Manningham Council’s proposed 2016/17 Annual Budget and the 2016/17 proposed Strategic Resource Plan and Annual Initiatives have been adopted in principle and are on public exhibition until Thursday 26 May.
The proposed 2016/17 Budget outlines how Council will deliver services and invest in community asset improvements throughout the city with a budget of $138.47 million.
Manningham Mayor Cr Jennifer Yang said in the final year of this Council it is important to reflect on the opportunities, pressures and challenges which have influenced Council’s decision making and put our community in a strong position to face the future.
“Council has been aware of the impending introduction of rate capping and over recent years has purposefully set out to manage expenditure growth, while still preserving our investment in community assets and our capital program and services.
“The future effect of the rate cap in the years beyond 2017 is yet to be tested and this new environment will require ongoing conversations with the community about our City’s future priorities and services,” she said.
Manningham Council’s proposed 2016/17 Annual Budget, allocates $90.6 million to deliver services and a further $47.87 million to the capital program. Some highlights of the capital budget are:
- The replacement of approx 130,000 waste bins throughout the municipality that are at the end of their useful life - $5.8 million
- Community Building and building improvement projects - $14.54 million
- Road related projects including ongoing refurbishment and renewal of local roads - $10.44 million
- New footpath construction as part of the Principle Pedestrian Network - $0.91 million
- Strategic drainage works to protect properties and assets from inundation - $2.89 million
- Ongoing upgrade and acquisition of parks, open space and streetscapes - $2.68 million.
Through the 2016/17 Budget and Strategic Resource Plan, Council will continue to deliver high quality, responsive, value for money services. The major initiatives outlined in the proposed Strategic Resource Plan for 2016/17 are:
- The development of an Action Plan for the Live Well in Bulleen Community Strengthening Project
- Finalisation and opening of the final one kilometre section of the Mullum Mullum Trail between Park and Heads roads
- Advocating to Public Transport Victoria and Transdev to improve bus services and increase capacity on the bus network in Manningham by 30 June 2017
- To complete 40 per cent of construction of the Mullum Mullum Stadium
- Continue to implement the actions of the 2011-2030 Economic Development Strategy with a strong focus on engaging local businesses that results in ten per cent increases in subscribers and local directory contacts
- The development of a new Council Plan in consultation with the community.
Public Consultation
Copies of the proposed Annual Budget and Strategic Resource Plan are available on Council’s online consultation portal “Your Say Manningham”, at the Civic Centre, Municipal Depot and public libraries in the municipality.
The public exhibition period commences on Thursday 28 April 2016 and concludes on Thursday 26 May 2016. Written submissions must be received by Council by 5.00 pm on Thursday 26 May 2016 and maybe lodged:
- online at
- by post to: Group Manager Financial Services, Manningham City Council, PO Box 1, Doncaster, 3108.
Submissions received will be reproduced in Council papers and should clearly state whether you also wish to make a verbal presentation to a Committee of Council in support of your written submission.
A list of all submissions received will be presented to a Committee of Council on Tuesday 7 June 2016 and verbal presentations will be heard at that time.
The 2016/17 Annual Budget and Strategic Resource Plan are scheduled to be considered for adoption by Council on Tuesday 28 June 2016.
For more information about the proposed budget and strategic resource plan, please call Council’s Financial Services Unit on 9840 9212. If you have a question about how to lodge a submission, please call Council’s Strategic Governance Unit on 9840 9489.