Lighting fires and open air burning

The Fire Danger Period is now in effect for Manningham

Read the information below to understand your responsibilities before lighting a fire outdoors. The CFA has more information about what you can and can't do during the Fire Danger Period.

Manningham Community Local Law provides rules around lighting fires and open-air burning.

This applies to anyone who wants to light a fire in the open air or incinerator for fuel reduction and fires lit for warmth or cooking.

These laws help make sure that burning is done safely and has no impact on neighbours or the environment.


Lighting a fire for warmth or cooking food

You can light a fire for warmth or to cook food without a permit as long as you follow the requirements of the Community Local Law.


What you need to know before lighting a fire

Before you light a fire, find out what you can and can't do.

This applies if you are lighting a fire for any reason in Manningham.

Do not light a fire:

  • on a road, Council, Crown land or in a public place
  • on vacant land
  • when a smog alert has been declared by Environment Protection Authority of Victoria
  • when a day of total fire ban has been declared by the Country Fire Authority
  • when a fire danger period has been declared under the Country Fire Authority Act 1958.

Make sure:

  • the fire is always supervised by an adult
  • you have equipment and can put the fire out if required or directed
  • material burning is dead and dry, and the wind is not exceeding 20 km/h
  • there is a 3 metre clearing around the fire for safety
  • smoke from the fire is not hazardous to health, excessive, offensive or a nuisance
  • do not burn anything which is offensive, noxious, or toxic.


Do I need a permit to burn off on my property?

Open air burning (burning off) can be conducted on properties as long as you follow the follow the conditions of the Local Law.

If your land is less than 2,501 square metres: Open air burning is not permitted. You can only light a fire for the purposes of warmth and food preparation.

If your land is 2,501 square metres and larger: You can conduct open air burning without a permit, provided certain conditions are met.

Open air burning means: a fire lit in the open air or within an incinerator for the purpose of burning vegetation for fuel control or reduction purposes.  

If you cannot comply with the requirements you cannot light your fire without a permit from Council.

Contact us to discuss your options.


Additional requirements for open air burning

Before you conduct open air burning you must understand your requirements under the Community Local Law.

Burning must be done safely and have no impact on your neighbours or the environment.

Look at alternative options like booking a bundled branches collection.


Is your land located west of Mullum Mullum Creek?

Open air burning can only be conducted during the months of May, October and November for land located west of Mullum Mullum creek. 


Do not burn:

  • if your land is less than 2,501 square metres
  • on vacant land
  • on Sunday
  • within 10 metres of a neighbouring property
  • between sunset and sunrise
  • if you can not comply with the general burning provisions in clause 33 of the Community Local Law


When burning off make sure:

  • your land is 2,501 square metres and larger
  • the material to be burnt is not larger than 200mm in diameter
  • only a single pile is ignited at any time
  • only one pile of material is lit at any time 
  • the ignited pile is not larger than two cubic metres in size
  • register to burn with Triple Zero Victoria prior to ignition.

Community Local Law

Section 32. Fires on public land

A person must not light a fire:

  • on a road (including a road reserve, footpath or nature strip)
  • on Council land
  • on Crown land that is vested in or is under the control of Council; or
  • in a public place

unless they have obtained Council’s prior written consent. 

Section 33. General provisions when lighting fires 

33.1 A person who has lit or allowed a fire to remain alight must ensure that:

  • the fire is supervised by an adult at all times
  • sufficient fire protection equipment is available to extinguish the fire if required or directed
  • the material to be burnt is:
    i. dead and dry prior to lighting it
    ii. a specific material designed for the purposes of meal preparation or personal comfort
  • at the site of the fire, the wind speed must not exceed 20 kilometres per hour
  • the ground and air space within a distance of three metres from the outer perimeters and uppermost point of the fire are clear of flammable material; and
  • the land is not vacant.

 33.2 A person must not light a fire on any land:

  • when a smog alert has been declared by Environment Protection Authority of Victoria
  • when a day of total fire ban has been declared by the Country Fire Authority
  • when a fire danger period has been declared under the Country Fire Authority Act 1958 without first obtaining a permit from the Municipal Fire Prevention Officer or the Country Fire Authority
  • where the smoke from that fire is excessive, offensive or a nuisance to another person in the vicinity, or beyond the property boundary
  • where the fire causes a hazard to a person’s health
  • where the fire has an adverse impact on visibility beyond the property boundary, including reducing the visibility of motorists and other users of a public road
  • where the fire creates a hazard on, or near, a public road. 

 33.3 A person must not light a fire on land to burn, cause or allow to be burnt any:

  • green or wet material
  • non timber based building materials
  • rubber or plastic, including plastic mulch, plant pots and packaging materials
  • furnishings and carpet
  • manufactured chemicals
  • petroleum or oil products
  • paint, including any container in which item is kept
  • food waste, manure and straw
  • carcasses or dead animals, unless prescribed by the Department of Primary Industries as the only means of disposal
  • other offensive, noxious or toxic matter. 
Section 34. Open air burning

DEFINITION: For the purposes of clause 34, the term ‘Open air burning’ is defined under the Local Law to mean a fire lit in the open air or within an incinerator for the purpose of burning vegetation for fuel control or reduction purposes.

