North East Link Program (NELP) has released designs for the first stage of the Eastern Freeway Upgrades from Burke to Tram roads and to complete the M80 Ring Road in Greensborough.
We’ve been working in close collaboration with NELP on the development of the draft Urban Design and Landscape Plan (UDLP) for the Eastern Freeway Upgrades. This is now on exhibition for public comment.
Council will be providing a submission to the UDLP, which will aim to improve the overall design and net community benefit for Manningham residents. However, it is too early in our review process to comment on specific concerns that we will want addressed.
We will be advocating to ensure pedestrian connectivity is maintained, and the designs of the soundwalls meet the expectations of our community and protect local amenity. We will be paying particular attention to the design around Estelle Street in Bulleen and Outhwaite Avenue and Park Avenue in Doncaster to ensure the amenity of adjoining residents is considered.
The designs are generally in accordance with the details presented in the initial reference design for the project (exhibited through the Envrironmental Effects Statement in 2019). Most of the works to the widening of the Eastern Freeway along the Manningham border are contained within the existing freeway road reserve.
We will also be seeking to ensure that there is no net loss of open space due to these works.
The design of the Doncaster Park & Ride facility is not part of this UDLP, and will be subject to a separate UDLP process at a later date.
For more information and to view the UDLP, visit Eastern Freeway Upgrades on Engage Victoria.
What’s next?
North East Link Program will consider all written comments and submissions received, then finalise the UDLP and submit it to the Minister for Planning for approval.
After the Minister for Planning has approved the UDLP, the community will be updated on how feedback was considered.
While North East Link refines the design for the Eastern Freeway Upgrades from Burke Road to Tram Road through this UDLP – you’ll start see the team setting up construction compounds for workers and preparing to build the connection to the North East Link Tunnels.
You can read more on the Big Build website and sign up to receive email updates.
UDLPs for the remaining stages of the Eastern Freeway Upgrades, from Hoddle Street to Burke Road, and from Tram Road to Springvale Road, will be on exhibition from 2024.
Submissions close 5pm, Sunday 29 October 2023.