Tikalara Park

Dogs on lead

Tikalara Park is located where the Mullum Mullum Creek and the Yarra River join. It forms part of the Yarra Valley Parklands on Crown Land managed by Parks Victoria (which supports the Mullum Mullum/Main Yarra Trail) and Manningham freehold land parcels.

Generally Tikalara can be defined as the area north of Websters Road and between Mullum Mullum Creek/Yarra River to the west and Blackburn Road to the east. 

The reserve provides flora and fauna,  informal recreation, linear park and unstructured nature play.

Fire safety at Tikalara Park

All Manningham reserves are closed on days of total fire ban, or higher extreme or catastrophic Fire Danger Rating. Visiting a reserve on these days places you at risk and potentially in danger.

To check the current Fire Danger Rating or find out if it’s a total fire ban day, go to the CFA website

CFA's Fire Danger Rating scale, a half circle comprised of four coloured wedges titled moderate, high, extreme and catastrophic

Report an issue

Please let us know if you notice anything unsafe, like a broken tree branch or damaged playground.   

What we do to reduce fire risk at Tikalara Park

Finer fuels such as leaf litter, tree branches and twigs raise the level of risk within reserves. Large fallen trees require a much higher level of heat to burn and provide habitats for native wildlife.

Here are some actions we take throughout the year to reduce the fire risk at this reserve:

  • create and maintain fuel breaks within the reserve
  • maintain grass heights with slashing, brush cutting and tractors year round
  • remove fine fuels such as loose and fallen branches
  • annual inspection and maintenance of Fire Access Tracks, to ensure emergency service vehicles can access the reserve
  • inspect access points, gates and locks

We manage 20 per cent of the land in Manningham, but the other 66 per cent is privately owned. Visit the CFA website for information on how to prepare your private property for fire.

Safer Together

Watch the video below to learn more about:

  • different types of vegetation
  • how a fire may behave within the reserve
  • how to prepare for a fire