34.1 A person must not conduct open air burning on land having a total area less than or equal to 2,500 square metres.

34.2 The restriction in sub-clause 34.1 does not apply to:

  • a barbecue, pizza oven or other properly constructed appliance while it is being used for cooking food
  • a fire in a brazier or chimenea while it is being used for heating
  • a tool of trade while being used for the purpose for which it was designed
  • a fire lit during the course of duty by a member of a fire and emergency services agency
  • a fire where the Council has granted a permit because it considers that the specific circumstances of the case enable it to provide an exemption
  • a fire lit for the purposes of meal preparation or personal comfort. 

34.3 Where a person wants to burn in the open air under this clause and the requirements in sub-clause 34.4 cannot be complied with, a person must first obtain a permit from Council.

34.4 A person may conduct open air burning on land where the land size is equal to or greater than 2,501 square metres provided that:

  • the general burning provisions in clause 33 are complied with
  • the land is not vacant
  • it is not a Sunday
  • no burning, or any fire remains alight in the open air prior to sunrise, or after sunset
  • the fire is not within 10 metres of any neighbouring property
  • the maximum diameter of any material which is to be burnt is 200mm
  • only a single pile is ignited at any time and must be no greater than 2 cubic metres in size
  • prior to ignition, the fire has been registered to burn with the Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority
  • if the land is located to the West of the Mullum Mullum Creek, the open air burning is only conducted on that land during the months of May, October and November.  
Section 35. Extinguishing fires

A person who has lit or allowed a fire to remain alight contrary to the provisions in this Part or any condition contained in a permit, must extinguish the fire immediately on being directed to do so by:

  • an Authorised Officer, or
  • a member of Victoria Police, Country Fire Authority or Fire Rescue Victoria. 
Section 36. Chimneys

A person who owns or occupies land must not allow any chimney on that land to discharge, ash, smoke or dust to such an extent that it becomes a public nuisance, or is dangerous or is likely to be dangerous to the health and safety of any person or animal, or is harming or likely to be harmful to the environment. 

Frequently asked questions


Who can light fires and conduct open air burning

I live on land less than 2,501 square metres. Can I light a fire?

There has been no change to current laws. On land of this size a fire can only be lit for the purposes of warmth and food preparation.

You must comply with the General Provisions for burning as listed in Clause 33 of the Local Law.

I live on land greater than 2,501 square metres. Can I light a fire?

The change to the Local Law means properties that are 2,501 square metres and larger will no longer require a permit for open air burning provided certain conditions are met.

These conditions are contained in Local Law Clause 34.

Please note that the existing provision which applies to properties located to the west of Mullum Mullum Creek still limits open air burning to the months of May, October and November.
As the person lighting the fire you must ensure you comply with ALL the requirements set out in the Local Law in Clause 33 and 34.

You will still need to give notice to ESTA (Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority) prior to the burn on 1800 668 511 (Prevents unnecessary response from fire brigades).

I live on a property west of Mullum Mullum Creek on a site with an area greater than 2500 sqm. Can I conduct open air burning for fuel reduction purposes?

You can carry out open air burning but only during the months of May, October and November.

You must also comply with Clause 33 and Clause 34 of the Manningham Community Local Law.

I want to conduct open air burning but can’t comply with the requirements as set out in Clause 34

Open Air Burning outside these regulations will require landowners to obtain a permit from Council before burning off.

Can I light a fire for warmth or to cook food in my back yard?


You can light a fire for warmth or to cook on your property. You must comply with the General Provisions for burning as listed in Clause 33 of the Local Law.

Can I light a fire on Council land, such as a reserve, nature strip or road reserve?


You are not permitted to light any fires on Council land, Crown Land or public place without first getting written approval.

See Clause 32 of the Manningham Community Local Law.

Can I conduct an open air burn on my land to reduce fuel loads (vegetation) and prepare my property for the summer?

Make sure you meet all the requirements of Clause 33 and Clause 34 of Manningham Community Local Law.

What are the requirements around burning?

Can I let my fire burn overnight if I'm burning off on my land?


If you want your fire to burn overnight, you will need to get a Permit to conduct an Open-Air Burn from Council before you begin burning off.

Can I burn off during the declared fire danger period?


The Community Local Law prohibits open air burning during the fire danger period.

However, the Country Fire Authority (CFA) may issue a Permit under the Country Fire Authority Act.

Do I have to put out my fire if told to?


You must put your fire out if Council, a member of Victoria Police, Country Fire Authority (CFA) or Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) tells you to.

