Showing Well Governed Council

Media Releases

generic images by stephanie gall
Manningham Council is reviewing its governance rules to provide even higher levels of transparency in its Council...
Well Governed Council
generic images by stephanie gall
I am pleased that the warmer months are approaching, giving us more opportunity to get out and about. Although...
Well Governed Council
generic images by stephanie gall
At the Council meeting on 24 August 2021, we adopted our new Council Plan 2021 – 2025. Our Plan is the key strategy that...
Well Governed Council
generic images by stephanie gall
Manningham Council is offering up to $50,000 a year, up to four years, to help not-for-profit groups and organisations...
Well Governed Council
generic images by stephanie gall
Just when we thought things were improving, we find ourselves back in another lockdown. The lockdown we have just had...
Well Governed Council
generic images by stephanie gall
Property owners with a swimming pool or spa need to comply with the State Government’s new pool safety legislation by...
Well Governed Council
generic images by stephanie gall
I hope you and your families have been able to join in and celebrate our diverse and inclusive community through various...
Well Governed Council
generic images by stephanie gall
Manningham Council’s road maps for the future, outlined in the Council Plan 2021-2025 and the 10 Year Financial Plan...
Well Governed Council
generic images by stephanie gall
Our 2021/22 Budget is now ready to deliver following endorsement at the Ordinary Council Meeting this week. We will...
Well Governed Council