Showing Resilient Environment

Media Releases

CS Solar Savers Installation Photo
We are leading the way in energy efficiency with the installation of over 700 kilowatts of solar panels across 19...
Resilient Environment
Green roof with solar panels
Solar Subsidies and discounts are available for Manningham homeowners to install high quality, affordable rooftop solar...
Resilient Environment
Water is fundamental to the health and wellbeing of our community and the liveability of Manningham.
Resilient Environment
Victoria’s first Container Deposit Scheme (CDS Vic) starts from Wednesday 1 November 2023. Soon you will be able to...
Healthy Community
Community members can keep up-to-date and get involved with our climate change response on our new, dedicated online...
Resilient Environment
Our street lights will be more sustainable thanks to an upgrade to energy efficient LED lights. These lights use 60 per...
Healthy Community
Old soft plastics wrappers scrunched up in a pile
Like our community, we were disappointed to hear the REDcycle soft plastics collection program has been put on hold. We...
Resilient Environment
We are inviting everyone back to Ruffey Lake Park to plant this National Tree Day. Join around 300,000 other Australians...
Resilient Environment
During Plastic Free July we are going to be out and about at our pop-up stalls. Come along and chat to us about your...
Healthy Community