Privacy Statement
Manningham City Council is fully committed to protecting any personal and health information you provide to us as per our obligations under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic).
We will only collect personal information that is necessary to perform Council functions. We will only use personal information provided for the purposes for which it was collected.
We will ensure that your personal information will not be disclosed to other authorities or businesses except if required by law or other regulation.
We have implemented technology and security policies, rules and measures to protect the personal information that we have under our control from unauthorised access, improper use, alteration, unlawful or accidental destruction and accidental loss.
We will remove personal information where it is no longer required (except where information is required to be retained in compliance with the Public Records Act 1973 and associated standards and authorities issued by Public Records Office Victoria). We will take reasonable steps to ensure that personal information is accurate, complete and up to date whenever Council collects, discloses or uses it.
Council has an Information Privacy and Security Policy, based on the ten information privacy principles outlined in schedule 1 of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.
This and the Health Records Policy, provide clear guidelines as to how council manages your personal information.
This website privacy statement does not apply to other websites we may link to. We recommend you read the privacy statement when you access another site.
Anonymous access to our site
You can access the Manningham City Council home page and browse our web site anonymously, without disclosing your personal information.
Access and correction
Requests for access to documents containing personal information and held by the Manningham City Council are handled under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. All requests must be in writing, and should be addressed to the:
Freedom of Information Officer
Manningham City Council
PO Box 1
Doncaster, Victoria 3108
Individuals who feel aggrieved by Council’s handling of their personal information are encouraged to contact Council’s Information Privacy Officer.
All complaints must be in writing and addressed to:
Information Privacy Officer
Manningham City Council
PO Box 1
Doncaster, Victoria 3108
Resolution of the complaint, in the form of a written response, will be made within 45 days of lodgment of the complaint.
Collection and use of site visit data
Cookies are used on our site, but they do not collect any personal information. For the most part they are sessional and just contain system-generated values to identify the user's session for statistical and system administration purposes only.
This site’s web-server automatically collects the following non-personal information (i.e. google analytics) for statistical and system administration purposes only:
- the day and time you visited the site
- the pages you visited on our site
- the address of the last page you visited
- the operating system you are using
- rough geographic location (down to the city)
- language (eg American English)
- internet service provider (eg Telstra)
- the type of browser and version you are using.
To the extent that this data could make you identifiable, Manningham City Council will not attempt to identify individuals from the records the server automatically generates unless necessary to investigate a breach of law or regulation.
Security of your personal data
This web site uses secure transmission facilities when appropriate (e.g. financial transactions). You should be aware that there are risks in transmitting information across the Internet. If you are concerned about conveying sensitive material to Manningham City Council over the Internet, you might prefer to contact us by telephone or mail.
Manningham City Council is committed to full compliance with its obligations under the Victorian Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 and the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic). Manningham City Council website is hosted in a data centre located in Sydney, New South Wales which is external to Council’s computer systems. Any information you submit to council through our website is subject to not only Victorian legislation governing Privacy, but also the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW).
Security Cameras
Closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems are located in and surrounding Council facilities. Manningham Council does not own or operate standalone CCTV systems in public open spaces.
CCTV systems are primarily for the protection of assets, risk management and public or staff safety. They form part of a suite of crime prevention strategies used to address specific local issues.
We are responsible for providing, installing and maintain the CCTV systems.
Privacy and Data Protection
CCTV footage collected will be treated in full compliance with the Privacy & Data Protection Act 2014.
Access to CCTV systems and data is restricted. Recorded data will be recorded over unless extracted and stored in an authorise alternate location. The length of time recorded data will be stored for will depend on the use of a camera or group of cameras. Typically recorded data will be stored for approximately 30 days.
Accessing CCTV footage
Manningham Council does not generally publish or disclose the footage obtained through the use of CCTV systems without the consent of the individuals shown in the footage.
Requests to view CCTV footage must be made under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. For more information visit Request Freedom of Information.
We cannot provide footage for traffic offences, unless made via a law enforcement agency.
Requesting a CCTV System
Visible CCTV cameras may enhance the perception of safety within the community. CCTV systems may form part of a suite of crime prevention strategies used to address specific local issues. They should only be applied where other Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles have been considered or implemented.
To initiate the planning process for the implementation or modification of a CCTV system, a written request is to be made outlining the issue(s) trying to be addressed.
Written requests can be sent to or PO Box 1, Doncaster Victoria 3108.
Body Worn Cameras
We’ve introduced Body Worn Cameras (BWCs) for our Local Laws, Planning Compliance and Environmental Health Officers.
