New governance rules to guide council meetings

21 Sep 2021
Well Governed Council

Manningham Council is reviewing its governance rules to provide even higher levels of transparency in its Council Meetings and decision making.

The Rules are being amended in accordance with the Local Government Act 2020.

Manningham Mayor, Cr Andrew Conlon said the Rules describe the way Council conducts its Council Meetings and make decisions.

“In this review we are proposing a number of changes including the timing for receiving Notices of Motions, introducing the ability to conclude debate with closing remarks and amending the criteria for recording informal meetings of councillors, to name a few,” he said. 

“We are committed to making decisions based on merit and ensuring anyone whose rights will be directly affected by Council’s decisions are provided the opportunity to be heard and their interests considered.”

All Manningham residents are invited to have their say and provide feedback on the proposed Governance Rules by 4 October.

To review the full set of proposed amendments and provide feedback, visit


Governance Rules
Governance Rules
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