Message from our Mayor and Councillors 8 July 2020

8 Jul 2020
Well Governed Council

Although we have been facing the COVID-19 crisis for some months now, as the Premier announced this week, the pandemic is far from over. 

The number of confirmed cases has continued to grow, so Victoria’s Public Health Team has decided that it is impossible to suppress the virus without taking significant steps. The Premier announced that as at 11.59pm on Wednesday 8 July, the Melbourne metropolitan area is returning to stage three (stay at home) restrictions. 

For the next six weeks, everyone across Manningham and metropolitan Melbourne faces this challenge. But this time we we know that together, we can lower the infection rate by carefully following the safety guidelines.

Under the stage three stay at home restrictions, there are only four reasons for you to leave your home, these are: 

  • shopping for food and other essentials
  • medical purposes and caregiving
  • work and study if it cannot be done from home
  • exercise

There are also no visitors in your home and no more than two people from different households are able to gather in public spaces.

In Manningham, the restrictions will also mean further changes to some of our services and facilities. I encourage everyone to stay up to date by visiting our website pages.

We will see many of our local services, venues, community sport and indoor recreation facilities close during this time, including local playgrounds and outdoor equipment. 

I know we will all adapt to these changes, and I encourage everyone to continue to be kind to others, be kind to those most in need and be kind to yourself.

Over the past few months in Manningham, we have seen some fantastic work from our businesses, community groups, clubs and organisations as we have all adapted to the restrictions of COVID-19. I also wanted to acknowledge the extrordinary work of our health care workers in helping to keep us all safe.

Thank you to everyone in Manningham who has responded with flexibility and resilience to what is a very challenging time. 

Please continue to follow the Department of Health and Human Services advice to reduce the risk of COVID-19 to yourself, your family, friends and neighbours in Manningham.

Stay safe and well.
Cr Paul McLeish