Apply for a community partnership grant

The Community Partnership Grant is a category of the Community Grant Program. The grant allows not-for-profit groups and organisations to develop longer term community and cultural development outcomes that benefits our residents.


The grant funds strategic partnerships that supports our priorities set out in the:


What the grant hopes to achieve

The aim of the grant is to:

  • strengthen community connections and a sense of belonging through cultural and social inclusion
  • improve the health and wellbeing of the community
  • provide affordable community programs by specialist groups or organisations in response to demonstrated community needs or service gaps
  • support a safer and more resilient community
  • encourage relationships between ourselves, groups and organisations for the benefit of our community.


When does the funding round begin

The Community Partnership Grants funding round occurs every four years. 

The next funding round will open in 2026


How much funding is available for the grant

Funding up to $50,000 per year to a total of $200,000 over four years.


Organisations the grant will prioritise

The grant will prioritise funding for groups that address:

  • youth mental health
  • climate change adaptation
  • reconciliation
  • prevention of family violence
  • legal services to support at risk residents
  • improved social and emotional wellbeing
  • increased active living
  • increased connection to and engagement in community life
  • access to healthy eating
  • reduced injury and harm.

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    Grant Finder

    Grant Finder brings together grants from national, state, and local government along with opportunities from corporate organisations and foundations.

    This service is open to all local businesses, community groups, not-for-profits, and individuals. 

    Register online to receive email alerts about upcoming funding opportunities.