and our local economy and for our residents who shop there.” Cr Diamante said.
“Consultation on the original concept plan occurred during several COVID lockdowns, which made it challenging to fully engage on the project,” she said.
Cr Diamante emphasised that improving and maintaining the safety and amenity of our local shopping centres is a priority for Council.
“Our Council Plan demonstrates our commitment to enhancing our activity centres and supporting traders to ensure thriving local business, as well as community accessibility and safety.”