North East Link

The State Government has now commenced works for the North East Link Program (NELP).

For NELP and construction information and updates, call 1800 105 105 or visit

The project will include construction of the North East Link Tunnels, which will connect the Metropolitan ring road (M80) and Eastern Freeway (M3), as well as:

  • the completion of the Ring Road in Greensborough 
  • an overhaul the Eastern Freeway
  • Melbourne’s first dedicated busway
  • the North East Trail – more than 34km of walking and cycling paths.

North East Link is split into five construction packages, with the following three located in Manningham:

  • Central/tunnels
  • South
  • East

Council is continuing to work diligently alongside North East Link Program and State Government on all aspects of the project. 

We’re committed to representing community interests with the aim of mitigating impacts, as far practicable, to the community.


North East Link map
Related North East Link news

Sports and recreation

Bulleen Park

Bulleen Park










Bulleen Park is being upgraded to support sporting clubs during the construction of North East Link. 

Future redevelopment of Bulleen Park will allow for continued use of the sporting and recreation facilities during the delivery and following the completion of the North East Link Program (NELP).

The redevelopment will result in a major upgrade to the football (AFL) and cricket facilities and include:

  • two new replacement pavilions
  • realignment and redevelopment of the three existing sports ovals
  • upgrades to sports field lighting, cricket nets, and fencing
  • planting of new trees and vegetation
  • upgrading playground equipment and park amenities
  • reconfigured car parking.

The project is expected to be completed by 2028. During this period, NELP will continue to provide user groups with construction updates to keep the community informed of progress and milestones.

Bulleen Park FAQs for sporting clubs, March 2025



Powerful Owl Park

Soccer field at Powerful Owl Park, Bulleen

Manningham's newest and much anticipated soccer facility, Powerful Owl Park is now completed.

Development Victoria worked in conjunction with North East Link Program (NELP) to deliver the facility to ensure community impacts are minimised by changes at Bulleen Park.

We will manage the facility on behalf of NELP, as part of the overall management of Manningham sporting reserves, and in accordance with required conditions of use.

The new sporting facility will include:

  • three soccer fields (two natural turf and one synthetic pitch)
  • a sports pavilion with tiered seating and player change rooms, umpire and first aid amenities
  •  176 car park spaces
  • a nature play area; and,
  • walking and cycling connections to the Yarra River.

We worked diligently alongside North East Link Program and the State Government for a commitment to deliver the facility and to ensure community impacts are minimised by changes at Bulleen Park.

Powerful Owl Park FAQs, July 2024

Park and Ride

Doncaster Park and Ride

Doncaster Park and Ride will be upgraded as part of NELP. We are advocating that the Doncaster Busway (including the Bulleen Park and Ride) be designed to operate and function as part of a network-wide Bus Rapid Transit system. This is beyond the busway corridor that is proposed along the Eastern Freeway between Hoddle Street and Doncaster Road.

We are also advocating for the State Government and NELP to amend the NELP Doncaster Park and Ride reference design to a mixed-use transit-oriented development. 

At this stage the State Government has only committed to a like for like upgrade, which will result in the reconstruction of the Park and Ride to be retained as a carpark only.



Bulleen Park and Ride

Bulleen Park and Ride is now open. The new bus station on the corner of Thompsons Road and Kampman Street in Bulleen is the first part of the Eastern Express Busway – Melbourne's first dedicated busway from Doncaster towards the city and features:

  • parking for 370 cars 
  • bike storage
  • pick-up and drop-off bays
  • a 5000 square metre green roof.



Templestowe Road 

We have successfully negotiated for the Victorian Government to commence detailed planning work and a business case for the duplication and upgrade of Templestowe Road (from Bridge Street to Thompsons Road). This will include shared pedestrian and bike paths along the north side.




Tree planting

NELP will plant two replacement trees for every tree removed during construction of the project.

A key objective for Council is to ensure that the loss of tree canopy and vegetation is minimised and mitigated. We're working closely with NELP to identify appropriate locations for early tree planting to occur to allow the new canopy to establish. Some early planting has already occurred across various locations in Manningham, including Katrina Reserve (Doncaster) and Finns Reserve (Lower Templestowe).

Council has planted more than 500 trees since 2022 within various reserves in Manningham on behalf of NELP. We will continue to support the early planting program.



River Red Gum, Bulleen

The historic 300 year old River Red Gum on Bridge Street in Bulleen is in close proximity to major North East Link works and must be protected. This tree is a local landmark, pre-dates European settlement and is an important example of our environmental heritage.

We will continue to regularly attend when works are being undertaken near the tree to ensure that appropriate mitigation measures are undertaken.


Air quality and noise

We are continuing to advocate to NELP and other State authorities to ensure that all appropriate measures are taken to mitigate the air quality impacts of the project on the health and wellbeing of the local community.

We are also working closely with NELP to ensure that noise associated with construction is mitigated as far as practicable. Any noise emitting works that may exceed noise levels are also planned to occur either during the day or early in the night, as far as practicable. Affected residents are also notified prior to the works that noise may occur during a time period with a direct NELP contact provided to them to call where concerns are raised.

Get in touch about the NELP

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