See Clause 35 of the Manningham Community Local Law 2023.

Permit to burn

How do I know if I am eligible for a permit to burn?

There may be circumstances whereby Council will issue a permit to burn to landowners that cannot comply with the conditions as listed in Clause 34.

Council gives due regard to the following when assessing permit applications: 

  • The size of the land 
  • That the land is in a designated bushfire risk area 
  • That the burn off is strictly for fire prevention purposes only 
  • The ability of the landowner to remove the vegetation via more appropriate methods 
  • The proximity to neighbouring assets and property and any smoke nuisance 
How do I determine the general size of my property?

Contact us to confirm the correct size of your property, so you are aware of the regulations that may apply to your land.

How do I apply for a permit to conduct open air burning?
  • You can contact Council and we will discuss the application with you. 
  • As part of an application an inspection of the burn site and material to be burnt will need to occur. 
  • If a permit is issued it will only be issued for prescribed date/s. 
  • Where the permit is for vacant land, a fee is required to be paid prior to a permit being issued. 
  • Please allow up to 10 business days for any application to be processed. Note that a longer period may be required should further information be required. 
What happens if I want to conduct an open-air burn outside of the provisions as listed in Community Local Law Clause 34?

If you are unable to meet the requirements of this clause, you will need to apply for a Permit to Burn from Manningham Council.

You will need to tell us why you can’t comply with Clause 34 of the Manningham Community Local Law 2023.

Your permit application will be assessed by an officer, including an inspection of the land.

Where a Permit to Burn is to be issued, it will be issued with specific conditions and only for a set time frame.

Can I light a fire on vacant land without a permit?


A Permit to conduct an Open-Air Burn will need to be applied for from Council.

On this page


    • Community Local Law 2023
      Community Local Law 2023
      3.54 MB
    • Fact sheet - Lighting fires and open air burning
      Fact sheet - Lighting fires and open air burning
      111.27 KB
    • Fact sheet - Lighting fires for warmth and food preparation
      Fact sheet - Lighting fires for warmth and food preparation
      98.88 KB

    Interpreter service

    Communicate with us through the Interpreter service if you do not speak or understand English.

    Translated factsheets

    • Lighting fires and open air burning in Arabic - إشعال النار – الحرق في الخلاء
      Lighting fires and open air burning in Arabic - إشعال النار – الحرق في الخلاء
      254.67 KB
    • Lighting fires for warmth and food preparation in Arabic - إشعال النار - التدفئة وإعداد الطعام.
      Lighting fires for warmth and food preparation in Arabic - إشعال النار - التدفئة وإعداد الطعام.
      229.78 KB
    • Lighting fires and open air burning in simplified Chinese - 生火──露天焚烧
      Lighting fires and open air burning in simplified Chinese - 生火──露天焚烧
      295.98 KB
    • Lighting fires for warmth and food preparation in simplified Chinese - 生火──取暖及烹饪
      Lighting fires for warmth and food preparation in simplified Chinese - 生火──取暖及烹饪
      252.96 KB
    • Lighting fires and open air burning in traditional Chinese - 生火──露天焚燒
      Lighting fires and open air burning in traditional Chinese - 生火──露天焚燒
      309.15 KB
    • Lighting fires for warmth and food preparation in traditional Chinese - 生火──取暖及煮食
      Lighting fires for warmth and food preparation in traditional Chinese - 生火──取暖及煮食
      260.03 KB
    • Lighting fires and open air burning in Farsi - روشن کردن آتش - سوزاندن در فضای باز
      Lighting fires and open air burning in Farsi - روشن کردن آتش - سوزاندن در فضای باز
      227.91 KB
    • Lighting fires for warmth and food preparation in Farsi - روشن کردن آتش - گرما و تهیه غذا.
      Lighting fires for warmth and food preparation in Farsi - روشن کردن آتش - گرما و تهیه غذا.
      223.07 KB
    • Lighting fires and open air burning in Greek - Άναμμα φωτιάς - καύση σε υπαίθριο χώρο
      Lighting fires and open air burning in Greek - Άναμμα φωτιάς - καύση σε υπαίθριο χώρο
      140.18 KB
    • Lighting fires for warmth and food preparation in Greek - Άναμμα φωτιάς - ζεστασιά και προετοιμασία φαγητού
      Lighting fires for warmth and food preparation in Greek - Άναμμα φωτιάς - ζεστασιά και προετοιμασία φαγητού
      138.21 KB
    • Lighting fires and open air burning in Italian - Accensione di fuochi - combustione all'aperto
      Lighting fires and open air burning in Italian - Accensione di fuochi - combustione all'aperto
      111.24 KB
    • Lighting fires for warmth and food preparation in Italian - Accensione di fuochi riscaldarsi e preparare il cibo
      Lighting fires for warmth and food preparation in Italian - Accensione di fuochi riscaldarsi e preparare il cibo
      101.21 KB