What’s your vision for our activity centres?

24 Apr 2024
Liveable Places and Spaces

This consultation has now closed.

We’re inviting the community to have their say on our Activity Centre Design Concepts.

Take the survey

We're creating principles to guide good design for neighbourhood activity centres and inviting the community to contribute.

With the population expected to increase to more than 140,000 people in the next 12 years, activity centres will play an integral role in accommodating urban growth and development in Manningham.

The Activity Centre Design Concepts include objectives under six key themes:

  1.  Building height
  2. Residential interfaces
  3. Architectural presentation
  4. Public realm
  5. Sustainability
  6. Access and car parking.

Manningham Mayor, Councillor Carli Lange said, “We want to hear from the community on how we can best accommodate growth and development, while ensuring that our activity centres and surrounding neighbourhoods maintain their liveability”.

“If you’re a resident, chances are you regularly visit at least one of our vibrant activity centres across the municipality,” Cr Lange said.

“We want to ensure that they continue to provide desirable destinations for people to live, shop, work and play – offering a range of retail, office and business opportunities, housing, community and education facilities,” Cr Lange added.

Community feedback on the Activity Centre Design Concepts will help inform the development of our draft Activity Centre Design Guidelines, which will be exhibited for community consultation in 2025.

The guidelines will be used to assess planning permit applications in activity centres as part of the Manningham Planning Scheme.

Our short survey closes on Sunday 16 June.

Participants to the survey will have the chance to enter the draw to win a $100 Westfield gift voucher.

Attend a focus group session

We're running two focus group sessions as part of our consultation for the Manningham Residential Discussion Paper.

With Council's endorsement of the Activity Centre Design Concepts at the 23 April 2024 meeting, these sessions also provide us with an opportunity to hear your views on how we can best manage growth across our activity centres.

We'll also be inviting feedback on the Victorian Government's plan for Victoria - the first statewide strategy to guide Victoria's growth until 2050. We want to make sure that the State Government considers what our community values when they develop their plan.

We hope you can join us to discuss these key strategic projects.