Time to take more climate action

5 May 2022
Resilient Environment

What actions will you take to combat climate change?

Council has endorsed a draft Climate Emergency Action Plan to meet the climate mitigation targets adopted in late 2021.

Manningham’s adopted climate mitigation targets are:

  • net zero emissions by 2028 for Council operations
  • net zero emissions by 2035 for the Manningham community

We are now seeking your feedback on the draft actions which we are planning to meet our goal in achieving net zero emissions.

Manningham Mayor, Cr Michelle Kleinert said that the entire community will play an important role in meeting the targets.

“It was our community taking action that brought us here. Our community asked us to act which led to the declaration of a climate emergency. The Climate Emergency Action Plan is the next step to reduce the impacts of climate change. All of the actions included in the draft plan were driven by community feedback."

"We are keen to hear from residents and business operators about which actions you want to work on first."

What can you do?

The draft plan outlines easy ways you can tackle climate change in your neighbourhood, including:

  • Switching to solar
  • Learning more by attending a climate education event
  • Applying for a LEAF grant to preserve your natural values on your property
  • Managing your waste and recycling

The introduction of a food and organic waste, which is scheduled for implementation in July 2023, is one major project we are implementing for our community which will contribute in us achieving net zero within the community.

What have we done?

Manningham Council has rolled out many initiatives over recent years to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These initiatives have included the introduction of:

  • energy efficient LED streetlights,
  • a low emission Electric Vehicle Council fleet,
  • solar power, and
  • green power purchasing and a wind-powered electricity supply through the Victorian Energy Collaboration (VECO).

To provide your feedback about the draft Climate Emergency Action Plan, visit yoursay.manningham.vic.gov.au/climate-action