Burgundy Reserve

Drinking water
Off Lead Areas
Sheltered picnic areas
Sports fields

We're upgrading the facilities at Burgundy Reserve. To provide feedback on the upgrade, visit Your Say Manningham.

The 16,137m2 (1.6 hectare) Burgundy Reserve has been set aside for local sporting purposes. It contains a large open level area which serves as an informal oval including a cricket pitch skirted by a gravel path, a picnic table and shelter, seating, drinking fountain, litter bin, play equipment and plantings.

The sportsground is currently used by football clubs for pre-season training during the summer months and by St Gregory’s Primary School for sporting activities throughout the year.

The large expanse of open space also provides further potential for recreation opportunities for local residents. Play equipment caters for 1 to 5 year olds and will always be restricted by the limited amount of space in this part of the Reserve.


Places and spaces

  • playing field
  • picnic shelter
  • play equipment


Facilities for hire

Burgundy Reserve offers sport ground and cricket pitch hire options. 
Contact us for bookings and fees. 

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