Launders Reserve

Dogs on lead

Launders Reserve is a small area between the Wonga Park shopping centre carpark and Yarra Street that functions as an urban plaza. It has a pedestrian path, seat, picnic setting and a horse hitching post beneath three large pines, and remnant vegetation which forms a buffer to the adjacent Freyne Street Biosite 7.

Launders Reserve upgrade

We're upgrading Launders Reserve.

What's included in the upgrade?

The upgrade will include:

  • new seats
  • new picnic table
  • new charcoal coloured concrete path
  • rocks and planting.

The existing hitching post and pine trees will be retained.

When will it be done?

Construction is scheduled to begin in mid 2024 and will take up to a month to complete, depending on weather conditions. Construction will generally occur between 7.00am and 5.00pm on weekdays.

Works starting

Works will begin from the 5 August. This includes the footpath and furniture upgrade. 

More information

Launders Reserve upgrade
Launders Reserve upgrade
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