Media release: New online space for climate action

4 Sep 2023
Resilient Environment

Community members have a new, dedicated online space to keep up-to-date and get involved in Manningham’s climate change response.

Council declared a climate emergency in 2020 and endorsed the Manningham Climate Emergency Action Plan last December.

Since that time, we have taken steps towards achieving net zero emissions for the organisation’s operations by 2028 and for the community by 2035 including:

  • Car share services provided by GoGet are now operating across Doncaster Hill.
  • Feasibility studies for public Electric Vehicle charging in popular destinations across the city.
  • Several sites fitted with solar panels and some with batteries to run off renewable energy including: Aquarena, Civic Centre, MC Square, Pines Learning, Ajani Centre, Petty’s Reserve Pavilion, Lower Templestowe Community Centre, Heimat House, Domeney Community Hall and Burch Memorial Kinder.
  • Subsidies provided to several local households for installation of solar, battery and other building energy saving measures, with further rounds of subsidies available for all residents.
  • Conversion of over 1,080 main road streetlights to LED lights.
  • Introduction of FOGO to households with a 98.62 per cent increase in residents using their green lid bin.
  • $160k plus invested in grants to landowners for the preservation of biodiversity and native bushland, with $65k available in this year’s Local Environment Assistance Fund.
  • A wide range of regular community workshops, events and activities including solar and electric vehicle training, nature walks, animal encounters, community gardening and tree planting days.

The new webpage will house the Plan, which has been renamed the Climate Emergency Response Plan, as a result of feedback received during eight months of consultation.

Mayor, Cr Deirdre Diamante said Council was committed to transparency and accountability when it came to actions addressing climate change.

“During eight months of consultation you told us, while there was strong support for the Plan, it needed to be taken further.

“We listened and have developed a dedicated online space, to house the strategic Climate Emergency Response Plan and our upcoming Implementation Plan, that will outline our yearly actions.

“Soon we’ll begin working in partnership with our community on that Implementation Plan towards achieving net zero by 2035.”

Cr Diamante said climate change affects everyone and it will take a community effort to respond to the climate emergency locally.

“We can all be part of the response. We want to make it as easy as possible for our community to follow our progress and get involved.

“It is critical we are prepared to tackle climate risks including extreme weather, heatwaves, bushfires, storms, and flooding,” Cr Diamante added.

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More information on the CERP