The Environment Protection Act 2017 creates a General Environmental Duty (GED) that applies to all Victorians from 1 July 2021. The GED requires anyone conducting an activity that poses risks to human health and the environment from pollution and waste, to minimise those risks.
If you own or use an onsite wastewater management system (OWMS), including septic tank systems and secondary treatment systems, the GED applies to you. It also applies to how you construct, install, alter, operate and maintain the system, deal with faults or system failures and manage your waste.
Sand Filter Exemptions
For the purposes of section 50(2)(b) of the Environment Protection Act 2017, please be advised that your permit application for an on-site wastewater treatment system that includes a sand filter treatment plant will not be complete until such time as EPA has granted an exemption under section 459 of that Act from providing a certificate of conformity. Council will submit your section 459 exemption application to EPA on your behalf. EPA must make a decision to grant or refuse the exemption application within 15 days of receipt. If EPA grant the exemption, Council has 42 days to assess your complete permit application.
For more information, visit EPA's website