Volunteer members of the local Women’s Friendship Group have been helping seniors cope during recent months by sewing face masks and making Winter Warmth care packs for friends of the group and Meals on Wheels clients.
The Women’s Friendship Group (WFG) is a non-denominational, non-political, multicultural group for senior women from culturally diverse communities who meet in friendship and harmony to overcome social and cultural isolation.
The WFG has been acutely aware of the trauma and difficulty felt within the senior community during the pandemic. Seniors were recommended to ‘socially distance’ from loved ones and friends and stay isolated in their homes during the days. Many older people were in the habit of going to shopping centres or libraries on cold days to avoid always using their electricity/gas to heat their homes to save on energy costs.
So the WFG started making Winter Warmth care packs to deliver to these vulnerable members of the community. Each care pack consisted of a cotton drawstring bag carrying a set of woollen/polyester thermal underwear, a winter warmth item such as fingerless gloves or a scarf, and a note of friendship. These were then distributed by the WFG Committee members working together with the Council officers who have been delivering Meals on Wheels to clients.
The group has continued to make three-layer washable waterproof masks for all its members and are also working with us to make 500 new masks for Access Health and Community clients.
The WFG will celebrate its 14th anniversary on Friday 25 September 2020.