Media Release: Council review of Domeney Reserve Management Plan

19 May 2016
Liveable Places and Spaces

Manningham Council is reviewing its 2003 Domeney Reserve Management Plan and is inviting comments from the community on what they would like to see for the future of this popular reserve in Park Orchards.

The initial phase of the project includes a review of how the community uses the reserve (including the recreation centre and sports pavilion) via a community survey and consultation with tenants and hirers of the reserve.

It will also include an assessment of the flora and fauna, traffic, car parking and infrastructure within the reserve.

The feedback received via this survey and information gathered during this initial phase will inform the development of a new draft management plan which will include recommendations for the future of the reserve.

The development of the draft Domeney Reserve Management considers:

  • A proposed expansion of the sports pavilion
  • Existing and future usage of Domeney Recreation Centre by tenants and hirers
  • Traffic management and car parking
  • Pedestrian and cycling access
  • Facilities such as picnic tables, barbecues, playground, lighting and amenities
  • Flora and fauna
  • Access into the adjacent 100 Acres Reserve.

Once developed, the draft management plan will be placed on public exhibition, with an opportunity for further community comment.

Community members are invited to have their say by:

  • Completing the community survey online at
  • Requesting a hard copy of the survey by calling 9840 9129.

The survey will close at 5.00 pm on Monday 20 June.