A message from Manningham Council

20 Aug 2020
Well Governed Council

Thank you to everyone in our Manningham community over the past fortnight as we have all learnt to adapt to yet more new ways of doing things.

Thank you for continuing to respond with flexibility, patience and resilience to this very challenging time and for your ongoing support for your neighbours and your community.

We have a wonderful story in this edition of Manningham Matters e-news about a volunteer in our community, Richard Thomson, who has been very active in the conservation of native orchids in Manningham for over 20 years. Richard recently received a Medal of the Order of Australia recognising his work and you can read our interview with him here.

We also have details about our new Parks Improvement Program which lays out a plan to renew and upgrade over 300 parks and reserves in Manningham over the next 20 years, including a number of new parks and reserves and extensions to existing parks. Read our story here.

Plan Manningham 2021+

Last year we asked you to Imagine Manningham in 2040 and heard some great ideas for Council to work on in several priority areas over the long term.

We’re now moving from imagining to planning. We recognise that the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic over the past few months may have changed priorities across our community and want to know what you think Council should focus on for the next four years.

Help us Plan Manningham 2021+. We want to hear from you.

Be kind to business

Many local businesses are still open and have adapted their operations to continue providing our community with their goods and services. Manningham Business has curated a list of businesses who you can support during this challenging time.

Keep supporting our businesses by buying local, following small businesses on social media, leaving a positive review of your favourite business online or telling your local community what services and businesses you value.

We’re here to help

We know this continues to be a difficult time for everyone and we’re here to help. Our community connect hotline is now available seven days a week, from 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday and from 10.00am to 3.00pm each Saturday and Sunday.

If you need support during this time, contact us to speak with someone who can connect you with a range of social support groups and resources depending on your needs.

Stay safe and well.

From all of us at Manningham Council.