The BWCs will be clearly visible and attached to the officers’ uniforms during their duties. They aim to promote public reassurance, modify behaviour, prevent harm and deter people from committing offences. This is an additional tool to help improve officer safety, community trust, accountability and transparency.
BWC recordings can also support professional development through training and review, as well as assist with investigations involving allegations made against Council officers.
When BWCs will be used
BWCs will be activated during interactions where officers are performing their normal duties. The cameras are used in situations that require professional judgement to ensure safety and transparency.
How to know when a camera is recording
The BWCs are in pre-record mode but will only record when necessary. A clear light indicator on the camera will signal when it is actively recording.
What happens to the data
All footage recorded by BWCs is stored in a secure electronic location with strict controls and restricted access to protect against unauthorised viewing, copying, alteration and disclosure. Data that is not required for further investigation or in accordance with statutory requirements will be deleted after 90 days from date of being filmed, however this may be altered to 30 or 60 days based on operational needs.
For evidential files used in enforcement/prosecution proceedings, data retention periods are as follows:
- files related to court proceedings are retained for minimum seven years
- files related to enforcement outside the courts (for example, by way of infringement or notices to comply) are retained for minimum three years.
Law enforcement requests for BWC footage will be dealt with pursuant to the provisions of the Crimes Act. Access will be approved where Council is satisfied that the use or disclosure is required or authorised by law.
Accessing BWC footage
The data collected from the use of BWCs is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982. Any written requests for access to data collected within 30 days of the data being taken will be held pending the outcome of the Freedom of Information application.
For more information or to make request visit Request Freedom of Information.
Livestreaming of Council meetings
As part of our commitment to improving accessibility, transparency and opportunities for the community to participate in Council Meetings, we will livestream Ordinary and Special Council Meetings to allow Manningham residents to view Council Meetings in real time.
Livestreaming will occur in real time via Council's Facebook page and the livestream recordings will be uploaded and available via this website within 48 hours of each Council meeting. While Council will take all reasonable steps to only collect personal information necessary to perform its functions and activities, Council recognises some personal information may be collected as a result of recording and livestreaming Council meetings - For example, individuals visible behind Councillors while in attendance of Council meetings.
The livestreaming, recording and publishing of Ordinary and Special Council Meetings will be managed in compliance with all applicable legislation and Council policies.
Social media collection statement
We use various tools to manage our Social Network Services (SNS). This includes viewing public social media commentary in which Manningham Council’s accounts may not necessarily be tagged and listening to social trends and issues that relate to Manningham Council services and events.
We also use these tools to engage directly with you to provide information or a better level of customer service. In doing so, we may temporarily collect and store your personal information.
To protect your own privacy and the privacy of others we suggest that personal information (such as phone numbers and email addresses) are not shared publicly when engaging with us on social media.
Each social networking service will also handle your personal information for its own purposes. We encourage you to read the privacy policies and other statements of the SNSs you use.
Comments posted on our social media channels may be publicly available and these comments may also be used in Council’s publications (eg. Reports) that are publicly available. If you do not wish for your comments to be included in any reporting, please include a note in your comment or contact us to let us know.
Eventbrite (for events)
We use Eventbrite to manage most ticketing and registration events. As event organisers, we will collect personal information (such as first name, last name, mobile number, email address) in order to communicate with you.
Manningham Council staff may use personal information collected from Eventbrite to communicate to you about the Event you are attending. This may include a follow-up evaluation email to help us improve customer experience. We will not use your email to send you electronic communications and marketing communications unless you opt-in to receive them.
Eventbrite may collect personal information which can include financial information (e.g., your credit card number and expiration date, billing address, etc.) some of which may constitute Personal Data. Eventbrite may also send you electronic communications and marketing communications where it is in accordance with your marketing preferences.
For further information about the types of Personal Information Eventbrite collects and to find out how to opt-out of Eventbrite marketing communication, please read the Eventbrite Privacy Policy.
The entire content and components of this website are the property of Manningham Council. All written content and images are not to be copied or reproduced without our (Council’s) written permission, or unless used in accordance with copyright legislation.
When you access information on this website, you agree it is for personal use only.
The content of this website is for information purposes only.
While every effort is made to keep information on this website up-to-date and accurate, we cannot absolutely guarantee its accuracy.
You should not rely on this website’s information in circumstances where loss, damage or injury is possible. In such circumstances, please contact Council or the relevant authority/organisation for this information or advice.
We reserve the right to make changes to the website and its information without notice.
We and our employees, agents, consultants and representatives are not liable for any loss, damage or injury resulting from any person relying on information obtained by or through this website.
This website includes links to other websites which are not controlled by Council. Therefore, we are not responsible for any information or service which may appear on any third party sites which you might access through this website.