New Planning Zones - Business as Usual

1 May 2014
Well Governed Council

In July, 2013, the Minister for Planning introduced new residential zones, the Residential Growth Zone (RGZ), General Residential Zone (GRZ) and Neighbourhood Residential Zone (NRZ), requiring all Councils across Victoria to apply them by 1 July, 2014. 

In Manningham these news zones will replace the current Residential 1 and Residential 3 Zones.

At the April Council meeting, Manningham Council endorsed the preparation of Amendment C105 to introduce the new residential zones into the Manningham Planning Scheme.

Manningham Mayor, Cr Jim Grivokostopoulos said Manningham’s well developed Residential Planning Framework means Council is well placed to provide a “policy neutral translation” of its new zones.

“The introduction of the newly named zones will provide more certainty for local residents and developers.”

“Although the names of the zones will change, the overall intent is that a development that would be permitted under the current zone would also be permitted under the new zones.”

Cr Grivokostopoulos said residential growth is a reality and with it comes an increasing demand for more diversity, affordability and housing choice.

“Council needs to plan and manage how we will respond, in a considered way, to meet the diversity of demand within the City driven by new households, changing housing preferences, affordability, an ageing population and migration.”

“Good planning helps us manage where density should occur and in what shape and form to assist in maintaining quality urban character,” he said.

As of 9 May, 2014 residents can visit Council’s New Residential Zones portal (no longer available).

The web portal will include the ability for residents to identify the proposed change to the zoning of their specific property.