Object to a planning permit application

To object online

Read the information below before you object

Object now

Any person who believes they will be affected by a planning application can lodge an objection.


Things to do before lodging an objection

Make sure you look at the advertised plans and supporting documents before lodging an objection. You can find them on the Planning applications portal.


When should you lodge an objection?

Advertising of an application runs for a minimum of 14 days. You should lodge an objection during the advertising period using the Planning Applications Portal.

This allows for consideration of your concerns before there is a decision on the application.


What information must you contain in your objection?

To submit an objection, it must include the following information:

  • be in writing with your full name, address, phone number and email
  • state the grounds for your objection and;
  • describe how you will be affected by the granting of a permit.


How to lodge an objection

A person can submit an objection to an application using the Planning Applications Portal.

You will receive an acknowledgement email of your objection.


Who can view an objection?

Your objection, including the personal information supplied, may be:

  • inspected in person at Manningham Council’s offices during Council business hours
  • published online via a private service for third parties to view by appointment only, where there is a written request to us
  • distributed to the permit applicant or their representatives where we have received a request 
  • distributed to parties involved in a VCAT proceeding relating to this permit application, when applicable.

In accordance with the requirements of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.


Will there be a consultation meeting?

Not all applications will need a consultation meeting. An officer will determine if one is necessary.

If we require a consultation meeting, its aim is bringing the parties to the application together. Our officers and where available, ward councillors, will also be in the meeting.

The objectives of a meeting is:

  • to give objectors a chance to clarify or emphasise key aspects of their objection
  • to give applicants a chance to clarify the objector’s concerns and respond where appropriate
  • to seek a mediated outcome on key issues, where possible.

Will there be a decision made on an application at the consultation meeting?

Consultation meetings are part of the decision making process, but there’ll be no decision made on the application on the night of the meeting.

What happens after a decision has been made?

Applications will be either approved or refused. Objectors will receive notification of the decision in writing.

If we approve a planning application, we may issue a Notice of Decision to grant a planning permit. This is not a planning permit. It is a notice that sets out the conditions we will apply to the permit if there’s no appeal lodged to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).

Under certain circumstances, we may proceed to immediately issue a Planning Permit even if objections are received. Some classes of application (for example - some applications on Council land, State Government Projects, and projects for non-Government schools) are specifically exempt from third party review rights.

Under the new Townhouse and Low-Rise Code in effect from March 2025, some applications for townhouses and residential buildings may be deemed to meet all relevant standards of the Code. Where this is the case,  there will be no objector appeal rights and we will issue a Permit, rather than a Notice of Decision. For more information on the Townhouse and Low-Rise Code, please refer to the Department of Transport and Planning's website.

Appealing a decision

If you receive a copy of a Notice of Decision to grant a planning permit, you will have 28 days to lodge an application for review to VCAT.

We will issue a planning permit after 28 days if there are no objector appeals lodged to VCAT.